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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Another streaming party!!!! 300 people have joined so far!!!! In this streaming party via AM and streaming on Spotify on laptop in the background LETS KEEP THE GOOD STREAM NEWS GOING
  2. Seems like it’s doing really well on Amazon!!!!!
  3. here comes the bald white guy to tell us what good music is this dude has to be one the most try hard people on the internet
  4. I had no idea DWAS was close to matching LTDO’s peak
  5. I go to bed we’re at #21 and I wake up and we’re top 10
  6. It’s a US radio show that essentially plays coast to coast on 170+ radio stations simultaneously on Saturday night, so one play = larger exposure
  7. we need joker and Harley edits with the song to go viral on TikTok or something. COME ON TIKTOKERS MAKE sh!t HAPPEN
  8. I forgot about this! Hopefully we can get some spins tonight
  9. 8M (+2.6M 2nd day so far with a little less than 6 hours to go)
  10. Joined the stationhead streaming party, about 220 people there streaming, already streaming on Spotify from the following in case anyone wants to stream as well:
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