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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. And America is pretty shitty at that too...you have seen how our last administration helped the citizens with the pandemic....? You think Republicans all of sudden wanna invest in social programs...? No they don’t...we need Biden and the left to push hard because if he’s asking for 15 there’s almost no way that’s what it ends at, that’s politics. We’ll be lucky to get 12 dollar minimum wage if we’re discussing this with the red side of the aisle
  2. You’ll never ever convince me the minimum wage should still be $7.50. If you still support a 7.50 minimum wage in the middle of a pandemic you’re heartless. No if’s and buts. We can argue about what it should be raised to, but if any one ACTUALLY supports that low of a minimum wage, you have some real thinking to do. I have no idea how I would even begin to live off that amount. Much less aspire to have a family. Don’t let the government fool you, the cost of living has been increasing for decades and the minimum wage hasn’t budged. It’s disgusting how the government has so many people comfortable trapped in their mental prison scared of what will happen if minimum wage increases lol
  3. Thank you guys, ill keep it up as long as he keeps signing them in bulk! :) glad people are finding them helpful and enjoying them.
  4. Well she just sh!t on floor literally....so she’s adorable... but damn girl @ she is having some stomach issues so wish Aspen the best giving her sick chicken and rice right now to help her stomach. OT: YAS BIDEN YAS KAMALA YAS MAJORITY LEADER SCHUMER
  5. Thank you, I really hope it doesn’t bother anyone too much, I know they are long! I will say It’s nice to see a President that actually is putting some effort into defeating this pandemic! plus, Queen Aspen slay me
  6. 2nd Day - 10 Executive Signings Related to the COVID pandemic Masks Hours after being sworn in as the 46th president on Wednesday, Biden signed more than a dozen executive actions in the Oval Office, including one requiring masks on federal property. The president said Thursday he will also call on governors, local health officials, mayors and business leaders to encourage mask wearing and social distancing. Travel Biden is also requiring masks on public transportation, including trains, buses and aircraft. International travelers will need to present a negative Covid-19 test before entering the U.S. and will have to quarantine upon arrival. The executive order also directs other agencies to expand public health measures for domestic travel and cross-border land and sea travel. Supply Chain Biden also directed agencies to use the Defense Production Act to compel companies to make supplies needed to combat the pandemic. That could include protective equipment like masks as well as supplies needed for Covid-19 tests and to administer vaccines. The Trump administration invoked the act last year to get U.S. manufacturers to make ventilators and other supplies. The executive order, called "A Sustainable Public Health Supply Chain," also directs "the development of a new Pandemic Supply Chain Resilience Strategy" in an effort to bolster domestic manufacturing of critical supplies. State and Local Support The administration is also seeking to accelerate the rollout of vaccines by providing more funding to local and state officials, creating more vaccination sites and launching a national public education campaign. The plan says the administration will also "surge the health care workforce to support the vaccination effort," which could include waiving some licensing requirements, for example. Biden previously announced that his administration will aim to administer 100 million vaccine shots in its first 100 days. Jeff Zients, Biden's coordinator for the Covid response, said on a conference call Wednesday evening that that's just the beginning. Biden will direct the Federal Emergency Management Agency to set up 100 community vaccination centers in the next month as part of that effort. Similar to the Trump administration, Biden's plan will also encourage states to move quickly to expand the groups eligible to receive the vaccine. COVID Response Office To bolster trust in the government's response, the White House is establishing a "COVID-19 Response Office," charged with coordinating the pandemic response across federal agencies and establishing clear lines of communication down to local officials. The federal government will also conduct regular, expert-led briefings, the plan says. Data Collection Biden signed another executive order directing the response office and all federal agencies to improve federal data collection and sharing. It directs the CDC to publish a dashboard showing Covid-19 cases at the county level, "so that Americans can gauge the level of transmission in their own communities to make their own informed choices," the plan says. New Treatments Even as the vaccination effort gains speed, the plan calls for continued research into treatments for Covid, especially antivirals like Gilead's remdesivir. Through an executive order called "Improving