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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. 2:54 through 3:38..... does Kaitlin Collins really think any single American cares RIGHT NOW if Kamala Harris is gonna be on the ticket in 4 years or whether or not Biden THINKS he’s gonna be running against Trump..... like oh my god.... also Biden’s sarcastic ol “my predecessor...god I miss him”
  2. “ Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said that legislation was necessary to make permanent changes. But she also suggested that the executive actions under consideration could be a realistic starting place. For now, administration officials have been reaching out to Democrats in the Senate to consult with them about three executive actions. One would classify as firearms so-called ghost guns — kits that allow a gun to be assembled from pieces. Another would fund community violence intervention programs, and the third would strengthen the background checks system, according to congressional aides familiar with the conversations. Aware that any executive actions on guns will face legal challenges, the White House Counsel’s Office has also been vetting those actions to make sure they can withstand judicial review, officials said. “
  3. They asked more questions about him and/or Trump rerunning in 2024 than about the pandemic and his infrastructure plan so take that as you will
  4. In his first formal news conference since taking office, President Biden spent over an hour today fielding questions from the press on topics ranging from immigration to the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines. Here are some of the most important lines on topics Biden did discuss: On immigration: Biden claimed the current surge in migrants at the US southern border is not unprecedented. "Truth of the matter is nothing has changed. ... As many people came, 28% increase in the children in the border in my administration, 31% in the last year in 2019 before the pandemic in the Trump administration. It happens every single solitary year," he said. Biden said he wants to rebuild the immigration system, adding that the US is sending back the "vast majority" of families showing up at the border. On unaccompanied children at the border: "The idea that I'm going to say, which I would never do, if an unaccompanied child ends up at the border we're going to let them starve to death and stay on the other side, no previous administration did that either, except Trump. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it," Biden said. On the conditions at a border protection facility in Texas: "[W]e're going to be moving a thousand of those kids out quickly. That's why I got Fort Bliss opened up. That's why I've been working from the moment this started happening to try to find additional access for children to be able to safely, not just children, but particularly children to be able to safely be housed while we follow through on the rest of what's happening," Biden said. The President called conditions at packed migrant facilities such as the one in Donna, Texas, that houses migrant children "totally unacceptable." On administering the Covid-19 vaccines: Biden formally said his administration has set a new goal to get 200 million coronavirus vaccine doses into arms by his 100th day in office. "I know it's ambitious. Twice our original goal. But no other country in the world has even come close, not even close, to what we are doing. I believe we can do it," Biden said. On reopening schools around the country: Biden cited a report out this week from the Department of Education that shows nearly half of K-8 schools are open – a step toward his goal of getting a majority of K-8 schools fully open in the first 100 days. “[W]e’re really close, and I believe in the 35 days left to go we’ll meet that goal as well,” Biden said. On stimulus payments : "As of yesterday more than 100 million payments of $1,400 have gone into people's bank accounts. That's real money in people's pockets bringing relief instantly, almost. And millions more will be getting their money very soon," Biden said. Approximately 127 million stimulus payments worth around $325 billion have been sent to Americans under the American Rescue Plan, the Biden administration announced Wednesday. On infrastructure : Biden said he expects to announce his next major initiative on Friday in Pittsburgh that will aim to rebuild the "both physical and technological infrastructure in this country so we can compete and create significant numbers of really good-paying jobs." On filibuster reform : Biden expressed support for filibuster reform, suggesting he was willing to bend or even abolish the arcane Senate rule on certain issues, in order to accomplish his agenda. The President first said he believed senators ought to have to hold the floor in order to delay action in the Senate. The filibuster is being "abused in a gigantic way," Biden added. On running for reelection in 2024: "Yes, my plan is to run for reelection. That's my expectation," Biden said. More for details see below: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/politics/live-news/joe-biden-news-conference-03-25-21/index.html
  5. Manchin releases statement on FOR THE PEOPLE ACT...only democrat who hasn’t co-signed the bill... "Pushing through legislation of this magnitude on a partisan basis may garner short-term benefits, but will inevitably only exacerbate the distrust that millions of Americans harbor against the U.S. government." "There are some legitimate concerns about the implementation of the For the People Act, especially in rural areas....With that in mind, there are bipartisan proposals embedded in this bill that can strike the right balance"
  6. Spotify Achievements (3/24/2021) Shallow crosses 1.443b streams (1,443,023,452) ARUTW crosses 574m streams (574,427,311) Rain On Me crosses 558m streams (558,097,233) Stupid Love crosses 238m streams (238,218,007) Paparazzi crosses 225m streams (225,156,286) INLA (Extended) crosses 137m streams (137,067,941) 911 crosses 83m streams (83,114,383) Babylon is now Gaga's 51st (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing Beautiful, Dirty, Rich. Enigma is now Gaga's 54th (+1) most-streamed track, overtaking Sinner's Prayer.
