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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Ehhh I feel like it’s gonna drop at Cinemacon which I think is around April 9-10 or something. Praying it’s sooner
  2. I will say, it’s so funny how we complaint for so long that she didn’t tease or post any photos and then she did and we complained that we didn’t have enough context and info so she clearly just stopped posting photos after seeing all the b*ching on the comments “y’all don’t like my teasing, then you fags get nothing”
  4. Okay, I’ve been depressed enough about music not yet being here..BUT TIME TO GET HYPED FOR THE JOKER TRAILER!!!!! IM SO READY YALL…EITHER WAY WE GOT SOMETHING ON THE WAY
  5. Tbh we knew this was coming as it was basically stated by the Las Vegas Review or whatever that she was coming back but it sucks that this happened to be the first post after like 6 days of silence after SO MUCH TEASING. Shes such a troll.
  6. Just like the last couple of days…..SOMETHING HAS GOTTA COME WITH HER NEXT POST……right…..
  7. The last “tease” was 5 days ago….it all of a suddenly stopped, idk if she’s planning on posting the Joker Trailer next but I have a feeling she’s saving an announcement for her next post…why would it all of a sudden stop? Ugh PLEASSEEEEE
  8. Even if they were that wouldn’t matter, that doesn’t stop the music branch from nominating Diane Warren every year
  9. Teasing stopped….no post for 4 days….the clowner inside of me thinks something may be coming
  10. I wouldn’t be scared, this is LITERALLY what test screenings are for..to get opinions on a cut of a film before it’s released so that they can fix length or editing in certain places if needed. edit : IF THESE TWEETS ARE EVEN REAL…..they are super vague and they don’t provide a source which is..odd lol
  11. Don’t know where this “test screening” is coming from….i always have a hard time believing stuff like this, my apologies if stuff like this needs to be put in a spoiler…tbh it doesn’t really spoil anything so I didn’t know what I should do ahahahaha
  12. Ari can get her #1 this week and Deeper Well can get it next week hopefully….i love Kacey so much and I love her new album!!!!!! It’s so beautiful. idk Kacey’s voice just does something to me, it’s amazing
  13. yeah to be fair most of us (myself included) thought there was gonna be a concert and more promotion and new stuff but when it turned out to just be Chromatica I quickly realized I needed to temper my expectations….a concert would’ve been great but sadly…no
  14. Saw this on ATRL: apparently a JFAD extra talked about their experience
  15. Yeah I didn’t waste any time/posts on it cause it was so obviously fake HAHAHAAH
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