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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. The point is i didn't mention Stupid Love and you can't start attacking me you and @Gagacharts for something we have discussed a long time ago. There was not a discussion about this now, and you and @Gagacharts started talking about this without me or anyone else mentioning it. enjoy your wps and your ban cause you are obviously a new dupe account.
  2. We have been discussing about this topic for months and is totally irrelevant to further discuss it now. So i don't understand what's the point of mentioning it since no one talked about it recently. Pls stop further derailing this thread with irrelevant discussions.
  3. And what's the problem of not liking a song. I don't have a problem with the YouTube views but try to find another argument than shading other users.
  4. Don't worry ,i am not trying to shade you or anything, i am just joking cause i like this algorithm "meme".
  5. songs like Goverment Hooker, Bloody Mary, Heavy Metal Lover, Dance In The Dark are piece of art
  6. Big numbers for Miss Shallow 371 +67 Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (From A Star Is Born/Live From The Oscars) 470,965 446 +25 Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (from A Star Is Born) (Official Music Video) 423,365 900k combined
  7. WARNING An algorithm based chart fact is going to be posted. Keep reading at your own risk 87 -3 Lady Gaga - Hold My Hand (From “Top Gun: Maverick”) [Official Music Video] 974,657 Almost 1m
  8. It's algorithm based system so it's wasn't mandatory, I don't really understand you
  9. Is this about me and the whole forum when I say that Stupid Love is a terrible song?
  10. I am sorry but i don't know if you are allowed to post this. Is your info based on an algorithm or not?
  11. Even Z list artists can add their songs ro TTHs if their label support them. If Gaga's team add HMH to TTHs,it doesn't mean that suddenly they did something amazing. It means that they did the mininal effort they could do and we shouldn't give them extra credits for doing something that is the default for every big artist. But for now they haven't even done this and this is actually tragic.
  12. This video doesn't fit the song at all. Nice song but the video doesn't match with the song, like at all. Who gave the green light for this? Is Gaga's team also work for Shakira?
  13. Already surpassed the streaming giant Anything Goes? Interesting
  14. And a gif that totally represents her team, especially after HMH treatment
  15. Lmao pls, stop make it like they are some marketing genius. I know they are just so bad that we are all like " no they can't be so useless, there must be a clever plan behind it that we can't understand it" Guess what? No there isn't a genius marketing plan behind there decisions. It's just the fact that they are completely useless
  16. Why pushing a song while she can save this money and time for Haus Labs?
  17. I don't get how Easy On Me or Bad Habits aka a 2 year old single is still on TTHs along with songs from Z list singers and forgotten fads like One Republic but Interscope can't put her biggest artist aka Gaga there. The fact that One Republic 's soundtrack song from the same movie has 90m playlist reach while HMH has only the half is embarrassing. Her team is useless
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