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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. This is a joke right? The racist southern white boy? America sucks yall
  2. February Daily Streams Week 1 — 59.6M Week 2 — 57.86M Day 15 — 8.02M Day 16 — 8.08M Day 17 — 8.22M Day 18 — 8.33M Day 19 — 8.77M Day 20 — 8.71M Total — 167.59M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 167.59M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 412.22M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Jan 22 — 9M Biggest Day of the Month - Feb 05 — 8.84M
  3. lol can’t help but laugh....all of a sudden dude is tweeting out about helping his constituents...was supposed to be in Cancun all weekend. What joke
  4. I do like that people like AOC, Warren and Schumer are applying the pressure!!!! Gotta keep it up and hopefully get some student loan relief!!! I don’t know if we’ll ever get the 50K that people are asking for but I’m definitely hopeful we can get something like the 10K he’s mentioned... I know there is debate about what he is able to do with the stoke of a pen, but I absolutely think with some pressure we’ll be able to get some student loan relief. I’m not ready to trash him on that yet though, let’s wait and see what happens. It’s only been 1 month after all!
  5. 40 Executive Orders including but not limited to; ending the keystone XL pipeline, the Muslim ban, stopping construction of the border wall, discrimination of LGBTQ+ in the workplace, no more transgender military ban, and a mask mandate on federal property, putting a stop to our terrible policy of separating families at the border and creating a task force to reunite those families.... finally a competent President and someone who cares about a defeating this virus All that with hopefully a 1.9T relief package on the way...woah..keep it up Biden
  6. Spotify Achievements (2/20/2021) Shallow crosses 1.409b streams (1,409,877,607) ARUTW crosses 558m streams (558,268,160) Rain On Me crosses 531m streams (531,251,527) Bad Romance crosses 512m streams (512,184,123) Poker Face crosses 493m streams (493,321,382) Stupid Love crosses 230m streams (230,078,825) Paparazzi crosses 218m streams (218,160,421) Sour Candy crosses 189m streams (189,090,665) The Edge of Glory crosses 147m streams(147,039,551) Free Woman crosses 45m streams (45,015,110) Replay crosses 37m streams (37,047,752)
  7. Wanted to post all the executive orders signed by Biden hope you guys enjoy! See the link below if looking for an overview https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/politics/biden-executive-orders/index.html
  8. 30th Day (2/18/21) - 1 Executive Order Signed by Biden Industry Led Apprenticeships President Biden has revoked an executive order issued by his predecessor that expanded apprenticeship programs in an “industry-led” model, instead announcing plans to expand the Labor Department’s registered apprenticeship programs favored by organized labor. The Trump administration created “industry recognized apprenticeships.” The idea was that the Department of Labor would bring together trade and labor groups to design and certify high-quality apprenticeships appropriate for each industry, emphasizing that each industry could define its industry needs and appropriate apprenticeship programs, rather than managing apprenticeships from Washington, as then-Labor Secretary Alex Acosta explained during the American Trucking Associations Management Conference & Exhibition in 2017. Biden explained that IRAPS “threaten to undermine registered apprenticeship programs,” saying they have “fewer quality standards than registered apprenticeship programs – for example, they fail to require the wage progression that reflects increasing apprentice skills and they lack the standardized training rigor that ensures employers know they are hiring a worker with high-quality training.” In addition to rescinding Executive Order 13801, which spurred the creation of these programs, Biden also asked the Department of Labor to consider a new rulemaking to reverse these programs and to immediately slow support for industry recognized apprenticeship programs by pausing approval of new Standards Recognition Entities and ending new funding for existing Standards Recognition Entities.
