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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Literally, the fact that we’re even having about a discussion about favoring things like “bipartisanship”, the filibuster, and the parliamentarian, over actually protecting humans rights like voting and the ability for people to know they can safely stayed in the country they’ve lived their whole life is completely beyond me. Who gives a f- whether it’s bipartisan, or through reconciliation or with 50 votes or 55 WHO f-ING CARES WHEN HUMAN LIVES/RIGHTS ARE AT STAKE. This isn’t about providing internet to people and taxes on big oil companies, THESE ARE BASIC RIGHTS. And that’s worth whatever process it takes to achieve, that’s what I expect from my elected officials.
  2. And then Mitch McConnell and the GOP proceeded to STEAL two SCOTUS seats…but no, let’s fail to deliver on the promises that we made to voters because of senate rules and things like the parliamentarian and the filibuster, what a losing f-ing strategy. Like what lol…. not only fail to deliver on promises but literally put process > people…absolutely disgusting
  3. The whole f-ing point of voting/ie exercising your right to appoint your elected officials is to not excuse the actions of one side and to vote for the other because their legislation is better…what are you even saying, are you insane? Keep defending process instead of defending people…literally couldn’t be me, I’ll defend actual human beings above ANYTHING ELSE. Your POV (defending process over human beings) reminds me of a certain Senator that grew up poor and now struggles to help the same people that voted for her… edit: im not at all trying to demean or belittle but I find your POV so incredibly harmful and hurtful to so many that I just can’t see it. I’ll stop commenting now cause im getting too upset. It legitimately makes me upset to see people with little empathy just being completely okay with playing games with the lives of millions of people just because of rules. I think it’s absolutely sick.
  4. Apologies, I wasn’t trying to get you not to defend your point, of course you can do that. I just didn’t feel like this convo would go anywhere constructive….. Again, I really don’t care what the Senate Parliamentarian says regarding arcane rules. Other countries function with a majority rule, lets stop having this defeatist attitude about “oh no what happens when they have power” we already know what they do when they have power, they steal SC seats and cut taxes for the wealthy, lets not act like the GOP cares about ANYTHING ELSE, cause they don’t, they use abortion and immigration to get their base to the polls and that’s it, they don’t actually intend to do anything about those issues with or without the filibuster. But it blocks everything democrats want to do. Point blank. The parliamentarian is NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. She has no actual power, she’s a damn advisor for god sake. And again, using her, and the Senate rules as a way out to defend this point of view is sick, gross, and absolutely what is wrong with this country. SAY IT LOUDER WARREN edit: Also to your last point, can we please not try the deceptive comparisons of what Democrats and Republicans do with reconciliation, Democrats gave 20M+ Americans healthcare with their power last time, and they also used it to pass a 1.9T dollar relief bill that cut child poverty in half just a couple of months ago and NOW they’re using their next time to give social support to middle class America. Meanwhile the GOP used theirs to try and rip healthcare away from millions and cut taxes for the rich and put the deficit on the backs of the American people. And honestly, outrage is good, that’s how it should be done. That’s the American people giving their opinion. That outrage SAVED HEALTHCARE FOR MILLIONS by pressuring people like McCain and Collins to vote no against that SHAM bill. Honestly though to even compare the two is at best, completely misleading and at worse, just a blatant lie. So yes, outrage is warranted in one case and not the other. And if you can’t separate those two situations and see that…I can’t help
  5. And this is the issue..people care more about arcane Senate rules decided by the Senate Parliamentarian aka a woman who isn’t even an elected official, more than they do about someone’s right to live in the country they’ve lived their whole life and denying them citizenship. Its sick. It’s immoral and it’s gross. Like do you seriously care more about Senate rules than peoples lives…? Cause you do realize that’s EXACTLY what you’re saying. It’s gross dude. I have no f-ing clue why you even care what’s allowed and not allowed in a reconciliation bill. And being 100% honesty People who think like this ( AKA Sinema defending the filibuster over people’s fundamental right to vote) are the issues with our government officials. edit: honestly though this isn’t be a conductive conversation so we should probably end it honestly, we CLEARLY do not agree on this fundamental thing
  6. Beautiful Mistakes sounds like every other Maroon 5 song of the last decade…it’s so boring imagine putting out the same song for the 1000th time in a row, couldn’t be me but agree to disagree
  7. That’s upsetting……Dreamers, TPS holders, DED recipients, farmworkers, and other essential workers DESERVE a pathway to citizenship. Absolutely disgusting that people in this country continue to play political games with their lives. Congress has failed them long enough.
