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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. I think Mitt Romney said it pretty well.... tell me how this helps them gain votes? They already struggled with college educated voters and suburban woman, you think this helps? I certainly don’t....I think they seriously risk alienating a portion of their voters...sure the leadership is united but how united are their voters..that is yet to be seen but we saw those cracks in the 2020 election.
  2. This is all such a joke, I really hope this comes back to bite the GOP in 2022 & 2024 not that I like Cheney at all..cause I don’t but I think we all know how messed up it is that they’re booting her because she refuses to tell the Big Lie...this is freaking history in the making today.
  3. YALL IM DEAD sorry for the tag on such a small scale tweet but I thought it was too funny not to share
  4. Yeah seriously, Caitlyn Jenner, Israel & Palestine conflict, not to mention all the Liz Cheney stuff...meetings with Manchin and Sinema, meetings with congressional leadership, meetings with GOP senators....BUSY WEEK
  5. Ava Max fans must be mistaking the single artwork for a line of coke because that’s what they gotta be on to believe this sh!t
  6. They’re bound to be bored eventually.....right? I mean...”your power” is a huge f-ing snooze
  7. May Daily Streams Week 1 — 52.M Day 8 — 8.2M Day 9 — 7.2M Day 10 — 7.5M Total — 75.4M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 75.4M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1,053.82B
  8. May Daily Streams Week 1 — 52.M Day 8 — 8.2M Day 9 — 7.2M Total — 67.9M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 67.9M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1,046.32B
  9. A couple of noteworthy news/updates today... The U.S. will protect gay and transgender people against sex discrimination in health care, the Biden administration announced Monday, reversing a Trump-era policy that sought to narrow the scope of legal rights in sensitive situations involving medical care. The action by the Department of Health and Human Services affirms that federal laws forbidding sex discrimination in health care also protect gay and transgender people. The Trump administration had defined “sex” to mean gender assigned at birth, thereby excluding transgender people from the law’s umbrella of protection. And an article with updates on “possible bipartisan legislation” such a infrastructure, police reform, China, voting rights, etc BIG WEEK FOR MEETINGS: 5/10 - Biden meeting with Senators Tom Carper and Joe Manchin on infrastructure/families plan 5/11 - Biden meeting with Senator Sinema to discuss the American Jobs Plan and infrastructure talks 5/12 - Biden meets with Leadership including Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy as well as Pelosi and Schumer 5/13 - Biden to meet with Sen. Capito, Senator Barrasso, Senator Blunt, Senator Crapo, Senator Toomey & Senator Wicker to discuss GOP counter offer to Infrastructure... Edit:
  10. Oh no....10 points whatever will you do with those 10 points when you’re banned indefinitely
  11. JDB showed up and got quickly flagged as spam by one of the incredible mods here...clearly didn’t take too long to miss me
  12. LOL that member calls me a troll and then has the audacity to show up here. bye TROLL
  13. I’m having way too much fun with this..maybe I am a troll...
  14. Please share your experience if you do, you need to infiltrate the charts thread and finish what I started...you’ll probably get called a troll by some random troll
  15. Now Hurem can sit there and post about Dua Lipa all day...HAVE FUN GGD
  16. LOL as if I’m a troll...I’ve been there 10 years and I don’t only post about Justin Bieber..... thank god I deleted that site from my life, that will help me eliminate needless social media time. How insulting to call me a troll when I’ve been proving the most chart news there the last 6+ months. That thread is literally gonna be empty.
  17. Charts let me know if my posts are still even there, I was banned and cannot see that site at all
  18. That’s why I tagged as many of the remaining chartsters that I could think of lol hopefully they see it before *admin
  19. over/under 5 minutes until I get banned? Who wants to take bets
  20. yay welcome friend really hope you enjoy this site over the old one!!!
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