  9. 26th Day (2/14/2021) - 1 Executive Order Signed by President Biden Re-establishing White House faith office President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Sunday (Feb. 14) reestablishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, undoing former President Donald Trump’s efforts to reshape an agency that went largely unstaffed for most of his tenure. In a statement accompanying the announcement of the executive order, Biden echoed his recent remarks to the National Prayer Breakfast, bemoaning widespread physical and economic suffering due to the coronavirus pandemic, racism and climate change. He added that those struggling “are fellow Americans” and are deserving of aid. Besides fighting the pandemic, the office will focus its efforts on helping disadvantaged communities, advancing global humanitarian work, strengthening pluralism and protecting “cherished guarantees of church-state separation and freedom for people of all faiths and none.”
  10. 23rd Day (2/11/2021) - 1 Executive Order Signed by President Biden Sanction of Myanmar U.S. President Joe Biden said on Wednesday he had approved an executive order for new sanctions on those responsible for the military coup in Myanmar and he repeated demands for the generals to give up power and free civilian leaders. Biden said the order enabled his administration “to immediately sanction the military leaders who directed the coup, their business interests as well as close family members.” Washington would identify the first round of targets this week and was taking steps to prevent the generals in Myanmar, also known as Burma, having access to $1 billion in Myanmar government funds held in the United States. “We’re also going to impose strong exports controls. We’re freezing U.S. assets that benefit the Burmese government, while maintaining our support for health care, civil society groups, and other areas that benefit the people of Burma directly,” Biden said at the White House. “We’ll be ready to impose additional measures, and we’ll continue to work with our international partners to urge other nations to join us in these efforts.” The Feb. 1 coup and detention of elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi presents Biden him with his first major international crisis, and a test of his dual pledges to re-center human rights in foreign policy and work more closely with allies.
  11. 12th Day - Presidential Memorandum on LGBTQ+ Rights on a Worldwide Scale President Joe Biden will announce a presidential memorandum on Thursday protecting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people worldwide. “It reflects his deep commitment to these issues both here in the United States and everywhere around the world. The United States will speak out and act on behalf of these rights as we go,” Sullivan told reporters at a White House press briefing. While a presidential memorandum is largely symbolic, Biden campaigned on a pledge to pass LGBTQ rights legislation known as the Equality Act in the first 100 days of his administration and to make LGBTQ rights a top priority. His campaign pledge included protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination, ensuring fair treatment in the justice system and advancing LGBTQ rights globally. Biden has already issued an executive order that extends existing federal nondiscrimination protections to LGBTQ people. White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday said Biden “stands by” his pledge to sign the Equality Act in his first 100 days but noted that Congress would need to take action to pass a bill first.
  12. 10th Day - 3 Executive Orders Signed by President Biden Creating a task force to reunify families During his presidential campaign, Biden pledged to set up a task force focused on identifying and reunifying families separated at the US-Mexico border under the Trump administration's controversial "zero tolerance" policy. The administration's new task force stems from that promise. The task force will be chaired by the Department of Homeland Security secretary and work across the US government, along with partners, to find parents separated from their children under the former administration. It was previously reported that first lady Jill Biden is expected to take an active role in the task force. It will be charged with identifying all children separated from their parents or legal guardians on the southern border, facilitating and enabling the reunification of children with their families, and providing regular reports to the President, including one containing recommendations. The consequences of the "zero tolerance" policy which led to the separation of thousands of families are still felt today. Lawyers are unable to reach the parents of 611 children who had been split from their families by US border officials between 2017 and 2018, according to the latest court filing in an ongoing family separation case. Addressing root causes of migration This executive order will focus on providing support to Central America to stem the flow of migrants to the US-Mexico border and provide other pathways to migrate to the US without journeying north. The administration plans to provide aid to the region to support initiatives combating corruption and revive the Central American minors program that had been ended by Trump and allows certain at-risk youths to live in the US, according to a senior administration official. Homeland Security will also be directed to review the Trump-era policy that requires non-Mexican migrants to stay in Mexico until their immigration court date in the United States. The policy, informally known as "Remain in Mexico," has left thousands of asylum seekers waiting in dangerous and deplorable conditions on the border. The order will also call for a series of actions to restore the asylum system, which was drastically changed over the last four years and made it exceedingly difficult for migrants to be granted asylum in the US. Reviewing the legal immigration system This executive order seeks to promote immigrant integration and inclusion, according to the White House, and re-establish a Task Force on New Americans. Like the other executive orders, it also seeks to reverse Trump-era policies that targeted low-income immigrants, including calling for a review of the public charge rule which makes it more difficult for immigrants to obtain legal status if they use public benefits such as Medicaid, food stamps and housing vouchers. The order also kicks off a review of the naturalization process to streamline it and make it more accessible, according to a senior administration official.
