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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Spotify Achievements (4/30/2021) Shallow crosses 1.480b streams (1,480,944,875) Rain On Me crosses 588m streams (588,497,867) Bad Romance crosses 547m streams (547,296,266) Million Reasons crosses 525m streams(525,232,326) Just Dance crosses 391m streams (391,299,582) Sour Candy crosses 207m streams (207,102,136) Out Of Time crosses 52m streams (52,011,885) Free Woman crosses 49m streams (49,022,863) Replay crosses 41m streams (41,047,791)
  2. April Daily Streams Week 1 — 55.69M Week 2 — 57.88M Week 3 — 59.1M Week 4 — 57.0M Day 29 — 8.2M Day 30 — 8.6M Total — 246.47M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27) 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 975.42M Compared to 2020 through the end of Apr — +213.23M GAGA ENDS APRIL WITH 69.27M MORE STREAMS THAN LAST APRIL AND A TOTAL OF +213.23M STREAMS AT THIS POINT THRU THE YEAR COMPARED TO 2020
  3. HOLY sh!t, f-ING ROASTED...please yall watch this whole video, she torches him Edit: 50th in infrastructure you say Steph? Damn, would be nice be Biden had a bill to help WV with that that their Senators like Joe Manchin could support...oh...wait...he does
  4. April Daily Streams Week 1 — 55.69M Week 2 — 57.88M Week 3 — 59.1M Week 4 — 57.0M Day 29 — 8.2M Total — 237.87M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 237.87M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 966.82M Compared to 2020 through the end of Mar — +143.96M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Apr 16 — 9.2M Biggest Day of the Month - Apr 16 — 9.2M
  5. That’s exactly it. People know songs like DSN and New Rulea but FOR YEARS my brother and I make jokes because he can NEVER remember her name. And he’s very into music...her songs are bigger than her in this moment and that’s not good for long term career growth. She needs some sort of epic performance to make people see that she’s more than just Spotify investment and pop production. Katy route is not bad by any means, she was a superstar and ruled pop music for a decade but she quickly fizzled and did idol ala Paula Abdul and I fear that if we had to pick one Dua is more on the Katy route than the Gaga route.
  6. Do people forget that Levitating was non existent before that AWFUL remix with paid playlisting and radio play....Dua has VERY LITTLE name recognition in the US and it’s a serious problem for her brand and it’s future IMO edit: love the girl, but when half the people I know can’t even remember or care to know her name...ekk
  7. INFRASTRUCTURE TALKS UPDATE https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/551093-harris-senators-work-behind-scenes-on-jobs-package?amp=1&amp_recirculation=1 Congressional Democrats say they're waiting for Manchin, a pivotal centrist vote in the 50-50 Senate, to explore the possibility of a compromise with Republican senators, even though they expect the talks to fail eventually. "I don't think anybody thinks the bipartisan talks are going to lead to anything," said one Democratic senator who requested anonymity to comment on internal deliberations. "There's not a single pay-for that they'll agree to that's meaningful," the lawmaker added, referring to the gulf between Democrats and Republicans over how to cover the cost of the package. Republicans want to repurpose some of the $350 billion allocated to state and local governments in last month's $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, an idea that many Democrats reject, and raise another big chunk of money through "user fees," which Democrats argue would provide too little revenue to transform the economy. Biden has proposed raising taxes on corporations and high-income households to finance his infrastructure proposals. Republicans, such as Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), say raising the corporate tax rate is a "non-starter." Democratic senators and staff say they'll give the bipartisan talks a few weeks because they know they can't get Manchin, and maybe a few other centrist Democrats, to vote for the reconciliation package until it's clear a bipartisan deal won't materialize. "If it got close, [Senate GOP leader] Mitch McConnell [R-Ky.] would shut it down because he doesn't want a successful outcome," said a second Democratic senator. "But you got to have 50 votes to do it, that's the challenge," the lawmaker added, referring to Manchin's insistence that he and other moderate Democrats be given a chance to craft a scaled-down infrastructure package with Republicans. "In order to have the Democratic caucus together, he's got to make a good-faith effort," the source added, while noting that lengthy negotiations with Republicans on the Affordable Care Act in 2009 failed to yield a single GOP vote for former President Obama's signature domestic policy. "We'll see