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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. THANK YOU FOR THESE!!!!!! I know right? I get annoyed because the assignment was not “sound Italian” the assignment was “sound like Patrizia Reggiani” which she does!!!! I think GGD is actually showing how similar they are in an attempt to shut people up. She sounds just like Patrizia and it’s incredible!
  2. ……..she’s a f-ing moron……I can’t believe people actually get their news and opinions from such a cesspool of stupidity
  3. I know I’ve said it so many times in this thread but people don’t really understand the totality of exactly what Biden has and hopefully will continue to get done during his first year in office, a 1.9T covid relief package that cut child poverty in half, the biggest investment in infrastructure since Eisenhower and the creation of the highway system, AND if we’re able to complete the BBB act and get it signed into law it will expand access to healthcare by closing the Medicaid gap, lower ACA subsidies, and hopefully have an expansion of Medicare by including AT LEAST hearing. Not to mention universal Pre-K and the lowering of presciption drug costs and FINALLY PUTTING A CAP ON INSULIN PRICES!!!!! NOT TO MENTION THE BIGGEST CLIMATE INVESTMENT OF THE HISTORY OF THIS NATION. I’m leaving stuff out but if he’s able to round this corner and pass the BBB act I truly believe the Democrats will have A LOT of really good wins to run on in 2022 and might surprise people. It looks bad right now I know, but I still have hope based on what could be done between now and then.
  4. ICYMI the 1.2T infrastructure bill was signed yesterday!!!!!!! Biggest infrastructure investment in our lifetime!
  5. —$40b bridges —$11b safety —$39b transit —$66b Amtrak/rail —$7.5b e-vehicle chargers —$5b clean buses —$17b ports —$25b airports —$50b water resilience —$55b drinking water —$65b broadband —$21b enviro remediation —$73b power/clean energy And this looks like the core of the surface transportation piece, per White House: "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will invest $110 billion of new funds for roads, bridges, and major projects, and reauthorize the surface transportation program for the next five years."
  6. GREAT JOB NUMBERS!!!!!! Great revisions to September and August, combined with revisions you’re looking at over 750K more jobs Over 5.6M jobs added and under 5% unemployment EDIT: Biden’s Economy: -In the fastest economic recovery in US history, unemployment has fallen to 4.6% – two years earlier than predicted before Biden’s American Rescue Plan -The economy created 531K jobs in October -Over 5M jobs have been created since Biden took office -New unemployment claims are down over 60% since January & are at their lowest since the pandemic started -Unemployment has decreased more this year than any other year in history -This month, workers saw one of the largest increases in average wages on record
  7. Call me crazy (no, really please call me crazy so I stop thinking this) that we might be in a better place come 2022. Congress might have actually passed something by then lol…and maybe in a better place COVID/Economy wise.. im so sick of Republican candidates running on bullshit culture war issues and winning. It goes back to our conversation a couple of days ago, it just sucks. UGH. I’m sad now.
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