  13. 7th Day - 1 Executive Order & 1 Memorandum Signed By Biden Memorandum - Increased Access to Reproductive Healthcare Home & Abroad In a presidential memorandum, Biden called for the protection and expansion of access to comprehensive reproductive health care at home and abroad. The action rescinds the Trump-backed so-called Mexico City Policy, which prohibited international nonprofits that provide abortion services from receiving funding from the United States government. In addition to rescinding that “global gag rule”, under the memorandum, the Department of Health & Human Services is directed to “take immediate action to consider whether to rescind regulations under its Title X family planning program, otherwise known as the domestic gag rule” Under the Trump administration, Title X health care providers were barred from offering abortion counseling and restricted referrals for abortion care. The Guttmacher Institute says that ‘roughly one in every four Title X service sites left the network in 2019’ due to the rule, severely limiting access to health care for millions of patients. Executive Order to Strengthen Medicaid and the ACA Biden also signed an executive action to ‘strengthen Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.’ In part, the executive order directs the Department of Health & Human Services to open a ‘special enrollment period’ to give Americans the opportunity to secure health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act during the pandemic. The order also instructs federal agencies to review Trump-era policies that undermine health care protections for Americans. ‘I’m not initiating any new law,’ Biden told reporters. ‘This is going back to what the situation was prior to the president’s executive order.’
  14. 6th Day - 2 Executive Orders and a Memorandum Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad This order seeks to cement the climate crisis at the center of US foreign policy and national security. Most notably, it directs the secretary of the interior to pause on entering into new oil and natural gas leases on public lands or offshore waters. The order also: 1) Instructs Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to prepare a national intelligence estimate on the security implications of the climate crisis and directs all agencies to develop strategies for integrating climate considerations into their international work. 2) Establishes the National Climate Task Force, assembling leaders from across 21 federal agencies and departments. 3) Commits to environmental justice and new, clean infrastructure projects. 4) Kicks off development of emissions reduction target. 5) Establishes the special presidential envoy for climate on the National Security Council. Establishing President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology This order reestablishes the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Moving forward, the council will advise Biden on policy that affects science, technology, and innovation. Presidential Memorandum on Scientific Integrity This memorandum charges the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy with the responsibility of ensuring scientific integrity across federal agencies Agencies that oversee, direct or fund research are tasked with designating a senior agency employee as chief science officer to ensure agency research programs are scientifically and technologically well founded.
  15. 5th Day - 4 Executive Orders Signed by Biden Promote Fair Housing One executive order ordered the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to look at the effects of Trump administration actions on housing. Any actions that “undermined fair housing policies and laws” will prompt the implementation of new requirements set by the Fair Housing Act. Ending Private Prisons Another order planned to end the use of private prisons. Specifically, it directed the federal government not to renew contracts with such companies. Strengthen Relationship with Native American Tribes A third order was concerned with “tribal sovereignty and consultation”, according to an administration handout. It will order the federal government to retain a dialogue with tribal governments. Combating Xenophobia The fourth Biden order on Tuesday was aimed at fighting xenophobia against Asian Americans and Pacific islanders. The order acknowledged the history of discrimination and harassment against those groups, and said the federal government would recognize “the harm that these actions have caused” and condemn xenophobic actions against those groups. Biden also ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to weigh whether to issue guidance “to advance cultural competency” for these groups as part of the administration’s efforts to battle Covid-19. The executive order also directed the justice department to work with Asian American and Pacific island communities to fight harassment and hate crimes.
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