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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. OMG THE SC NEWS FINALLY CAME... just kidding, chart news, go back to your meltdowns
  2. Now I’m getting tagged in god damn ABBA album rates y’all STOP
  3. Are they gonna tweet something like this out every single time it gets another 1M streams 3rd song to get 511M incoming
  4. January 2021 Gaga Daily Spotify Streams Week 1: 53.61M Week 2: 55.39M Week 3: 56.22M Day 22 — 9M Day 23 — 8.67M Day 24 — 7.54M Day 25 — 7.97M Day 26 — 8.18M Total — 206.58M (For comparison January 2020 Total — 175.1M) Gaga officially passes 200M for the month of January, 5 days left to go
  5. “ ofc they did, her plans also got affected by the grammys setback they had to postpone a certain release 💥💥🌪🌪” liberdade on Twitter responding to this tweet...
  6. How did you know my 95 meant I was born in 1995, you’re correct no way that could be 12 year old @Delusional
  7. I mean...would be an interesting dilemma edit: I’m cackling, y’all actually f-ing did it, and even said my IP matches
  8. omfg I’m literally on the floor screaming about these threads, what a time to be alive
  9. I still have no clue who the f- you were on GGD I love that you’re like my personal enigma who is delusional my kids will ask..”ehh just some legend”
  10. Chromatica Daily Streams Week 31: 16,520,671 Week 32: 16,119,355 Week 33: 15,972,793 Week 34: 15,508,356 Day 239: 2,415,084 Day 240: 2,428,604 Day 241: 2,293,736 Day 242: 1,960,133 Day 243: 2,154,023 TOTAL — 1,346,067,451
  11. Susan Rice spoke on that today actually “...Rice noted in the briefing that Biden's order to the DOJ does not apply to private-prison contracts with other agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That order is "silent on what may or may not transpire with ICE facilities," she said, while stressing that the latest actions are "just the beginning" of the administration's racial equity push....” Hopefully other actions are on the way, glad to see this new administration moving in this direction though. Gotta accept these wins when we get them but you are right! More can definitely be done
  12. 5th Day - 4 Executive Orders Signed by Biden Promote Fair Housing One executive order ordered the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to look at the effects of Trump administration actions on housing. Any actions that “undermined fair housing policies and laws” will prompt the implementation of new requirements set by the Fair Housing Act. Ending Private Prisons Another order planned to end the use of private prisons. Specifically, it directed the federal government not to renew contracts with such companies. Strengthen Relationship with Native American Tribes A third order was concerned with “tribal sovereignty and consultation”, according to an administration handout. It will order the federal government to retain a dialogue with tribal governments. Combating Xenophobia The fourth Biden order on Tuesday was aimed at fighting xenophobia against Asian Americans and Pacific islanders. The order acknowledged the history of discrimination and harassment against those groups, and said the federal government would recognize “the harm that these actions have caused” and condemn xenophobic actions against those groups. Biden also ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to weigh whether to issue guidance “to advance cultural competency” for these groups as part of the administration’s efforts to battle Covid-19. The executive order also directed the justice department to work with Asian American and Pacific island communities to fight harassment and hate crimes.
  13. So on the 1 year anniversary of SL? yay can’t wait to sit here in anxious hope till then praying something is even coming. see y’all next month
  14. As I stated up above, once tomorrow’s numbers come in Gaga will officially be over 200M for 2021
  15. January 2021 Gaga Daily Spotify Streams Week 1: 53.61M Week 2: 55.39M Week 3: 56.22M Day 22 — 9M Day 23 — 8.67M Day 24 — 7.54M Day 25 — 7.97M Total — 198.4M (For comparison January 2020 Total — 175.1M) After today Gaga will pass 200M for the month of January
  16. Shallow is still top 15/almost top 10 on iTunes worldwide in 2021 I know iTunes means nothing in 2021 but still...slay
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