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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. I accidentally put tax CUTS on the rich were expected...can you imagine the UPROAR from the democratic base...
  2. You got it! I love trying to create some convo so the more people I can try to get in here to share news and converse the better I’ll add you going forward!!!!
  3. AHHHH I CANT BELIEVE I DID THAT... def a typo @Delusionalive noticed you active in the thread liking some posts recently, would you be interested in me adding you to my small tag list for US news? I don’t tag every time I post obviously just majorish news i like to share to try and create convo, let me know friend
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/03/30/biden-infrastructure-plan-jobs/%3foutputType=amp Details have begun to leak regarding the first of 2 Infrastructure related proposals. The two packages are expected to land somewhere between 3-4T. Biden will be giving concrete/final details tomorrow in Pittsburgh regarding this first part and how he intends to pay for it, tax RAISES on the wealthy and corporations are expected....please see grid above for leaked details
  5. March Daily Streams Week 1 — 58.88M Week 2 — 58.24M Week 3 — 57.35M Week 4 — 57.14M Day 29 — 8.01M Total — 239.62M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 239.62M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 721.74M Compared to 2020 through the end of Feb — +127.63M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Feb 26 — 9.06M Biggest Day of the Month - Mar 05 — 8.91M Despite releasing Stupid Love the last day of February last year Gaga is set out outdo her March 2020 total as of TOMORROW
  6. Spotify Achievements (3/29/2021) Shallow crosses 1.448b streams (1,448,152,345) Rain On Me crosses 562m streams (562,367,140) Bad Romance crosses 531m streams (531,229,211) Million Reasons crosses 517m streams (517,101,686) Chromatica II crosses 32m streams (32,025,356) Video Phone crosses 16m streams (16,005,912) Fun Tonight is now Gaga's 57th (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing So Happy I Could Die.
  7. IM f-ING DEAD YALL...Nike is suing due to the release of Lil Nas X’s “Satan Shoe”.....please see tmz article below regarding lawsuit and his reply... .....
  8. The floppiest of all flop southern states (expect you Georgia and Virgina we love you) Honestly I completely agree....I used to feel that way too..if I learned anything over the last 4 years it was that there was still 70M+ people in the US who are willing to swipe racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and many other things under the rug....it’s so sad I really do like to think we’re making progress but it’s hard sometimes... more than ever we need the EQUALITY ACT
  9. AK just passed a law that allows medical workers to refuse treatment to LGBTQ+....absolutely sickening and if you ever needed a reason not to live in this GOD FORSAKEN state I think this is it. this is so disgusting..... Edit: @lavenderblondee please let me know if you don’t want to be tagged in these update posts that I make sometimes and I can take you off the list, I just noticed you being active in the thread lately so I tagged you in the latest post
  10. I update my list everyday so I post no matter what idk what @Fame Romanceis doing though
  11. March Daily Streams Week 1 — 58.88M Week 2 — 58.24M Week 3 — 57.35M Week 4 — 57.14M Day 28 — 7.7M Total — 231.61M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 231.61M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 713.73M Compared to 2020 through the end of Feb — +127.63M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Feb 26 — 9.06M Biggest Day of the Month - Mar 05 — 8.91M
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.axios.com/schumer-senate-filibuster-reconciliation-1973fecf-5204-4402-a908-38dd6ad388d4.html
  13. Spotify Achievements (3/28/2021) Shallow crosses 1.447b streams (1,447,198,578) ARUTW crosses 576m streams (576,453,684) Rain On Me crosses 561m streams (561,612,262) Poker Face crosses 510m streams (510,413,288) Just Dance crosses 377m streams (377,301,704) INLA (Film) crosses 230m streams (230,047,742) Paparazzi crosses 226m streams (226,062,628) Chromatica I is now Gaga's 78th (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing Just Another Day.
  14. Passing substantial legislation in a 50-50 senate in the current US political climate is VERY DIFFICULT. Biden has signed more executive orders than any President in their first 100 days and he managed to pass a 1.9T stimulus bill through Congress in his 70 days...pretty massive when you think about it like that. He is able to use senate tools and processes to pass things affecting the budget, which is why he focused on stimulus relief first and now infrastructure/“care economy/clean jobs with his second piece, because it is something he can eventually pass without Republican support. To pass any sort of Voting Rights, gun rights, immigration reform, equality act, police reform, and many other things he would need 10 GOP senators to come over and vote with the Dems (NEVER HAPPENING) or elimination of the filibuster, which is the 60 vote threshold to pass most legislation. PERSONALLY, I think Biden is doing really well and focusing on things he knows he can get accomplished and trying to not get too bogged down he things he knows he can’t accomplish right now. Senator Chris Murphy (D) is hopeful they can get some sort of universal background check bill passed for guns but we shall see, I don’t think there is much hope for other things without eliminating or reforming the filibuster.
  15. Hey delusional, thanks for checking in here! this is the latest article I found from February, feel free to check it out below, to answer your question I know the US is OFFICIALLY back in the Paris Agreement. That step of the process is done. https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2021/02/04/u-s-rejoins-paris-agreement/ I posted a quote from the article below that partly discusses the US and their engagement in the Paris Agreement now that they’ve re-entered and the article goes further into which steps Biden may tackle here in the US. President Biden has mapped out an infrastructure bill that has two parts, the first focusing on roads, bridges, and CLEAN ENERGY and CLEAN ENERGY JOBS. He has also pledged to cut emissions from electricity to zero by 2035, and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. “We pushed really hard to encourage countries to increase ambition and join the Paris Agreement and we negotiated that agreement diligently and in good faith,” she said. “But because of the Trump administration, the U.S. literally walked away from the Paris Agreement, didn’t uphold any of its commitments on climate finance or in terms of domestic action. So we’re not coming to foreign policy from a position of strength right now. To me, the most important step is an intensive effort on domestic policy and getting our own house in order, and that would then put us in a much better position in terms of our foreign policy on climate.”
  16. No no no not at all, something passed through reconciliation just has to I think in some way impact the federal Budget. Obama passed the ACA through reconciliation and Trump passed his 2017 tax law through this process Check this site out https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2021/02/05/what-is-reconciliation-in-congress/amp/ in terms of what Biden plans to do “differently” regarding this bill is actually viewed as a very progressive and liberal ambition.... “The second component of the effort would include many of Biden’s other domestic priorities. Those include universal prekindergarten and free community college tuition. The package also would dramatically expand spending on child care, and extend for several years the expansion of the child tax credit recently signed into law for just one year as part of the stimulus plan.” granted, more details will come regarding this second part of the infrastructure in April but this is the tea as of now
  17. Biden having good ratings on economic issues but not doing too hot on the broader cultural issues such as gun control and Immigration. Gun control....MAYBE he can get something passed but I fear most legislative efforts except background checks (IF THAT) would fail without major filibuster reform...though the administration has said gun control EOs are in the works. Immigration....I don’t even know what he could do legislatively, probably nothing with the 60 vote threshold so... ekk
  18. I think the difference is that Biden is actually serious about infrastructure and intent on making it his next piece of legislation while Trump was always willing to throw it out the window for the next soundbite interview he could do
  19. INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK...hopefully this doesn’t end up like Trump’s....reference below: https://theweek.com/articles/839005/all-infrastructure-weeks-ranked
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