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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. RT 68 +1 Reviews 74 +1 TOP CRITIC of the Seattle Times gave a 75/100, imma need this review on MC immediately
  2. I was just going through the “TOP CRITICS” that have sent reviews for HOG, so far 21 have given fresh rating and 9 have given rotten. Just thought I’d share that At least the top critics are favoring it 2-1
  3. I respect your opinion, but disagree. None of those actresses are in movies considered BOX OFFICE SMASHES, quite the opposite actually. And for one example Eyes of Tammy Faye has worst reviews than HOG. And surely her movie will have the biggest box office of all even if it’s not ASIB massive (which I doubt it will be) Gaga MIGHT be the only actress in the race that it featured in a movie nominated for a Best Picture. Also, regardless of reviews of the movie everyone is basically LOVING Gaga and her entire performance so we still have lots of positive to take away.
  4. Back up to a 65 (+2) on RT based on 51 reviews https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/house_of_gucci Still a 60 on MC based on 33 reviews https://www.metacritic.com/movie/house-of-gucci/critic-reviews
  5. Up to 68 (+2) with 38 reviews https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/house_of_gucci 62 (-1) with 31 reviews https://www.metacritic.com/movie/house-of-gucci/critic-reviews
  6. Yeah, to be fair it seems like Grace's opinion is maybe the outlier opinion of people who see it, I mean most people tend to be MIXED about ti but she really hated it. I don't know. Seems like her opinion is not the dominant one. Not saying that to discredit her at all, just wanted to mention that. I mean it still has a chance for Adapted Screenplay so I find it odd she was knocking the script SO MUCH. I mean it's right up there with Dune in terms of its ranking.
  7. for those who care...watching right now ROTTON SCORE LOL but she says it has nothing to do with Gaga and said Gaga picked a good role. She still says that Gaga is deserving of a nomination for an Academy award for her performance.
  8. THANK YOU. I’ve been so slayed by this album. I was expecting an awful album from what everyone here was saying….I have no idea why I even bought it for one second, I know how y’all are Even my mom and Nana are texting me freaking out and loving this album. get ready for every generation to be buying and streaming
  9. only Democrat to vote no I BELIEVE was Jared Golden of ME……he’s so useless if I’m being completely honest. He’s now voted no against the 1.9T covid relief package and the now the BBB Act. BUT FINALLY THE HOUSE HAS PASSED THE BILL!!!!! ON TO THE SENATE
  10. Expected TBH, ASIB made the festival circuit and those red carpets are a lot more massive in stature compared to these ones. Or would make sense that those looks were a lot more “GRAND” edit: I mean gaga literally got to wear the Tiffany Diamond at the Oscars, it DOES NOT get better than that
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