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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. March Daily Streams Week 1 — 58.88M Day 8 — 8.03M Total — 66.91M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 66.91M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 538.79 Compared to 2020 through the end of Feb — +127.63M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Feb 26 — 9.06M Biggest Day of the Month - Mar 05 — 8.91M
  2. US iTunes 80. Rain On Me +75 Apple Music 403. Rain On Me +65 CANADA iTunes 91. Rain On Me +92 Apple Music 171. Rain On Me +12
  3. Spotify Achievements (3/9/2021) Shallow crosses 1.426b streams (1,426,857,230) ARUTW crosses 566m streams (566,376,645) Rain On Me crosses 544m streams (544,255,303) Bad Romance crosses 520m streams (520,457,155) Stupid Love crosses 234m streams (234,178,793) Judas crosses 132m streams (132,122,589) IDKWLI crosses 76m streams (76,028,340) Replay crosses 38m streams (38,024,719)
  4. Discussions within the Senate Democratic Caucus are expected to pick up steam in the coming days to see if they can unify behind a single plan, senators and aides said Monday......
  5. Day 47 - 2 Executive Orders signed by President Biden Gender Equity President Biden marked International Women's Day by signing two executive orders geared toward promoting gender equity, both in the United States and around the world. The first executive order establishes a Gender Policy Council within the White House, an office from the Obama administration that was later disbanded by the Trump administration, and giving it more clout. Under former President Barack Obama, the office was called the White House Council on Women and Girls. The name change to the Gender Policy Council is intentional to be more inclusive. The Council's staff will include a special assistant to the president to focus specifically on "policies to advance equity for Black, indigenous and Latina women and girls of color," Klein said, in recognition of the historical and disproportionate barriers those groups face. The second executive order the president signed Monday is directed at the Department of Education, and is aimed at reversing a controversial rule on campus sexual assault and harassment that was issued last year by then-President Trump's education secretary, Betsy DeVos. Citing Title IX, the federal civil rights law barring sex discrimination in education, DeVos announced a new regulation that granted more rights and protections to those accused of sexual assault or harassment. Biden's executive order directs the Department of Education to review all existing regulations to "guarantee an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including discrimination in the form of sexual harassment, which encompasses sexual violence, and including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity." The order directs newly confirmed Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona to consider "suspending, revising, or rescinding" any agency actions that violate that policy.
  6. Reps are defending 20 seats compared to our 14..AZ and GA are scary races but hopefully if we can keep those two maybe we can pick up a seat in PN or WI, if anything at least offset any possible loss...we have a lot less throw up senate matches in 22 if you look at it honestly. Worried about losing the house though...we need this ARP to help the economy and get us out of COVID so by 2022 people are thanking the Democrats for getting them out of this mess. Fingers crossed on the filibuster: I think Biden is really hesitant to mess with the filibuster, I can see him making changes if he can’t get stuff done though. It’s not his “preference”. Preferences change real fast if you’re facing obstruction, I don’t think he wants total abolishment though. I agree, the thought scares me as well. I do think we need changes though, the fact that we can’t pass gun reform or immigration reform or the equality act but can appoint SCOTUS judges is messed up.
  7. Roy Blunt (MO) announces he won’t be rerunning in 2022...so adding him to the list of Richard Burr (NC), Richard Shelby (AL), Pat Toomey (PN), and Rob Portman (OH) of retiring GOP senators.... That makes 5 retiring Republican senators not counting Chuck Grassley (IA) or Ron Johnson (WI) who have yet to announce if they are rerunning....remember this is big for the 2022 elections, though not all these are in winnable states for Dems, incumbents are always more challenging to beat. Hopefully this leads to the Dems being able to take some of these seats in 2022
  8. apologies if AP, but I just saw this!!!! SHALLOW WILL NEVER DIE The OCC released the UK top 40 most streamed female songs of all time 1. Dance Monkey: 344.1m 2. New Rules: 261.1m 3. Bad Guy: 258.5m 4. One Kiss: 258m 5. Shallow: 253m
  9. Happy International Woman’s day to all the fab women on this site and all our fav legends
  10. March Daily Streams Day 1 — 8.13M Day 2 — 8.34M Day 3 — 8.5M Day 4 — 8.59M Day 5 — 8.91M Day 6 — 8.74M Day 7 — 7.67M Total — 58.88 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 58.88M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 530.76M Compared to 2020 through the end of Feb — +127.63M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Feb 26 — 9.06M Biggest Day of the Month - Mar 05 — 8.91M
  11. What a damn SLAY oscars incoming, who needs SCAMMY awards when you can win Academy awards for days
  12. Spotify Achievements (3/7/2021) Shallow crosses 1.425b streams (1,425,879,874) Rain On Me crosses 543m streams (543,539,906) Poker Face crosses 500m streams (500,500,394) Just Dance crosses 368m streams (368,383,504) Marry The Night crosses 73m streams (73,022,491) La Vie En Rose crosses 56m streams (56,027,810)
  13. https://www.billboard.com/amp/articles/news/awards/9535976/grammy-performers-2021-bts-taylor-swift no Gaga the way they know they need BTS or else their ratings will PLUMMET
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