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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. literally everyone is reporting it at this point…LETS ANNOUNCE IT GAGA
  2. No I know but still…I just want Tony to be able to..idk be there for the moment or something idk, I know he already sick and probably won’t be around much for album promo but still I’ll be devastated if Gaga accepts that award by herself
  3. I mean..it has GOOD chances of winning the Grammy for BTPV Album whenever it’s in the category but still…the album is literally going to be so f-ing old by the 2023 GRAMMYs…I really hope they don’t f- this up…. can’t believe they’re releasing 10/1/21…. not to mention I really want Tony to be alive for the award win wtf I’m angry right now and idk why ….
  4. Literally isn’t this the day AFTER the Grammy eligibility period… edit: The eligibility period for the 64th GRAMMY Awards is Sept. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021.……
  5. Yes that is correct, and I don’t know, I haven’t spent a lot of time on the CDC website lately tbh, There’s data everywhere I’m sure you could find it if that’s what you’re looking for. sorry I just can’t tell what data you’re looking for haha, I was just pointing out that getting vaccinated can save your life. And the data is right there to show it ….anyways get vaccinated, it can save your life. Pretty simple, I don’t really know what other “big picture” is needed but do you
  6. I don’t know, the chart I saw earlier where I got the data was for reported breakthrough cases/hospitalizations/deaths of the 164M vaccinated Americans as of 7/31/2021. I think you can see the data on the CDC What “full picture” are you looking for?
  7. Graham + for Covid after getting vaccinated!!! PER CDC: for individuals vaccinated 0.077% of breakthrough cases 0.004% of breakthrough hospitalizations and 0.001% of breakthrough covid deaths. GET VACCINATED!
  8. Two top 10 singles, slay King…. @ChromaticaOreos Bonus:
  9. the way he would’ve had a #1 debut f- the BOTs so p*ssed right now …. @ChromaticaOreos
  10. THE ACTUAL 1.2T INFRASTRUCTURE BILL HAS BEEN INTRODUCED…ACTUAL LEGISLATIVE TEXT…ALL 2,700 PAGES Schumer says they will start voting on amendments and hopefully have that finished within a couple of days. He then said he'll move immediately to the budget instructions for the 3.5T reconciliation bill.
  11. Are we still trying to compare Academy Award Winner Ms Gucci to Shoe selling mistress Katy Purry….?
  12. I know I’m 12 hours late but it’s August 1st 2021 and Shallow is still getting at least 1M views on YT
  13. I don’t know, imma bout to head down to City Hall and find out though… ”ummm Yes Sir, I may I please recall one mentally ill Susan Collins, and I say mentally ill because she seriously thinks JIM JORDAN should be serving on the House’s 1/6 Commission, and clearly only someone who needs serious help would say something like that”
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