that again. You heard it last night with Tim Scott," the senator added on Thursday, referring to Sen. Tim Scott's (R-S.C.) rebuttal to Biden's first address to a joint session of Congress in which the president laid out his American Families Plan and other spending priorities. Scott suggested that Biden is delivering "empty platitudes" instead of fulfilling his promise to "unite a nation." Democrats are taking that rhetoric as a sign they won't find the 10 Republican senators needed to overcome a filibuster on infrastructure. They have yet to decide whether to move Biden's infrastructure agenda in one or two packages under budget reconciliation, which would allow them to bypass a filibuster and pass legislation with simple-majority votes in both chambers. Some Democrats are now calling for combining the $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan and the $1.8 trillion American Families Plan into one massive omnibus package, passing it in one fell swoop. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/04/29/politics/infrastructure-joe-biden-shelley-moore-capito/index.html "So I told (Capito) that you could do it in two ways; let's decide on infrastructure, what they think is infrastructure," Biden said Thursday. "Let's decide what is, what are they prepared to consider in terms of what constitutes infrastructure, how much of it, and then can talk about how to pay for it, if we get to the point that we actually have a real number." The President also signaled he was willing to move forward without Republicans if they would not meet him halfway, alluding to his administration's Covid-relief package, which passed through budget reconciliation along strict party lines. "But if it's like last time -- and I think she's serious -- but if it's like last time, they came in with one-fourth or one-fifth of what I'm asking, then it's a no-go for me."
  8. Weird, when you put your head down and ignore the bullshit media circus about whether or not it’s a crisis and avoid tweeting at 3am like a crazed lunatic...you actually get work done ALSO...Somehow this happened without Kamala Harris going to the border or giving a press conference, the two things Fox News informed me were critical to solving the "Biden Border Crisis."
  9. April Daily Streams Week 1 — 55.69M Week 2 — 57.88M Week 3 — 59.1M Day 22 — 8.4M Day 23 — 8.7M Day 24 — 8.5M Day 25 — 7.4M Day 26 — 7.7M Day 27 — 7.9M Day 28 — 8.0M Total — 229.67M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 229.67M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 958.62M Compared to 2020 through the end of Mar — +143.96M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Apr 16 — 9.2M Biggest Day of the Month - Apr 16 — 9.2M
  10. I caught Romney falling asleep too.... Recap: push for his economic plan AJP & AFP, pushed congress for passage of several bills that have no chance of getting 60 votes in the Senate: the PRO act, $15 minimum wage hike, expansion of background checks on gun purchases, assault weapons ban renewal in addition to the Equality Act Also called on Congress to pass a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants - and HR 1. None can get 60 as currently crafted..... but it was a good speech and had a funny moment flashing to Manchin right after Biden shits on people not compromising on guns by saying....”what do you think deers are wearing Kevlar vests”
  11. April Daily Streams Week 1 — 55.69M Week 2 — 57.88M Week 3 — 59.1M Day 22 — 8.4M Day 23 — 8.7M Day 24 — 8.5M Day 25 — 7.4M Day 26 — 7.7M Day 27 — 7.9M Total — 221.67M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 221.67M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 950.62M Compared to 2020 through the end of Mar — +143.96M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Apr 16 — 9.2M Biggest Day of the Month - Apr 16 — 9.2M
  12. I don’t think a single progressive predicted Biden would attempt to inject over 6T dollars into the economy within his first 100 days lol. LETS KEEP THIS PROGRESSIVE AGENDA UP BIDEN AND POSSIBLY EVEN GET MORE PROGRESSIVE
  13. AMERICAN FAMILIES PLAN DETAILS A month after he laid out a roughly $2 trillion infrastructure plan aimed at helping the nation recover from the coronavirus pandemic, President Joe Biden is set to unveil an additional $1.8 trillion federal investment in education, child care and paid family leave during his first address to Congress on Wednesday. The massive package -- which Biden is calling the American Families Plan -- is the second half of his effort to revitalize the nation and ensure a more equitable recovery. The proposal would also extend or make permanent enhancements to several key tax credits that were contained in the Democrats' $1.9 trillion rescue bill, which Biden signed into law last month. The bill contains about $1 trillion in investments and $800 billion in enhanced tax credits. The tax increases contained in the two economic recovery packages would fully pay for the investments over the next 15 years, according to the White House. It's unclear whether lawmakers will consider Biden's two plans together or separately -- or whether Democrats will try to push it through without Republican support, as they did the rescue bill. HERE IS WHAT IS IN THE BILL: HERE ARE THE EXTENDED TAX CREDITS IN THE BILL: AND HERE ARE THE PAYFOR’S
