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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Lol at those who doubted Ariana, can’t wait for her to slay with Wicked
  2. Everything about this. Yes. What a beautiful message That’s my f-ing girl
  3. I’m just Ken deserved the Oscar and the performance proved it. That was so f-ing epic.
  4. Cause it wasn’t, the music motif completed copied what WOTW & Skyfall had already done. They need to let Hans Zimmer stop composing these Bond songs cause they ALL SOUND THE SAME (minus vocals of course). But they won’t cause they just keep winning Oscar’s edit: I actually think “Be Alive” should’ve won
  5. It’s so bad hahahahahahaha my fiancé and I LOVE the Oscar’s and are huge movie buffs (watch 60+ new movies every year) and we’re extremely bored
  6. Yes but that wasn’t my point, my point was that we need to stop predicting how something might do based solely on a genre because we suck at predicting things and music if just too fluid for stuff like that. Look at Texas Hold Em? I’m sure the Hive didn’t think a yeeehaw song would give Beyoncé her biggest sit in the last decade. Meanwhile Dua and Ariana’s recent singles are underperforming? I’m sure no one predicted that in 2024 No monster had “Bloody Mary being a Spotify/viral hit” on their 2023 bingo card…..People need to just let things happen and come as they may.
  7. I was thinking about this yesterday and I wanted to formulate my thoughts… Gaga’s “Top 10” on Spotify is a PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHY WE SHOULDNT TELL GAGA TO MAKE A CERTAIN TYPE OF MUSIC. i find it odd that people are screaming about how a rock inspired pop album from Gaga would kill her stats but yet, BTW, her most rock inspired project thus far has had the biggest resurgence of her whole discography. No one would have suspected that an ARIANA GRANDE duet would be out of her top 10 and yet BM and Judas (dark religious pop songs) are sitting right there. Just let Gaga do what she wants, yall begged for an album like Chromatica only to b*ch about it having no longevity. Maybe her darker leaning rock(?) album could do that. I’d rather her try something different and go back towards her BTW rock roots than try to do another upbeat sounding pop album. She has enough of those.
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