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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Charles Booker announces run for US Senate in Kentucky in 2022 against Rand Paul (R)
  2. I think she has a good chance too because the state is turning more blue and she would be an incumbent with the establishment behind her..but still, my points stand and I don’t understand why she’s trying to hard to appeal to the GOP when Democrats are the ones who got her to victory and are gonna be the ones to re-elect her in 2024, a very large majority of the GOP isn’t gonna vote for her over a Trump backed candidate no matter how much she grovels and pleads bipartisanship…and I wish that she would realize that…
  3. Yeah except…….Kelly is loved my Democrats (aka the people who will actually vote for him in an election) and Sinema is comparably not….the fact that only 50% of Democrats approve and over 1/3 disapprove of her is NOT GOOD. She has a high favoribility because the GOP in AZ love that she’s hindering Biden’s agenda…and guess what Sinema, those GOP constituents will NEVER vote for you in 2024 when Trump is on the ballot and your against a Republican on the same ticket, she appeals to moderates and the GOP but the people who actually would vote for her don’t really like her and honestly I don’t see her losing a primary but she’s gonna face one hell of a challenge and the GOP are gonna see these numbers for her and KNOW that she’s vulnerable in 2024. But this is what happens when you betray the people who supported your campaign….and I don’t feel bad whatsoever. I’m only mad cause she’s f-ing up and gonna make the Democrats a lot more vulnerable in 2024…just ask Joe Donnelly or Heidi Heitkamp how “being moderate” helped them
  4. Spotify Achievements (6/29/2021) Shallow crosses 1.537b streams (1,537,109,613) Rain On Me crosses 633m streams (633,140,133) Just Dance crosses 416m streams (416,335,054) The Edge of Glory crosses 164m streams(164,181,229) Free Woman crosses 52m streams (52,013,553)
  5. Spotify Achievements (6/28/2021) Shallow crosses 1.536b streams (1,536,311,971) Rain On Me crosses 632m streams (632,465,696) ARUTW crosses 621m streams (621,357,067) Bad Romance crosses 576m streams (576,282,905) Poker Face crosses 553m streams (553,306,163) Telephone crosses 366m streams (366,018,068) Born This Way crosses 312m streams (312,316,340) Stupid Love crosses 260m streams (260,007,843) Sour Candy crosses 219m streams (219,121,854) You And I crosses 111m streams (111,046,618) Fun Tonight crosses 36m streams (36,000,472) Boys Boys Boys crosses 31m streams (31,013,892) Plastic Doll is now Gaga's 57th (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing So Happy I Could Die. Scheisse is now Gaga's 65th (+1) most-streamed track, surpassing Boys Boys Boys.
  6. What a f-ing prick….. the GOP really loves to elect a-holes don’t they? edit: Wow you mean maybe you should just try paying a living wage? Who would’ve thought……
  7. Wait so can we now say that Gaga has 7 albums above 1B? TF, TFM, BTW, BTW(TTA), Joanne, ASIB, Chromatica..do we finally get our own version of Spotify fraduery Dula Peep style?
  8. Day 156 - 1 Executive Order Signed by Biden Diversity The directive builds on Biden’s Inauguration Day promise for “an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda,” according to a White House fact sheet accompanying the order. The White House statement said “the enduring legacies of employment discrimination, systemic racism, and gender inequality are still felt today. Too many underserved communities remain under-represented in the Federal workforce, especially in positions of leadership.” The order, the White House said, is designed to “take a systematic approach to embedding” diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in federal hiring and employment. Not limited to diversity based on race and gender, the executive order includes, among others, immigrants, first-generation professionals, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, rural residents, seniors facing age discrimination and religious people who need workplace accommodations at work. The order outlines various actions designed to enhance equity, including: ● Establishing a government-wide diversity and inclusion initiative in all areas of the government’s workforce that will be led by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). ● Charging federal agencies with identifying, within 100 days, barriers to employment and developing strategic plans to eliminate them ● Reducing the government’s reliance on unpaid internships, which can create barriers for low-income students ● Advancing pay equity to ensure that all employees are fairly compensated. Other points in the order require “a government-wide, comprehensive plan to address workplace harassment, including sexual harassment” and seek to advance federal workplace equity for LGBTQ+ employees and people with disabilities, according to the fact sheet. That includes, the order says, “equitable access to healthcare and health insurance coverage” for LGBTQ+ employees and their dependents. On his first day in office, Biden reversed a Trump administration order that effectively banned diversity training in federal agencies. Friday’s order instructs officials to expand diversity, equity and inclusion training to “enable Federal employees, managers, and leaders to have knowledge of systemic and institutional racism and bias against underserved communities.”
