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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. The DRAMATICS of some people today is just….. as if she hasn’t been teasing music for the past couple of weeks. Like she’s obviously not RETIRING FROM MUSIC
  2. No cares about Billie getting a 2nd songwriting Oscar anyway except maybe Beyoncé and Taylor fans because their faves have been licking the Acadamys a** for years trying to get one, much less a nomination
  3. And I’m pretty sure you have to pay for Canadian carts so hopefully that means that US certs are coming soon
  4. We always said that she would choose to release when the music market was the MOST competitive I still don’t think we’re gonna anything until May/June and I think she’s gonna try and avoid a lot of these spring releases
  5. really hoping Replay can finally have a viral moment that makes it go above 100k at least
  6. Yes, clearly I’m the one seething, crying, fuming. Also given the fact that you have DOUBLE the amount of posts than I do (half of them ranting about a woman with no solid fanbase) I can PROMISE I’m not the one living in a stan bubble here buddy
  7. Dua is doing fine for the streaming era but the REACHING to even compare her to the LEGEND that is Rihanna is just something else I find it hilarious the hills that people will die on, like really, THIS IS HILL you have chosen?
  8. Yes, very shocking that Rihanna’s least radio friendly song about a game involving risking killing yourself wasn’t her most popular single. the picking and choosing is hilarious, Beng is really COMING with stats and I love to see it mind you, Dua wouldn’t even be able to chart with a song ala RR
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