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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. You’re always so well spoken and you always say exactly how I’m feeling. Part of me is speechless cause this is just so f-ing wrong. I have people. I can’t imagine being so messed up in the head to do something like this. imagine stealing someone’s dog, how sick do you have to do, not to mention the ALMOST MURDER you committed to do it. So sick.
  2. Omg imagine having that much to give for the return of your dog meanwhile I’m all like ”I’ll give you my 10K of savings for Aspen”
  3. February Daily Streams Week 1 — 59.6M Week 2 — 57.86M Week 3 — 57.91M Day 22 — 8.09M Day 23 — 8.39M Day 24 — 8.49M Total — 200.34M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 200.34M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 444.97M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Jan 22 — 9M Biggest Day of the Month - Feb 05 — 8.84M GAGA OFFICIALLY OVER 200M STREAMS FOR FEBRUARY
  4. this is absolutely disgusting. Praying for everyone involved, omg those poor puppies Koji & Gustavo were stolen Miss Asia escaped and was recovered by police and obviously the dog Walker...but omg if Aspen got stolen from me.... Video of Asia being rescued: Gaga Tweets: DOGS RETURNED: https://apnews.com/article/entertainment-lady-gaga-los-angeles-hollywood-dogs-1e8cdf944313298ea3f8c1a8e3b5bcd1
  5. 105 families reunited still have a lot more to go but this is the type of news I love to see!
  6. Trump really hated those BLM protests that occurred over the summer also I forgot about his obsession with classical architecture Biden said nope b*ch bye
  7. I think she called Ted Cruz a vampire and Susan Collins “just the worse” as someone who Collins represents...I agree with the above statement, she is one of the worst
  8. Yeah I haven’t done much research into her, maybe @Starboyknows some stuff on her? I think she’s just pretty corporate, operated as the head of a think tank I believe. I hear that there’s a more progressive person lined up behind her if she’s not confirmed so I think people on the far left may end up being actually really happy with Manchin. I have no issues with people voting against her for her possible conflicts of interest but to play this whole “holier than you” attitude because of some tweets is really rich with a couple of Republicans
  9. Day 36 (2/24/21) - 2 Executive Orders & 1 Proclamation Signed by Biden 100 Day Review of Supply Chains President Joe Biden will sign an executive order on Wednesday aimed at addressing a global semiconductor chip shortage that has forced U.S. automakers and other manufacturers to cut production and alarmed the White House and members of Congress, administration officials said. The order will launch a 100-day review of supply chains for four critical products: semiconductor chips, large-capacity batteries for electric vehicles, rare earth minerals and pharmaceuticals. The order will also direct six sector reviews, modeled after the process used by the Defense Department to strengthen the defense industrial base. It will be focused on the areas of defense, public health, communications technology, transportation, energy and food production. The United States has been besieged by supply shortages since the onset of the pandemic, which squeezed the availability of masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment, hurting frontline workers. The chip shortage, which in some cases is forcing automakers to take employees off production lines, is the latest example of supply bottlenecks. Immigration President Biden reopened the country on Wednesday to people seeking green cards, ending a ban on legal immigration that President Donald J. Trump imposed last spring, citing what he said was the need to protect American jobs during the pandemic. In a proclamation, Mr. Biden said that the ban did “not advance the interests of the United States,” challenging Mr. Trump’s claims that the way to protect the American economy during the health crisis was to shut the country off from the rest of the world. “To the contrary,” Mr. Biden said of his predecessor’s immigration ban, “it harms the United States, including by preventing certain family members of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents from joining their families here. It also harms industries in the United States that utilize talent from around the world.” The president’s action was the latest example of his efforts to roll back Mr. Trump’s assaulton the nation’s immigration system. Anarchist Cities & More Trump issued a memorandum in September that sought to identify municipal governments that permit “anarchy, violence and destruction in American cities.” The memorandum followed riots during anti-police and anti-racism protests over George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police. The Justice Department identified New York City, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle as three cities that could have federal funding slashed. Those cities in turn filed a lawsuit to invalidate the designation and fight off the Trump administration’s efforts to withhold federal dollars. Trump in his “Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture” intoned that America’s forefathers “wanted public buildings to inspire the American people and encourage civic virtue." The memorandum added that architects should look to “America’s beloved landmark buildings” such as the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Department of the Treasury and the Lincoln Memorial for inspiration. Another order halted was one Trump issued in the final days of his presidency dubbed the “Ensuring Democratic Accountability in Agency Rulemaking." It called for limiting the ability of federal agency employees in making regulatory decisions. Biden also revoked a 2018 order that called for agency heads across the government to review welfare programs — such as food stamps, Medicaid and housing aid — and strengthening work requirements for certain recipients.
