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About derpmonster

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  1. Sis pls one of those things is not like the others
  2. How long have you been a monster? I'm originally from India too and honestly when I was growing up there weren't a whole lot of Gaga fans at least where I was. In fact, I didn't become a Gaga fan until 2015.
  3. I know some of y'all don't like Joaquin's voice but I will say he has a very resonant speaking voice. Not everyone does. For example, Gaga's speaking voice isn't particularly resonant unlike her singing (and she's fantastic at adding just the right amount). That makes the talk-singing thing that Philips has been taking about so natural for Joaquin. He barely has any core to his voice when he does that and he sounds like he's singing, not just tracing notes. Gaga shines much more when she sings with her full voice. When she talk-sings, she can sound almost like she's whispering (which can be good--like the end of the first chorus of Is That Alright? but usually it sounds a bit flat and underwhelming like the singing we heard in the trailer or the verse in the parking lot scene in ASIB).
  4. The radio declines on some formats EquilibriumGa strikes again
  5. There's one song that always plays for me on autoplay after DWAS on YouTube Music and I can't figure out why
  6. Maybe she'll retcon DWAS on to LG7 even though it doesn't make sense musically. Kind of like the opposite of Used To Be Young with CVS
  7. Country radio is pretty prejudiced. Smashing on every format would be great ideally but they're not going to touch this song with a 10 foot pole because it's Lady Gaga (and Bruno Mars). Even if she made a song that's more country than a Dolly Parton or Johnny Cash staple and it was a nationwide hit, country radio wouldn't touch it. Sadly that's just the reality.
  8. I still don't get how it's not for Joker. That face is perfect for a Joker smile.
  9. I still remember the day 1 and 2 meltdowns "it only did 4.5M on Spotify despite the YT numbers", "YT is free-falling", "Top 15 on lock" We really are far from the shallow now
  10. I really wish y'all would stop with the whole T*yl*r-pilled "she should release 20000 versions" narrative. Please. We don't need that. Definitely not this week and most likely not in the future. It can hit #1 on its own without cheap tricks. We don't have to fall to the level of chart-obsessed desperate acts. Gaga is too much of a Sophisticated Lady for that Music and the bling, but no tackiness please. Edit: a sped-up version makes since if such a version goes viral first.
  11. Tbh waiting for you to drop the "DWAS is gonna slide past 400M like it ain't nothing" line
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