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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Omg a beng sighting....love it! Thanks for the update, my conservative Uncle sending his son to “liberal colleges” will love this
  2. An authoritarian minority (who’s President never won the popular vote) packing the Supreme Court with Pro-life judges at an attempt to overturn historic and monumental woman’s rights legislation...democracy at work people
  3. Imma need the Biden Admin to switch their standing real fast ala the refugee cap, cause Queen AOC spilling hot tea. Refusing to support the UN statement for a ceasefire is...f-ing awful honestly and y’all know I lean left and support Biden but even I can say I hate this stance the admin is taking. I have no issues supporting our allies duh, but we need to be able to speak up to those allies and denounce their actions when they are abhorrent. And not only that, we need to not ignore obvious human rights issues that are occurring right now in the Gaza Stripe just because it’s Israel. Also, I have no issue with the Iron Dome and us protecting Israel, it’s there to protect citizens and children and families, but it’s sad that people would never want that same type of protection for the Palestinians....the power struggle/chasm (I don’t know if those are the right words) is very clear to see. One is powered by the US and one is not. Anyone have any thoughts/anything they’d like to add?
  4. Not her needing Dababy (and huge amounts of Spotify/radio payola) to get a #1 Love Dua’s music but...the cringe....
  5. Russia’s human rights violations? I agree! Not cute whatsoever
  6. Are we talking about human rights violations? Cause those #s would make sense
  7. reading this tweet and I’m like....”duh that is the point” Israel wants less people to see what’s going on there because they know what they’re doing in Gaza is horrific....
  8. BMUS taking me back to my 2000s closeted phase...such a good mixtape...”Seeing Green” is so good, I rarely hate a Nicki/Drake/Wayne collab though so I’m not shocked not to mention I forgot how INCREDIBLE the Boss a** b*ch remix is... ” p**sy like girls damn is my p**sy gay? It's a holiday, play wit my p**sy day p**sy this, p**sy that, p**sy taken p**sy ride dick like she a Jamaican p**sy stay warm, p**sy on vacation You loose b*ches need a p**sy renovation You could eat it wit a p**sy reservation p**sy bout to get a standin' ovation Clap, clap clap for this p**sy nigga But I can't give this p**sy to a p**sy nigga Awww man, slow down. Ima give u somethin' dat you could hold down But I can't give u head, I'm too ill for that Ima make a movie still, kill bill for that “
  9. How do you think I feel quoting someone from like 5 hours ago restarting this whole conversation ...ops
  10. One thing I really hate about this thread in particular is I find it incredibly difficult to actually give my opinion, I feel like the second you say something “this artist is boring” or “I don’t think artist x can perform well” you immediately get reported. like is this a forum where we can have discussions and disagreements or a place where we’re all forced to agree and sing songs together? like why are people reporting others for saying someone is boring....how bored do you have to be to report someone for stating an opinion? Flamebait is just fancy forum language for “cannot accept another point of view” Many thin skinned people here honestly edit: also kinda funny to me that anyone and everyone can sh!t on Katy whenever they want but GOD FORBID someone mention Taylor in a negative light yall melt down
  11. My boyfriend works retail and he said yesterday how he just knows that the new CDC guidance is gonna cause hassle because people are gonna expect to be able to walk in maskless everywhere now....I feel for him..I have an office job where I work remotely but he’s was unemployed for a while due to covid and then finally their store reopened and it’s been a long stretch for him...he once told me a story of an anti mask parade happening on their street where they were going up to business doors and yelling “SHOW US YOUR SMILE” with a megaphone...psychos
  12. She’s so deranged it’s terrifying honestly. What a creep. I completely agree. imagine they don’t take back the house even with their gerrymandering and redistricting, I’d laugh my f-ing a** off
  13. May Daily Streams Week 1 — 52.M Day 8 — 8.2M Day 9 — 7.2M Day 10 — 7.5M Day 11 — 7.8M Day 12 — 8.0M Day 13 — 8.0M Total — 99.2M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 99.2M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1,077.32B
  14. Sorry y’all got so messed up by my 2nd shot...obvi posted already but here you go May Daily Streams Week 1 — 52.M Day 8 — 8.2M Day 9 — 7.2M Day 10 — 7.5M Day 11 — 7.8M Day 12 — 8.0M Total — 91.2M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 91.2M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1,069.32B
  15. That discography gonna look so nice with BTW at 300M, Just Dance at 400M, & ROM/ARUTW at 600M Not to mention Shallow coming for 1.5B
  16. Yeah I mean I might still wear one like going out to the grocery store but tbh Maine has one of the best vaccination rates in the country, especially Southern Maine which is very Democratic. I still think this is a good thing, we need people to see that getting vaccinated means you can safely do a lot more. It’s important for people to see that. But yes sadly people will lie, that’s inevitable I think :/ I am grateful that I live in a state with such a high vaccinated population though....
  17. My thoughts? I’m damn happy I’m vaccinated, Chromatica ball in Fenway here I come!!!!!
  18. Day 112 - 1 Executive Order Signed by President Biden Cybersecurity President Biden on Wednesday signed an executive order aimed at improving federal cybersecurity, with the order coming on the heels of multiple major and damaging cyberattacks including the one on the Colonial Pipeline. The executive order, which has been in the works since early in the Biden administration, is meant to serve as an example to the private sector of the federal government taking the lead on strengthening cybersecurity. The executive order requires the establishment of baseline cybersecurity standards for all software sold to the federal government, and that all software used by the government meet these standards within nine months. Software developers doing business with the government are required to make their security data publicly available. In addition, it mandates the deployment of the use of encryption and multifactor authentication by the federal government in what the official described as "tight" timelines, with agencies required to get a waiver from the National Security Council if encryption is not fully implemented in six months. It establishes a government-wide endpoint detection and response system to help federal agencies share cyber threat information, and will create a standardized "playbook" for how agencies should immediately respond to future cyber breaches. The executive order requires IT providers who do business with the federal government to report data breaches.
  19. I think it’s important to note that since the election when he lost GA, AZ, WI, PN, MI he has tried to overthrow democracy and now all this going on with House leadership...tbh we don’t know HOW MANY VOTERS they’ve potentially lost since November...2022 will be really interesting edit: you do make good points though, I agree with a lot of them honestly
  20. May Daily Streams Week 1 — 52.M Day 8 — 8.2M Day 9 — 7.2M Day 10 — 7.5M Day 11 — 7.8M Total — 83.2M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 83.2M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1,061.32B
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