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The Popster
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About ImTired16

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  1. I dont think I'll ever forget the day Bloodpop asked who we wanted on the Chroma remix album. Someone said "Lil Nas X" And Bloodpop said "I wish" WTF does that mean!?!?! But happy for his success nonetheless.
  2. Gaga is going to win 2 Grammies on Sunday and I dont see one thread talking about it yet? Rotted.
  3. Babylon Jazz version first though? Burn it all to the ground. Lol
  4. Guys. Neither Gaga, businesswoman, nor Interscope are down to throw money down a well. I think about how much money they lost having to postpone, having to change plans not once (covid) but TWICE (BLM), and still a world tour to do a year late. With the Gucci movie, C3C, she's contractually obligated to go back to Vegas eventually. Y'ALL!!!! 911 was the gift for the fans and thats all we get. I will be pleasantly surprised if we get anything else. Fingers still crossed for Babylon HLV and the Sophie songs, but only because Bloodpop himself said so.
  5. I FLEW here. I knew you'd have the tea, Ms Popa. Thank you. Now torch his a** to the GROUND, mama...
  6. At a certain point, youre just throwing money to the wind. I don't blame them for not spending money they won't get a return on.
  7. I can't wait for all the will she/won't she attend, and the "backstage" pics. 2020 really was superior in every way, wasn't it.
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