  10. Her #10 is BTW with 272M streams as of early February. The others I’d have to look into.
  11. Spotify Achievements (2/24/21) Shallow crosses 1.414b streams (1,414,074,683) ARUTW crosses 560m streams (560,729,331) Rain On Me crosses 534m streams (534,460,239) Bad Romance crosses 514m streams (514,175,483) Poker Face crosses 495m streams (495,081,862) Stupid Love crosses 231m streams (231,082,910) Paparazzi crosses 219m streams (219,042,274) Alejandro crosses 205m streams (205,034,200) Sour Candy crosses 190m streams (190,363,396) Judas crosses 130m streams (130,075,356) LWIF crosses 112m streams (112,036,266) Hair Body Face crosses 39m streams (39,006,497) Chromatica II crosses 31m streams (31,028,144) Plastic Doll crosses 31m streams (31,014,023) Poker Face is now less than 5m streams from 500M. Sour Candy is less than 10m streams from the milestone of 200m streams. Imagine if it were a single. All of Gaga's top 20 most-streamed tracks have now all reached at least 130m streams.
  12. thank god...Manchin really gonna make me wanna die for the next two years huh? BONUS:
  13. I love these Stan Twitter posts, always so well done and fancy looking
  14. February Daily Streams Week 1 — 59.6M Week 2 — 57.86M Week 3 — 57.91M Day 22 — 8.09M Day 23 — 8.39M Total — 191.85M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 191.85M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 436.48M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Jan 22 — 9M Biggest Day of the Month - Feb 05 — 8.84M
  15. Spotify Achievements (2/23/21) Shallow crosses 1.413b streams (1,413,035,543) Rain On Me crosses 533m streams (533,618,597) Just Dance crosses 363m streams (363,133,606) You And I crosses 104m streams (104,036,187) Eh, Eh (NEICS) crosses 42m streams (42,012,274) Fun Tonight crosses 32m streams (32,011,191) Electric Chapel crosses 11m streams (11,001,153)
  16. Seems like the Neera Tanden’s confirmation is crumbling and is coming to its end...mean tweets coming back to haunt a democrat, the hypocrisy of the republicans is just too much
  17. I hadn’t realized Shallow has reached new peaks on the Global chart
  18. Over the course of 5 years..... this is exactly why Biden didn’t waste time on bipartisan talks with the GOP after their best offer was 600M...they don’t even bother to try to come to the middle..like really 10$ by 2025 Thats literally legislated poverty if that were to pass. That’s absolute INSANITY. They don’t even try to hide the fact that their efforts to be “bipartisan” are f-ing pathetic. ALSO linking to some immigration bill forcing employers to use some E verification system to try and screen our undocumented workers...ugh..what is their issue..they’re not even trying to be f-ing decent.
  19. My apologies, I thought I had clicked quote..though to be fair it was pretty Obvious I was responding to you, I’m pretty sure everyone including you knew that. And it took me going through this entire thread and almost 60 responses to find me posting a positive post about Biden, sorry if that personally affected you. I have more posts in this thread shitting on Ted Cruz and praising AOC for raising money than I do praising Biden so I really don’t see your point. I agreed with your point about not loving the migrant facility and admitting that I really don’t know the answer and that I’m hopeful given the Biden admins proposed plan that seem to really want to achieve something, which will take some time. I shared the AOC post above because I’m legitimately not that creative and I don’t know all the answers and it does seem like in the meantime there is more reform that could take place. I don’t know how possible it would be to pass but idk. And no offense I don’t find it my job to find and post all the articles, if you find something, good or bad post it, I don’t give a sh!t, discussion is good...but assuming people’s positions I think is it’s gonna cause fights. Just cause I’m not mad about stimulus check amounts or 50K student loan cancellation doesn’t mean I agree with every single policy or thing their admin has done. like I said, post whatever articles you want, I’m just glad someone other than me is posting here. Going forward I’ll MAKE SURE to quote you if I wanna respond. But I’m also not gonna stop sharing things like my first post about how I’m happy to have a President that isn’t like Trump, that alone is a big improvement and after 4 years of it I’m allowed to take a month and celebrate and put my cynicism aside for a month or two LOL. edit: by the way I really did enjoy the dialogue and conversation! It is nice to go back and forth and see other points of view, cause like you said, not everything is rainbows and kittens. Could’ve done without the snide remark about me being a press secretary but whatever you gotta do haha
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