  7. March Daily Streams Week 1 — 58.88M Week 2 — 58.24M Week 3 — 57.35M Day 22 — 7.82M Day 23 — 8.04M Day 24 — 8.17M Total — 198.5M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 198.5 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 680.6M Compared to 2020 through the end of Feb — +127.63M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Feb 26 — 9.06M Biggest Day of the Month - Mar 05 — 8.91M
  8. Everything about this movie is gonna be beautiful, I can tell..... ALSO...PIANO....POSSIBLY A SONG ( let me be delusional)
  9. BORDER UPDATE: .....as if we needed anymore proof Trump is mostly to blame about what’s going on at the border
  10. fans also were like the first to scream “YASS GAGA ASK RICH PEOPLE FOR MONEY FOR COVID SLAY MAMA” when she was raising money for COVID but now that it’s her own foundation....SWITCH didn’t hear them complaining then...according to some Gaga should’ve just donated her whole life savings to save the world from COVID instead of asking for donations
  11. Yeah, I’m brutally honest so clueless just came flying outta my keyboard ops
  12. imagine asking people to donate to to a charity/foundation... people are so damn clueless
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/03/politics/2022-senate-race-rankings/index.html FYI CNN has a ranking of the Top 10 Most Competitive Senate races of 2022!!!!! Figured I would share! They’re seemingly keeping it updated too as things change and 2022 gets closer and races become more concrete Maybe I’ll update the OP and make a list of every senate seat up for grabs in 2022 and keep an ongoing list of “people to watch” in those races or whatnot...I’ll have to think about this put I would like to update the OP at some point with something of a little more substance. Maybe I’ll make that my weekend project
  14. March Daily Streams Week 1 — 58.88M Week 2 — 58.24M Week 3 — 57.35M Day 22 — 7.82M Day 23 — 8.04M Total — 190.33M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 190.33M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 672.43 Compared to 2020 through the end of Feb — +127.63M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Feb 26 — 9.06M Biggest Day of the Month - Mar 05 — 8.91M
  15. Spotify Achievements (3/23/2021) Shallow crosses 1.442b streams (1,442,033,264) Rain On Me crosses 557m streams (557,237,097) Bad Romance crosses 528m streams (528,124,769) Poker Face crosses 508m streams (508,013,117) Just Dance crosses 375m streams (375,122,552) Born This Way crosses 284m streams(284,045,467) Sour Candy crosses 198m streams (198,037,950) WDYDT crosses 53m streams (53,001,870) Alibi crosses 51m streams (51,003,298) Sine From Above crosses 36m streams (36,033,752) Til It Happens To You crosses 33m streams (33,003,684) Plastic Doll crosses 32m streams (32,014,003) Sour Candy less than 2M to 200M club
  16. THATS MY SENATOR ...already looking like he’s changing his mind on the filibuster and giving the GOP a fair warning not to f- around... @Starboy @admin @Twitter @NotDoctor @blankpaper @blue @WildAmerican @Joannesrats @Joesuda @NYNJ Nights
  17. Manchin quote from today..... "We got to work together here. Why don't you ask people when was the last time they took time to talk to some of the people on this side......try to convince them, or work with them. Have you had dinner with them? Have you had a lunch with them? Have you had a cup of coffee with them? Try something," he said of his colleagues. he really thinks getting Susan or Mitt a cup of coffee is gonna solve something huh....we’re truly f-ed
  18. I think the only hope at this point is to see if they can get the support for the Toomey-Manchin approach. I think it was increased background checks but not necessarily “universal” But I would have to look into the bills for the differences. Either way even if the filibuster didn’t exist looks like we wouldn’t have Manchin’s support...another perfect oppotunity to use this....
  19. @Starboy @admin @Twitter @NotDoctor @blankpaper @blue @WildAmerican @Joannesrats @Joesuda @NYNJ Nights https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/23/politics/joe-biden-legislative-priority-list/index.html Nice article posted by CNN today that discusses/gives an update on where things stand on Biden’s legislative agenda when it comes to Gun Control, Infrastructure, Minimum Wage, Immigration and the Filibuster!!! Good read for those who have been out of the loop! I enjoyed the article so I thought I’d share again, at anytime, please feel free to tell me to stop tagging you if you don’t care. I know it can annoy people! Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy
  20. Spotify Achievements (3/22/2021) Shallow crosses 1.441b streams (1,441,074,556) ARUTW crosses 573m streams (573,459,442) Rain On Me crosses 556m streams (556,399,855) TEOG crosses 150m streams (150,078,302) Teeth crosses 35m streams (35,009,020) The Edge of Glory becomes Gaga's 18th track to reach 150m streams on Spotify.
  21. March Daily Streams Week 1 — 58.88M Week 2 — 58.24M Week 3 — 57.35M Day 22 — 7.82M Total — 182.29M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 182.29M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 664.39M Compared to 2020 through the end of Feb — +127.63M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Feb 26 — 9.06M Biggest Day of the Month - Mar 05 — 8.91M
  22. ...it’s just so pathetic...WE NEED SOME SORT OF GUN REFORM!!!!! It’s absolutely sad and pathetic that it’s easier to get a gun than it is to f-ing vote in America....it makes me so mad that we can’t pass simple universal background checks. If I’m Schumer I’m putting that background check bill that passed the house a week or two ago to the SENATE FLOOR THIS WEEK and forcing every Republican to vote against it if that’s what they want and then let the media rip them apart for it in the midst of these recent shootings.
  23. Literally reading up on what’s potentially in the bill.. universal Pre-K.... free community college.... 400B for fighting climate change.... Hundreds of Billions for roads, bridges, highways,etc..... expansion of child tax credit... (granted this is early and not at all guaranteed to make it through the final bill but omg) PLEASE MANCHIN
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