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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. What sucks is we might need people like him and Sinema in 2024 at any shot to keep the majority given how tough that year will be for the Democrats in the Senate, given they win the primary in their respective state. Sinema might struggle though, her numbers among Democrats are AWFUL and she’s not doing herself any favors serving as a huge roadblock in the Biden/Democrat agenda To be fair I did say…” I do realize that we need to compromise here with the Republicans in our party..” they're DINOS (Democrats in Name Only) though I will say, moments like this suck but it’s nice to have some perspective, the 1.9T dollar COVID package, this infrastructure bill (biggest since 1950s), and a 2Tish sized BBB plan would not be possible without us retaking both GA Senate seats, imagine how much worse things could be with McConnell as Majority Leader we would be lucky to get close to 1T in spending much less the 4T+ that we (might) get…it does suck, don’t get me wrong, I agree, I just try to tell myself it could be worse :/ and to be fair if this agenda passes it still be be historic and do amazing things for America.
  2. Per Joe Manchin….we just have to elect more liberals also you didn’t give a poll answer
  3. Jazz album top 50 on apple music US aka a rap/hip hop dominated streaming service.... also
  4. Biden had his first in person visit with the House Democratic Caucus today to discuss and talk about the path forward on his economic agenda....with recent news regarding Sinema and Manchin's refusal to signoff on the current price tag of 3.5T$ is it clearly evident that progressives will need to compromise in order to get the totality of Biden's agenda failed. Now as much as I despise Manchin and Sinema unfortunately you have to govern with the Congress you have and not the Congress you want, Biden made it clear that compromise would be needed. Pelosi and Democratic leadership in addition to the Whitehouse have tried to have Manchin sign off on a package size worth 1.9T to 2.3T....with a new poll to answer, what do you guys think, how low should Progessives be willing to go in order to get this package passed? ***** My opinion is this: Biden needs a win on this economic package, a 2T$ price tag package can still be transformative, obviously not as impactful but still a pretty big win, OBVIOUSLY I WANT THE WHOLE PACKAGE but I do realize that we need to compromise here with the Republicans in our party...I would personally have a hard time swallowing anything less than 2T, I mean that would be cutting 1.5T from the bill, I don't think progessives should be willing to go lower than that. Preferably if they can get Manchin to sign off on 2.3T that would be pretty ideal cause I think anything higher is out of the question. Obviously it depends on what is in the bill and what are the details but I think 2T and anything higher would be a decent win for everyone involved. Combine the 1.9T Covid relief package which cut child poverty in half, along with the 1.2T Infrastructure package that would put 2M people to work on fixing roads, bridges, lead water pipes, broadband, etc along with the 250B$ China Technology bill and a reconciliation package of 2T that goes towards lowering drug costs, PFL, battling climate change, changing the tax code, possible medicare expansion and community college etc that still gives Biden a total of around 5.2T in spending and massive wins across the board and a handful of policy wins that he and Democrats can run on in 2022? Thoughts? update: apparently maybe Biden didn’t mention a 2T dollar number, one Rep is stating…
  5. But where are they selling? I checked Amazon, Walmart and his store and I didn’t see any physical copies of CLB to buy?
  6. Drake did 135K this week….but I still haven’t seen these physicals that people so speak of, anyone seen where he is selling them this week?
  7. Amazon US — Best-sellers: #1. “Love For Sale” (CD) #3. “Love For Sale” (Vinyl) #18. “Cheek to Cheek” (CD) #78. “Cheek to Cheek” (Vinyl)
  8. Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga cut it awfully close, but are eligible for Grammy consideration for their album Love for Sale, the Recording Academy confirmed on Friday (Oct. 1). CONFIRMED BY THE ACADEMY LFS IS GRAMMY ELIGIBLE THIS YEAR!!!!
  9. I grabbed all 4 plus an original CD, vinyl and Cassette and a target edition Granted I’m a huge collector though
  10. iTunes US: iTunes US: #2. “Love For Sale (Deluxe)” (=) #33. “Love For Sale” (=) #36. “Cheek to Cheek” (+4)
  11. Also are we sure Drake is actually selling physicals? https://drakerelated.com/collections/certified-lover-boy I don’t see any on his site, on Amazon or Walmart? Where is he selling physicals?
  12. “When I think about Tony and his last album, I have nothing but reverence, love and respect for him. I think I may always cry about this. I don't think it will ever go away. And I don't know that I want it to. I think that pain lives where pain belongs. And Tony has always inspired me to use it. So I'm going to keep using this magic in my life. And just share with you that even when hard things happen, you can witness a miracle. And watching Tony sing onstage was a real miracle for us all. When he was well, and when he had Alzheimer's.” So beautiful
  13. Amazon US — Best-Sellers: #1. “Love For Sale” (CD) #11. “Love For Sale” (Vinyl) #50. “Cheek to Cheek” (CD)
  14. Apple Music US: #159. “Love For Sale” — @itstonybennett & @ladygaga (+19) iTunes US: #40. "Cheek to Cheek" — @itstonybennett & @ladygaga (+15)
  15. …I also ordered the Target edition, the regular CD, the vinyl, and the cassette…. so I’m up to 8 total copies…
  16. Got my shipping confirmations for all 4 of my alternate copies! Can’t wait to listen to the album tomorrow morning at work!!!!
  17. Yeah Afghanistan, rising COVID (due to the unvaccinated), debt ceiling, government funding and intra party fighting hasn’t been pretty. Honestly though, government shutdown will be averted, and hopefully they can land the plane on the infrastructure and reconcilation, and debt ceiling is yet to be determined. Im Still confident his numbers can recover, he just needs his legislative agenda to pass because his numbers were best after passing the massive covid package, gee shocker when you get things done and get your priorities done your approval rating does up!?!?! update: government shutdown averted
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