  9. stop, I’m trying to forget that discussions and you’re forcing me to remember when someone tried to call Tucker “open minded”
  10. Ive always found with Inflation you gotta dig a little deeper, especially when trying to compare it to 2020…like let’s not forget the massive pandemic that was occurring last May The Council of Economic Advisors has a really great Twitter thread about inflation today actually….you should check it out! It was a good Twitter read/thread, I don’t think people realize that what’s currently happening is very consistent with a strengthening market and an economy restarting from a global pandemic. Time will tell for sure but I think everything right now looks pretty normal given the circumstances of the last year+…like if I have to explain rising gas prices to one more person on Facebook I stg hahahah (This last comment wasn’t directed at you, just more of me commenting on my experiences lol)
  11. Got my BTW 10th Anniversary CD, Vinyl and Cassette on the way
  12. Ed serving incredible basic music once again..I have no choice but to bop
  13. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm……Ed………. ……. Am I crazy in thinking this sounds oddly….similar….?
  14. Don’t speak so soon lol What did you say…. He didn’t even give it like 5 hours…he’ll tank it somehow
  15. Yeah I think EVERYONE (including the senators) need to actually see what the bills look like before anyone can truly commit. But I am half hopeful and half weary of this. But I am really happy everyone from Pelosi to Schumer to Biden have all basically said “it’s all or nothing”. He doesn’t seem to be willing to drop the other aspects of Jobs and Families plans and reconciliation is on the table FOR SURE. It’s all about putting the two together and seeing if the votes are there. OBVIOUSLY it’s not gonna be a 6T reconciliation bill but I’m FAIRLY confident when it’s all said and done all the moderate Dems can bet on board and therefore all Dems will get on board to the bipartisan..I wonder though if McConnell, knowing that this second bill is coming decides to pull his support for the bipartisan bill…why would he be willing to give Biden this victory..doesn’t seem like him…WE SHALL SEE..he’s “still listening”….. edit: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I truly believe Democrats will stick together, no way THEY’RE the reasons Biden’s economic plan fails. I just don’t believe when push comes to shove Manchin would hold up a LARGE PORTION of Biden’s agenda, you just gotta finesse the moderates Democrats to get there
  16. Moderate Dems part of crafting the bipartisan proposal such as Sinema, Manchin and Warner have already floated the idea of being open to this two track process so I’m excited ngl. If it all comes together and Biden gets the Bipartisan deal win with Trillions of other dollars in more spending this will be a MASSIVE victory. MASSIVE. BE WARNED THOUGH THAT IT COULD ALL COME CRUMBLING DOWN AND WE GET NOTHING…..
  17. Today the White House and a group of 10 Bipartisan Senators did agree to an infrastructure framework. The idea being that this and the Reconciliation/Budget Process will be playing out at the same time. Biden announced today that one does not come without the other, he will not be signing a bipartisan bill unless a reconciliation bill is also at his desk with his other priorities, also Pelosi announces she will not NOT be bringing the bipartisan bill to the floor until the reconciliation process plays out and the house votes on that bill as well. ESSENTIALLY BIPARTISAN BILL AND RECONCILIATION IS A PACKAGE DEAL. Please see below for general details and payfors and the link above for more info The Bipartisan Package will do the following…. 1) Improve healthy, sustainable transportation options for millions of Americans by modernizing and expanding transit and rail networks across the country, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Plan is the largest federal investment in public transit in history and is the largest federal investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak. 2) Repair and rebuild our roads and bridges with a focus on climate change mitigation, resilience, equity, and safety for all users, including cyclists and pedestrians. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework is the single largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the interstate highway system. 3) Build a national network of electric vehicle (EV) chargers along highways and in rural and disadvantaged communities. The largest investment in EV infrastructure in history, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework will accomplish the President’s goal of building 500,000 EV chargers. 4) Electrify thousands of school and transit buses across the country to reduce harmful emissions and drive domestic manufacturing of zero emission vehicles and components. 5) Eliminate the nation’s lead service lines and pipes, delivering clean drinking water to up to ten million American families and more than 400,000 schools and child care facilities that currently don’t have it, including in Tribal nations and disadvantaged communities. The Plan is the largest investment in clean drinking water and waste water infrastructure in American history. 6) Connect every American to reliable high-speed internet, just as the federal government made a historic effort to provide electricity to every American nearly one hundred years ago. The Framework will also drive down prices for internet service and close the digital divide. 7) Upgrade our power infrastructure, including by building thousands of miles of new, resilient transmission lines to facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, including through a new Grid Authority. The Plan is the single largest investment in clean energy transmission in American history. 8) Create a first of its kind Infrastructure Financing Authority that will leverage billions of dollars into clean transportation and clean energy. 9)Make the largest investment in addressing legacy pollution in American history, a cleanup effort that will create good-paying union jobs and advance environmental justice. 10) Prepare more of our infrastructure for the impacts of climate change, cyber attacks, and extreme weather events. The Framework is the largest investment in the resilience of physical and natural systems in American history.
  18. Miley is f-ing incredible….one of my favorite artists next to Gaga
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