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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. TUN - 360K Sweetener - 231K positions - 182K DW - 175K My Everything - 169K Barely more than Dangerous Woman and My Everything.....the decay Honestly..coming off of TUN this is a huge under performance. Maybe longevity will make up for it but we’ll see
  2. Thank you guys! Much appreciated So happy for Miley!!!!
  3. Spotify Update 11/05/2020 Shallow crossed 1.304b Million Reasons crossed 482m Bad Romance crossed 467m Poker Face crossed 456m Rain On Me crossed 425m Stupid Love crossed 200m Alejandro crossed 192m Sour Candy crossed 155m
  4. Im really baffled by this......positions hasn’t clicked with people (CLEARLY) but with the demand for ANY Ariana music during the last 2 years I really expected more
  5. #7 all time biggest streaming week for female albums for our little Chromatica haters will stay say flop
  6. Quoting just so y’all have to read it again. Please educate yourselves and put some of the energy that you put into calling Gaga a flop or whining about no promo, into something good. Something that will help the world. Gaga uses her voice for so much good in the world and the fact that there are fans who can’t appreciate or recognize that is really SAD. I love Gaga and I’m so glad that she represents the values and ethics that I do. I appreciate her so much for using her voice in ways I can’t. Thank you Gaga
  7. And think...it featured Migos..one of the biggest rap/hip-hop acts at the time
  8. YAS ladies Chromatica > Future Nostalgia > Folklore > THE ALBUM (its too short) > Rare
  9. Spotify Update (11/03/2020) Shallow crossed 1.302b Rain On Me crossed 423m Just Dance crossed 324m INLA (Film) crossed 209m 911 crossed 55m Alice crossed 38m Fun Tonight crossed 27m Plastic Doll crossed 26m Chromatica II crossed 26m
  10. I’ve always wondered...why TF is One Direction still getting so many daily streams....like why are they getting more than Gaga
  11. Are we shocked though? Songs like NTLTC, GIAW and Breathin’ sh!t all over this new album...love you Ari but this album ain’t it
  12. Stupid Love, ME!, Yummy, positions, cardigan....lots of questionable 1st single choices lately
  13. “I’m in the hole I’m falling down down so down down”
  14. No I agree in that aspect too completely. It’s just something I’ve noticed over the last week or so. I just want us to be able to discuss the good and bad. I always enter this thread to people laughing about Chromatica’s stats and saying how bad it’s doing and how’s it’s flopping but the second people do it about other women it’s not okay. Just my two cents, I do agree with your statement. It shouldn’t be done in a nasty or cruel way.
  15. I get it, believe me I don’t want everyone here shitting on Females all day but if a pop girlie is doing bad numbers then we can discuss it. People need to stop acting like the only bad numbers we can talk about are Gaga’s, sorry if certain people don’t like that H&H is flopping on iTunes but it is. So no need to mention how bad Chromatica is doing , WE KNOW.
  16. I love Ava, Ariana, Katy and Taylor but it’s weird that like it’s almost as if you want to mention poor numbers by other girls the hens come running from their flock to yell at us “BUT GAGA SUXSSSSSSSS” like okay we know Chromatica underperformed doesn’t mean we can’t mention that other albums also underperform at times. It’s f-ing weird. Like what site am I on? Lol
  17. Didn’t you know, you’re not allowed to post anything remotely negative about other females, only positive things, and if you do be prepared for the same members to come at you commenting about how bad Gaga is doing in comparison...gets them every time we can only talk about bad numbers if they’re Gaga’s
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