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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. Why you all keep YAS reacting on this? We all know that it will just end up being another thing added to the list of Gaga related things that scrapped
  2. you are right, i took this info from ATRL I just checked and actually Hold My Hand is at #1 for me
  3. It’s Hits Norway - OUT It’s Hits Denmark - OUT It’s Hits Sweden - OUT It’s Hits Suomi - OUT It’s Hits Iceland - OUT
  4. Removed from 2 playlist Viral 50 USA (-361k) Work From Home (-901k) Amazing for our standards
  5. Every day i wake up watching the news and every politician from Turkey threatens Greece with war and threatens to attack the greek islands , if we dont demilitarise them. Ironically exactly near the greek islands , Turkey has the biggest army ready to attack the greek islands. "demilitarisation" does this reminds you anything? Same arguments as Putin. In mean time evry day Turkish aircrafts violoate greek airspace "70+ violations of Greek airspace by Turkish fighter jets, naval cooperation aircraft and UAVs" https://greekcitytimes.com/2022/05/11/greek-airspace-turkish-fighter-jets/ ( this article is for last month , but the same thing is happening every day)
  6. According to Wikipedia : American singer and actress Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) is the most followed movie star on Twitter, with over 84 million followers. A movie star
  7. I blame the Statistics Police aka @BenG for being unprofessional and not mentioning what each acronym stands for
  8. Not you all reacting to this but no one is explaining.
  9. With TTHs and better playlisting it would have fighting for the top 10 spot. I wonder if Gaga knows that her team is incapable of doing anything right or not And wtf Interscope is doing, aren't supposed to be full with professionals that know how the music industry works better than anyone else? I am sure that if all the chartsters here ,were Gaga's managers , Gaga would had already 10 #1s in the US
  10. Oh wow, you just gave me a reason to actually watch and comment on these irrelevant Instagram lives
  11. Are we surprised that her team doesn't do anything right?
  12. I think is a new playlist that HMH was added (360k reach) Obviously below I Ain't Worried #23 I Ain't Worried #29 Hold My Hand #35 The Motto #49 When I am Gone
  13. Exactly, my streams don't count now for Greece and that's why it's flopping there. Well i am not surprised half of the population still thinks that Gaga is walking on the streets every day wearing meat dresses so
  14. My local radio station is using Hold My Hand for its ads and it also plays HMH right now
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