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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Thanks for your input! I love that people are constantly peeping in here and posting stuff! I’ve read the recent Obama memoir and one thing that he talked about while discussing the OBL mission was that candidates on the trail can say what they’re gonna do when it comes to foreign policy but at the end of the day when you step into that office you don’t get that luxuary of just doing whatever you want, as President you have to weigh all the options and everyone who could possibly be affected and then determine what you would do. Even if Biden wanted to sanction MBS, would it be a good idea, what would be the ramifications of that in SA, what about in the US, what about in the Middle East in general? You gotta weigh these things. There’s so much too at stake when it comes to decisions like this...like I said I could never do it. Must not be easy by any means. Lemme me stick to discussing minimum wage and the equality act definitely learned some stuff today though also @Starboycorrect me if I’m wrong but in order to overrule the parliamentary in regards to the minimum wage we would need the VP to overrule but we also need at least the 50 senators to also vote to overrule correct? So doesn’t Manchin and Sinema still block this for us, even if the WH was interested in doing this? edit: oh I guess it would take 60 to overrule the VP....I thought we needed the majority (all Dems + VP) to overrule the Parliamentarians decision edit 2: wait so we do need all the Dems to overrule the decision? So even if the WH wanted too we would be screwed by Manchin and Sinema...
  2. I wonder why the US doesn’t typically impose those sanctions on the highest leadership? I don’t understand foreign policy tbh it’s hard enough understanding our know f-ed up domestic policy haha. You would think that we would sanction MBS? https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/26/intel-report-saudi-prince-khashoggi-murder-471756 Like I know we use SA as allies against Iran but still... and I know it’s a balance of maintaining balance in that area of the world while also showing US strength but I’m just not privy to all the ins and outs, I feel like foreign policy is kinda like Immigration in that sense. It’s always so much more confusing than people are willing to think about. I can’t imagine being someone who has that sort of power and has to weigh all these consequences and decisions and knowing that whatever decision you make could have huge impacts. Like we sanction the crown prince and what happens? I don’t know Wish more action was taken, guess we’ll see
  3. February Daily Streams Week 1 — 59.6M Week 2 — 57.86M Week 3 — 57.91M Day 22 — 8.09M Day 23 — 8.39M Day 24 — 8.49M Day 25 — 8.65M Total — 208.99M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 208.99M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 453.62M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Jan 22 — 9M Biggest Day of the Month - Feb 05 — 8.84M
  4. I just can’t stop thinking about this situation....
  5. Everyone knows what I think Taylor's terrible performing skills and if you don’t like that...ops
  6. Equality Act will go to the senate, will need 10 Republican senators to join Democrats to pass in the senate...honestly looking pretty doubtful but it is one step closer. The House had previously passed the legislation in 2019 but Biden did make it a campaign promise to try and get it passed in the first 100 days and they do have control of the senate so I guess we’ll have to keep our eyes open
  7. Spotify Achievements (2/25/21) Shallow crosses 1.415b streams (1,415,116,485) Rain On Me crosses 535m streams (535,293,362) Telephone crosses 340m streams (340,062,459) Maybe It's Time crosses 103m streams(103,041,822) Monster crosses 49m streams (49,008,428) Diamond Heart crosses 46m streams (46,013,950) It Don't Mean A Thing... crosses 10m streams (10,001,005) It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) becomes the third track on Cheek To Cheek to reach 10m streams. Babylon is now Gaga's 53rd (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing Sinner's Prayer. Fun Tonightis now Gaga's 59th (+1) most-streamed track, overtaking Dance In The Dark.
  8. Y’all in honor of Koji and Gustavo can we have one day on this forum where we don’t trash Gaga and/or petty sh!t like promo for Chromatica....cause this is what fame is, being so well known that people love to steal your f-ing dogs. It’s sick. I can’t imagine what she must be feeling right now please send her good vibes and thoughts, positive only i feel so much and so sad for Gaga...NO ONE deserves, especially a soul as good as hers...I hate this day
  9. STOP OMG THINK POSITIVE you tryna make me f-ing cry again?
  10. Honestly though, anyone who uses my pets in their posts automatically gets a react. It’s the easiest cheat code
  11. Agreed, I’ve been thinking of her pups and her and the dog Walker all morning. I can’t imagine if this happened to me, I would be clinically depressed and I would insane please never let this happen to my baby
  12. Two are missing, Koji and Gustavo, Miss Asia escaped
  13. I stg if these dogs are even remotely hurt I’ll hunt down the shooter myself and avenge Gaga
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