  8. Say what you want about the single itself but Stupid Love looks would be a huge f-ing bop live, especially if Gaga is giving us this type of energy during the performances
  9. July Daily Streams Day 1 — 8.0M Day 2 — 8.1M Day 3 — 7.6M Day 4 — 6.7M Day 5 — 7.1M Day 6 — 7.2M Day 7 — 7.3M Day 8 — 7.5M Day 9 — 7.8M Day 10 — 7.5M Day 11 — 6.4M Day 12 — 6.9M Day 13 — 7.2M Day 14 — 7.2M Day 15 — 7.3M Day 16 — 7.6M Total — 117.4M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27M) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 245M (-108.9M) June 20/21 — 494.2M / 231M (-263.2M) July 20/21 — 351.5M / 117.4M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1.568.8B (-158.87M through June 21) Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Apr 16 — 9.2M Biggest Day of the Month July 02 — 8.1M
  10. ICYMI…A federal judge ruled yesterday that DACA that unlawful because he concluded it had violated the Administrative Procedure Act, which dictates what procedures agencies must go through to implement certain policies. Rather than immediately strike down the program in its entirety, the judge is putting some aspects of his decision on hold for the time being, as the case continues to be litigated and so the government can consider making changes to the program. (https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/07/16/politics/what-to-know-daca-ruling-illegal/index.html) Something tells me the Democrats are going to be pursuing those immigration changes (about 120B$ worth) with a lot more force in the negotiations among themselves… Even this morning President Biden endorses legalizing Dreamers through the filibuster-proof budget process: “It is my fervent hope that through reconciliation or other means, Congress will finally provide security to all Dreamers, who have lived too long in fear,” Biden also said that the DOJ plans on fighting this ruling Personal opinion: the DACA ruling is so unfortunate and cruel. We need Congress now MORE THAN EVER to grant a pathway to citizenship for DREAMERS. I just called Senator Angus King’s office on to tell them he needs to be arguing for a Roth way to citizenship in the reconciliation bill…used the following script incase yall want to do the same :) ….also new poll added! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QJjKihbzcOLhJKramvf-dnqTuaf90eR3q8ZORC8AtXw/mobilebasic
  11. …… so I guess every BTS song is gonna go #1 due to mass buying huh?
  12. July Daily Streams Day 1 — 8.0M Day 2 — 8.1M Day 3 — 7.6M Day 4 — 6.7M Day 5 — 7.1M Day 6 — 7.2M Day 7 — 7.3M Day 8 — 7.5M Day 9 — 7.8M Day 10 — 7.5M Day 11 — 6.4M Day 12 — 6.9M Day 13 — 7.2M Day 14 — 7.2M Day 15 — 7.3M Total — 109.8M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27M) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 245M (-108.9M) June 20/21 — 494.2M / 231M (-263.2M) July 20/21 — 351.5M / 109.8M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1.561.2B (-158.87M through June 21) Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Apr 16 — 9.2M Biggest Day of the Month July 02 — 8.1M
  13. Spotify Achievements (7/15/2021) Shallow crosses 1.550b streams (1,550,438,053) Rain On Me crosses 644m streams (644,121,095) Bad Romance crosses 584m streams (584,347,453) Million Reasons crosses 543m streams(543,128,753) Born This Way crosses 318m streams (318,136,214) Applause crosses 292m streams (292,019,993) TEOG crosses 167m streams (167,100,223) DWUW ft. Xtina crosses 15m streams (15,0004,284)
  14. July Daily Streams Day 1 — 8.0M Day 2 — 8.1M Day 3 — 7.6M Day 4 — 6.7M Day 5 — 7.1M Day 6 — 7.2M Day 7 — 7.3M Day 8 — 7.5M Day 9 — 7.8M Day 10 — 7.5M Day 11 — 6.4M Day 12 — 6.9M Day 13 — 7.2M Day 14 — 7.2M Total — 102.5M 2020 vs 2021 Monthly Streams Jan 20/21 — 175.1M / 247.81M (+72.71M) Feb 20/21 — 180M / 234.92M (+54.92M) Mar 20/21 — 239.7M / 256.03M (+16.33M) Apr 20/21 — 177.2M / 246.47M (+69.27M) May 20/21 — 353.9M / 245M (-108.9M) June 20/21 — 494.2M / 231M (-263.2M) July 20/21 — 351.5M / 102.5M 2020/21 Total — 3.340B / 1.553.9B (-158.87M through June 21) Notes: Biggest Day of the Year - Apr 16 — 9.2M Biggest Day of the Month July 02 — 8.1M
  15. Say Something was f-ing massive (at least in the US)..you say “Oh no” like that would be a bad thing? I think we would be extremely lucky to get a hit that big for the Top Gun song (if it’s even a thing at this point)
  16. Slay that picture is a choice though..like really...that’s the one you chose? @Miaouwhen do we get an update on your list?
  17. Schumer is NOT f-ing around b*ch is like LETS GO…next week is important AF for Biden’s agenda…get ready yall…
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