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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Well Ari has already done perfume ”Yuh Cosmetics” is definitely coming at some point
  2. no I actually agree with AOC whole heartedly, I also admit that I don’t have all the answers to what to do at the border. I have no idea what else to do with the hundreds of hundreds children coming across the border unassisted with no parents. And I’d be interested in hearing what your policy changes would be at the border. I do know the remain the Mexico policy and the family separation policies were very harmful and downright cruel. If I understand correctly the Office of Refugee Resettlement case managers work with the children to identify and conduct background checks on sponsors. If cleared, children are released to live with them while they go through the immigration court process. It’s not great and I’m not arguing that this is the best solution, it surely isn’t. America has had a broken immigration system for a long time. But at the same time we’re in the middle of an admin change, clearly protocols and policies are under review processes and the border will surely be changing as more and more policies are possibly reviewed and overturned etc. But to be fair Biden is the first President to come into office and introduce immigration legislation in a very long time, it’s clearly an issue he wants to tackle. So I say give it time and I try to find the differences in clearly harmful terrible policies and situations in which they’re trying to find a fix keeping kids behind fences separated from parents is a little different than reopening and expanding a migrant facility for unattended children, one activist was quoted saying it was the “Cadillac of centers”...so there is a difference. Again it’s not perfect so I’d love to discuss what changes you think need to be taken. By the way....I really wish instead of just assuming things you would actually try to have a conversation, you assuming things about my political thoughts without trying to have a half decent conversation is a pretty big turn off and makes me so much less likely to interact with you in the future. Have a good day! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/02/23/no-bidens-new-border-move-isnt-like-trumps-kids-cages-not-hardly/%3foutputType=amp
  3. You mean funding for schools, unemployment insurance, funding for COVID vaccinations and distribution, money for small businesses, nutrition assistance, or do you actually mean the funding for states and locals...I just don’t get it I mean the only thing I think they could remotely complain about would be the minimum wage increase, if it were to be included...I can’t stand McConnell
  4. February Daily Streams Week 1 — 59.6M Week 2 — 57.86M Week 3 — 57.91M Day 22 — 8.09M Total — 183.46M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 183.46M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 428.09M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Jan 22 — 9M Biggest Day of the Month - Feb 05 — 8.84M GAGA OFFICIALLY PASSED HER FEBRUARY 2020 TOTAL
  5. 100% sure Vivi gets a majority of there reactions/interaction with other members solely off praising exile and going on and on about how’s it’s gonna win the Grammy, so boring LOL like talk about something else imagine how tired we all are
  6. not looking too hot for Neera Tandem, Biden’s nominee for OMB..Joe Manchin strikes again
  7. OMFG, WHAT IF OUR OWN @Gagachartsgets a reply from Cardi (possibly getting scalped and called a hater cause that’s something Cardi would do )
  8. To be fair we are gonna get 2000$..600+1400 = 2000$ that’s on you if you thought you were suddenly gonna get another 2K on top of the 600....again that’s so in the past I don’t feel like arguing about that haha. Clearly people were interpreting different things. 2nd, Biden did try to stop deportations for his 1st 100 days while policy was under review and a Texas Court blocked that, so as of right now ICE is allowed to continue those deportations which is why Biden released the new guidelines and priorities for which they should be guided by when conducting these deportations, a non partisan study shows that about 87% of non documented immigrants would not be priority under these guidelines and would need approval in order to continue moving forward if they were not a priority under he new DHS guidelines. 3rd, Biden hasn’t REFUSED to cancel any amount of student aide, his admin wants to cancel up to about 10K (which is what he ran on, not 50K that Schumer and Warren are discussing) he just hasn’t necessarily done it yet, which is odd and questionable but I think they’re waiting until they know they can do it so they don’t run into a challenge like the Texas court did on the deportations. Its only been a month, can we give it some time before we all yell failure? Biden deserves time to try and accomplish what he wants to get done. He’s introduced major Immigration reform and wants to make progress on the Equality Act while trying to get the country back opened. Let the man have some time before we scream at him. That’s just my opinion though. Each to their own.
  9. Just call out her performing skills and you’ll get a bunch of likes and people agreeing with you
  10. Exactly, Republicans b*ched and moaned when the Democrats in the House stripped Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments...ummm we wouldn’t have had to do that if her own party took action against her disgusting ways. If you don’t know MTG you should look her up.....she’s a nasty woman who believes disgusting conspiracy theorists and has verbally attacked school shooting survivors. Yet she’s a proud member of the Republican Party and they proudly support her. It’s such a joke.
  11. Dua honestly deserves though, YAS DUA just don’t serve crap again with songs like We’re Good
  12. Shallow on YT #4 Ireland #6 Norway #10 Malta #11 Czech Republic #12 Austria #13 Italy #14 Netherlands #16 Denmark #18 Belgium #18 Canada #18 Switzerland #20 Sweden Less than 2 weeks from March 2021 and Shallow is still an absolute beast. This is what legends look like kids.
  13. A new single yes, I would enjoy that, THAT NEW SINGLE, no I would not enjoy that
  14. Someone go make the ATRL thread: ”New It Girl Pop Star Dua Lipa debuts @ #49 in one of the biggest music markets on the planet, why”
  15. Yikes indeed...just like the song what an awful cheap attempt to get another hit. I think the song is so awful
  16. Spotify Achievements (2/22/21) Shallow crosses 1.412b streams (1,412,020,367) ARUTW crosses 559m streams (559,281,690) Bad Romance crosses 513m streams (513,192,161) Million Reasons crosses 508m streams (508,197,595) Poker Face crosses 494m streams (494,202,204) Born This Way crosses 277m streams (277,109,154) Perfect Illusion crosses 173m streams(173,028,020) Music To My Eyes crosses 97m streams(97,001,969) Grigio Girls crosses 28m streams (28,002,055) less than 3M for MTME to hit 100M less than 6M for PF to hit 500M
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