  14. 12 out of 20 You are Major Biden slay I guess...got the Gaga one wrong...totally thought it was here talking about her love of muscle cars...for some reason I totally thought she mentioned something like that during the promotion of Y&I
  15. Spotify Achievements (4/27/2021) Shallow crosses 1.477b streams (1,477,907,786) ARUTW crosses 591m streams (591,417,158) Rain On Me crosses 586m streams (586,097,639) Poker Face crosses 524m streams (524,215,858) Just Dance crosses 390m streams (390,051,004) Telephone crosses 353m streams (353,132,539) INLA (Film) crosses 234m streams (234,128,1118) Babylon crosses 36m streams (36,031,636) DWUW ft. Xtina crosses 14m streams (14,001,379)
  16. Day 98 - 1 Executive Order Signed by President Biden Federal Minimum Wage Two months after his effort to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour ran into the Senate parliamentarian buzz saw, President Joe Bidenis set to use his executive powers to hike the pay of hundreds of thousands of federal contract workers. The President is expected to issue an executive order on Tuesday that increases contract workers' hourly minimum wage to $15 in early 2022, up from the current $10.95. It eliminates the tipped minimum wage, now $7.65 an hour, by 2024 and ensures that federal contract workers with disabilities also receive a minimum of $15 an hour. Agencies will need to incorporate the $15 minimum wage in new contract solicitations starting January 30 and to implement the threshold in new contracts by March 30. Agencies must implement the higher wage in existing contracts when they are extended, which often happens annually. The wage will be adjusted yearly based on the increase in inflation. Tuesday's measure follows an executive order Biden signed days after taking office that set the stage for raising federal contract workers' pay, one of the President's campaign commitments. The order also directed agencies to determine which federal workers are earning less than that minimum and develop recommendations to promote bringing them up to $15 an hour.
  17. April Daily Streams Week 1 — 55.69M Week 2 — 57.88M Week 3 — 59.1M Day 22 — 8.4M Day 23 — 8.7M Day 24 — 8.5M Day 25 — 7.4M Day 26 — 7.7M Total — 213.37M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 213.37M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 942.72M Compared to 2020 through the end of Mar — +143.96M Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Apr 16 — 9.2M Biggest Day of the Month - Apr 16 — 9.2M
  18. Day 97 - 1 Executive Order Signed by President Biden Union/Worker’s Rights President Biden signed an executive order on Monday creating a White House task force to promote labor organizing, an attempt to use the power of the federal government to reverse a decades-long decline in union membership. The task force, to be led by Vice President Kamala Harris and populated by cabinet officials and top White House advisers, will issue recommendations on how the government can use existing authority to help workers join labor unions and bargain collectively. It will also recommend new policies aimed at achieving these. Unions have lobbied for the passage of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act, which would prohibit employers from holding mandatory anti-union meetings and impose financial penalties for violating workers’ labor rights. (Workers can currently receive only so-called make-whole remedies, like back pay.) The House passed the measure in March and Mr. Biden supports the legislation, but it faces long odds in the Senate. The task force will focus on, among other things, helping the federal government encourage its own workers to join unions and bargain collectively, and finding ways to make it easier for workers, especially women and people of color, to organize and bargain in parts of the country and in industries that are hostile to unions.
  19. Spotify Achievements (4/26/2021) Shallow crosses 1.476b streams (1,476,939,783) Rain On Me crosses 585m streams (585,329,235) Bad Romance crosses 545m streams (545,344,575) Million Reasons crosses 524m streams (524,225,266) Paparazzi crosses 232m streams (232,081,369) Alejandro crosses 213m streams (213,051,630) Judas crosses 140m streams (140,114,813) INLA (Extended) crosses 140m streams (140,085,842) 1000 Doves is now Gaga's 68th (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing Hair.
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