and Expanding Access to Care and Treatment for COVID-19," Biden established a new drug discovery and development program that emphasizes diversity in clinical trials. That order also expanded programs designed to support patients recovering from Covid-19, the plan says, and increased the health-care workforce capacity. Testing In addition to new drugs, Biden's plan also places a renewed emphasis on more testing. The president established a new pandemic testing board to discover new kinds of effective and rapid tests and scale them up quickly. The federal government will also provide guidance to schools, businesses and other congregate settings on how to best use widespread testing to slow the spread of the virus and cut off chains of transmission, according to the plan. Reopening Schools & Businesses Safely reopening schools and businesses is a key component of the plan. Biden signed an order on Thursday that directs the Department of Health and Human Services to collect data on school reopenings and the spread of Covid, allowing for more scientific research into the risk of putting kids back in schools. The new plan also calls on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to take on a larger role, setting clear guidance to employers on safe workplace practices and enforcement. Equity And Biden, through another order, also established a "COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force" to ensure vaccines, treatments, masks and other resources reach everyone, including harder hit communities of color that have suffered from disproportionately high death rates in the U.S. Also, the administration proposed a $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue package last week. The proposal, called the American Rescue Plan, includes $350 billion in state and local government aid, $170 billion for K-12 schools and institutions of higher education, $50 billion toward Covid testing and $20 billion toward a national vaccine program.
  7. SLAY, 6th Most Certified Female in the US edit: +1M since last update...in August
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUsb2kMqzU/?igshid=15k9haw2tytsb FINALLY A POST FROM/ABOUT THE INAUGURATION. Edit: cause insta doesn’t embed....
  9. Spotify Achievements (1/21/2021) ARUTW crosses 543m streams (543,354,662) Rain On Me crosses 505m streams (505,719,948) Million Reasons crosses 500m streams (500,027,193) Bad Romance crosses 498m streams (498,026,920) Just Dance crosses 350m streams (350,001,328) Stupid Love crosses 222m streams (222,206,557) The Edge of Glory crosses 144m streams (144,048,529) Maybe It's Time crosses 101m streams (101,030,746) Free Woman crosses 43m streams (43,042,947) Replay crosses 35m streams (35,027,728) Anything Goes crosses 22m streams (22,008,210) Today, Million Reasons becomes Gaga's fourth track to reach the incredible milestone of 500m streams. It now joins Shallow, Always Remember Us This Way and Rain On Me. Free Woman is now Gaga's 43rd (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing Before I Cry.
  10. How many times y’all gonna post this sh!t I feel like I’ve seen the Shallow/ROM Spotify update like 30 Times today.... ....and as long as ROM is above Shallow y’all can post it as much as y’all like
  11. Holy sh!t SL is officially a platinum hit in the US, rejoice little monstrosities
  12. Does anyone know how many daily streams Gaga had on 1/18? I really need this # someone help me PLEASE YALL
  13. i don’t know if y’all knew this but Gaga performed the something called the “National Anthem” at something called the “Inauguration” yesterday... Literally legend things
  14. Details of 17 Executive Orders Signed by Biden on First Day in Office: COVID-19 response 1) Start a "100 Days Masking Challenge," calling for a nationwide face mask and social distancing mandate in federal buildings, on federal lands and by federal employees and contractors. 2) Restructure federal government coordination to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Biden White House is bringing back an Obama-era position called the "Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense," which was organized with additional staff within the National Security Council after the 2014 Ebola epidemic. This directorate office was dispersed into other roles during the Trump administration, but Biden and his campaign advisers argued the move decreased the preparedness of the federal government for the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden will also formally implement a "response coordinator" who will report to the president on vaccine, testing and personal protective equipment production, supply, and distribution. Biden has appointed Jeff Zients, who has been overseeing Biden's COVID-19 team for the presidential transition. 3) Rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO), which the Trump administration was in the process of leaving. Biden is also looking to reestablish the U.S. as an active leader at the WHO. Financial relief for Americans 4) Extend eviction and foreclosure moratoriums. Biden will call on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to re-implement and extend the already defunct moratorium until at least March 31. The new president will also call on the Departments of Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, and Veterans Affairs to extend the foreclosure moratoriums for their federally backed mortgages. "These emergency measures are important," Mr. Biden's top economic adviser Brian Deese said on the call with reporters, "There are more than 11 million mortgages guaranteed by the VA, Department of Agriculture and HUD that would be extended." 5) Continue "pause" on student loan payments until September 30. The Biden advisers continue to assert Biden still supports his campaign pledge to cancel $10,000 of student loans, but this will take time as it has to go through Congress. Environment 6) Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris climate negotiations took place under the Obama administration and were led by incoming climate change czar John Kerry when he was secretary of state. This will take 30 days to go into effect. 7) End Keystone XL pipeline and revoke oil and gas development at national wildlife monuments. To do this, Biden's climate adviser Gina McCarthy explained the Biden administration will discard or redo more than 100 "harmful" presidential proclamations, memoranda or permits signed by the Trump administration that the new administration views as detrimental to the environment. Other changes include directing agencies to "consider revising vehicle fuel economic and emissions standards" and placing federal working groups to deal with greenhouse gases, according to an outline of the executive orders. Human rights 8) Actions to advance racial equity through the federal government. Incoming Domestic Policy Adviser Susan Rice explained President Biden wants every federal agency to review equity in their programs and actions. For example, with this executive action the Office of Management and Budget will analyze if federal money is equitably distributed in communities of color and other places of need, the outline of the executive action said. Rice also said Trump's "harmful" 1776 Commission, the 18-member board he formulated in September, will be stopped. The commission's goal was to study the president's concern that the American education system was taking a too liberal approach to American history. 9) Count non-citizens in U.S. Census again. This reverses President Trump's order in July 2020 to not count undocumented Americans, which would affect federal allocation of money and federal representation. 10) Strengthen workplace discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. At agencies, this broadens the federal protections against sex discrimination to include LGBTQ Americans. Immigration 11) Defend "Dreamers" program for undocumented young Americans. In this executive order, calls on Congress to grant permanent status and a path to citizenship to Dreamers — almost a million undocumented young people who were brought to the country as children and shielded from deportation by President Obama. The Trump administration challenged the law but the Supreme Court upheld it. 12) End so-called "Muslim travel ban”, which in 2017 restricted travel and immigration to the U.S. from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, before adding Eritrea, Nigeria, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, and Tanzania in 2020. The State Department is also instructed to restart visa applications for these countries. 13) Change Trump's arrest priorities for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This executive order will repeal the changes Mr. Trump made in the first week of his presidency in 2017 to make interior immigration enforcement much stricter. Few specifics were listed in the outline of the executive order, but the incoming Biden White House team stated the Department of Homeland Security, in partnership with other agencies, will "set civil immigration enforcement policies that best protect the American people and are in line with our values and priorities." 14) Stop border wall construction. Biden will end the national emergency declaration cited by the Trump administration to divert money to the building of the southern wall. 15) Keep protections for a group of Liberians in the country. Liberians who have been in the United States for many years will be able to remain longer. Their "deferred enforcement departure" will be extended an additional year, until June 30, 2022. President Trump briefly considered ending this deferment before ultimately extending the program. Regulation 16) Freezing last-minute Trump administration regulatory actions. Technically, White House chief of staff Ron Klain will be charged with carrying out this out, and a presidential memo will formally state the regulations to be frozen. Ethics 17) Formulate Executive Branch ethics doctrine. Biden wants every executive branch appointee to sign an ethics pledge. The pledge also demands federal employees promise "to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice," the executive order outline states. I WORKED SO HARD ON THIS I HOPE YALL LOVE IT
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