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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. GAGA 2021 MONTHLY SPOTIFY STREAMS January — 247.8M February — 233M March — 256.05M April — 246M May — 245M June — 231M July — 223.9M August — 217M September — 242M October — 225M TOTAL — 2.367B
  2. I have no idea what this f-ing myth is that the GOP is better with the economy, Biden has literally added almost 5M jobs thanks to prioritizing vaccines and putting MAX EFFORTS into opening the economy back up thanks to the ARP. Not only that but he’s already deceased the deficit. Trump put our f-ing economy in the trash. Obama saved the economy at the time after Bush almost completely destroyed it (granted the stimulus was not big enough which we all know know) and ICYMI Under Clinton we had the largest economic expansion in American history, he added over 20M jobs and the highest home ownership in US history. im so sick of this MYTH that the GOP is at all good with the economy, literally almost every single time a Democrat comes into office they’re picking up the pieces of an economy in shambles thanks to GOP policies. People are so f-ing dumb. The Democrats could literally pass every single progressive policy and they would still lose cause “economy” Dont even get me started on the fact that we have supply chain issues BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE BUYING SO MUCH sh!t AND WE OUR ECONOMY IS COMING BACK BUT YET NO GOP MEMBER WANTS TO MENTION THAT.
  3. Universal Pre K for 6 years Childcare funded for 6 years ACA/Medicaid expansion through 2025 One year extension of the EITC one year extension of the Expanded CTC per Jamie Harrison
  4. My boyfriend said that the whole idea is that the woman Sinema is supposed to be plays the role of basically being an inside agent and takes her own team down…literally our reality I hate them
  5. Yeah my bad Medicaid expansion is in, Paid leave, Medicare dental and vision and RX pricing is out….paid leave being out is REALLY disappointing. Patty Murray said it best when “one man is gonna take away what millions of woman need” People don’t realize how important PFL is for new mothers and people who need to care for family…apparently they tried to get a deal to allow PFL for new mothers specifically and he didn’t even want that…”expansion of social programs blah blah blah”…does he know even NORTH KOREA HAS PFL!?!?!?! It’s really sad. I am really happy to see the climate investments though. Like, really happy.
  6. IN: Medicare hearing, affordable child care, affordable housing, universal pre-K, affordable elder care, 550B towards clean energy incentives, extension of the child tax credit that is on track to take 50% of American children out of poverty, expanded ACA/Obamacare credits to make it more affordable for millions of Americans in addition to making those tax credits available to the people in the uncovered states who didn’t accept the ACA Medicare expansion (closing the Medicaid gap and getting 4M+ Americans affordable health care) OUT: paid leave, Medicare dental and vision, Rx drug pricing & tuition free community college Thoughts? It’s definitely not everything but there are A LOT of great things in the bill. Combined with the 1.9T ARP and the 1.2T BIF this would be an incredible first year for Biden, especially getting these bios through a basically 50/50 Congress. Interested in your guys thoughts. My main take away? If passed, it would be the largest legislative investment in combatting climate change. And the biggest investment in affordable healthcare in the last decade. oh and f- Manchin and Sinema and other moderates for slashing the bill.
  7. Lady Gaga — Billboard 200 🇺🇸 The Fame (248 weeks) A Star Is Born (109) TF Monster (74) BTW (56) Joanne (49) Chromatica (41) Cheek To Cheek (30) ARTPOP (29) The Remix (24) Love For Sale (3) ⬆️ BTW: The Remix (2) A Very Gaga Holiday EP (2) Dawn Of Chromatica (1) Total — 668 weeks
  8. President Biden campaigned with Democrat Virginia Gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe, today! Race is NEXT WEEK! Praying Democrats hold onto the seat edit: Biden was also in NJ yesterday as they also have a Gubernatorial election next week
  9. THANK YOU JOE MANCHIN FOR DESTROYING THE CLIMATE PROVISIONS IN THE BUILD BACK BETTER BILL (the US may end up passing the most consequential piece of Climate legislation in US history but it could’ve been even MORE)
  10. Gaga’s most streamed albums on Spotify: #1 A Star Is Born — 3.89B #2 Chromatica — 1.78B #3 The Fame — 1.75B #4 The Fame Monster — 1.47B #5 Joanne — 1.28B #6 Born This Way — 1.14B #7 ARTPOP — 826M #8 Cheek To Cheek — 127M #9 Love For Sale — 13M
  11. ^^ really great Twitter thread detailing Biden’s Accomplishments/what’s he’s done so far
  12. Everything is pointing to a bill about worth 2T$, Sinema has agreed to tax provisions to target the wealthy and corporations (without RAISING the rates) “Democrats are bullish on landing Sinema on a bevy of proposals that don't cross her red line on raising those rates. They believe she will agree to the "mark to market" proposal to levy billionaires who don’t pay taxes on their unrealized gains and a corporate minimum tax. Some of the largest remaining obstacles include paid leave, Medicare expansion, prescription drug pricing and climate, according to Democrats familiar with the discussions — all issues that risk alienating key factions of the party.”
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