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A Popster Is Born
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Everything posted by FRANZGA

  1. Hold My Hand, Hold My Hold My Hand, My Hand I'll be right here, HOLD MY HAND
  2. With TTH Top10 placement and Hot Hits placements, was hoping for May 27 - 1.2M May 28 - 1.5M May 29 - 1.3M May 30 - 1.7M May 31 - 1.9M June 01 - 2.2M June 02 - 2.4M A dream
  3. Hoping for Spotify Updates like May 27 - 900k May 28 - 1M May 29 - 900k May 30 - 1.2M May 31 - 1.3M June 01 - 1.4M June 02 - 1.5M
  4. Let's wait for Saturday for the movie effect But fvck Interflop
  5. The song will obviously get a boost from the film We're mad how Gaga is treated like a D-List singer or something streaming playlists wise it's just pure incompetency
  6. Interflop: so what type of promo are we going to make for HMH? Gaga's team or sumthng: the movie will do the job, let's spend the money for planes writing HMH in the sky
  7. In the SMASH MOVIE promo we trust Spotify will have no choice but to put it on playlists by demand since Gaga's team is USELESS.. And don't hit me with that it has to grow organically to be added to playlists cause we've seen a lot of flops that enjoyed playlists residency
  8. It's so annoying how Dua's flops are getting big playlists placements from the get-go while Gaga is struggling to get playlisted I mean, Chromatica Era got a great playlist reach in the first weeks.. were they traumatized by the lack of returns??
  9. Basically the same song but there's something wrong with the sound quality of HMH Album Version.. Single Version is more polished and clean
  10. Not feeling the album version of HMH.. there's something wrong with the mixing or something.. back to the single version
  11. Do we really have to pretend that payola doesnt influence the playlist??
  12. But i already gave you the receipts.. 3.747M for ASIB's SEA Units are with the bradley tracks and dialogues
  13. 3minutes til i listen to the full soundtrack I can taste the Oscars for Score already
  14. Yup, the movie is our biggest promo since Interflop refused to splurge for playlists
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