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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Better than last rated r films debuts such as The Last Duel - $1.8M King Richard - $1.9M Spencer - $2.1M (for the whole weekend)
  2. ^^ last three reviews to come in have been from Top Critics with fresh scores!! Critic Score - 61 (=) w/ 168 reviews (+3) Audience Score - 88 w/ 250+ verified reviews
  3. Half of her fanbase didn’t even think she deserved a nomination for Chromatica I prefer to be positive and I’ll keep it that way, it worked for me when I knew LFS would get GRAMMY love meanwhile this fanbase was dragging the project. There’s nothing about her performance to say otherwise other than you being worried about mediocre reviews I’ll continue to be positive and having a blast celebrating her kick a** performance hoping for the best, have fun being grounded though, someone has to be. This will make it better for you when she gets that nomination ;) gotta stay positive
  4. The time to really freak out will be if she doesn’t get a SAG nomination, MOST OF THE TIME If you can nab a SAG nomination you get an nomination at the Academy. SAG is actors voting for other actors so if she has the support their I think she’ll be safe. Dont get me wrong, the mixed reviews suck but it’s about a lot more than that. Everyone is raving about her performance. She’s a massive pull and HOG will most likely confirm her “put butt in seats” actress status. Not to mention everyone of her costars are raving about her performance as well. The movies reviews are right up there with TEOTF and Chastain so if she’s considered a favorite I don’t see why Gaga can’t be. Campaign is incredibly important. She learned that from ASIB. Her campaign this time around has been fabulous and she has plenty of time to continue that. People like Kidman and Colman don’t release for another month and won’t pull box office numbers like Gaga/HOG. We just have to stay positive I hope y’all get to see the movie, Gaga is f-ing lights out and IMO better than she is in ASIB. Top tier actress confirmed.
  5. Predictors also said Shallow was winning SOTY/ROTY Predictors also said no ROTY nom for IGAKOOY Predictors also said over 1M for Adele’s 30 Predictors also said Willow for SOTY Predictors said no to Joanne for BPS Performance TLDR; Predictors suck let’s have some faith for our girl. She’s constantly exceeding expectations.
  6. Just saw HOG!!!!! I really enjoyed it and so did everyone I went with as well! Pacino was great as well as Driver. Loved to see the evolution of Adam’s character. Gaga was f-ing phenomenal and totally deserves the nomination, she truly owned every scene she was in! I highly suggest the movie to everyone :)
  7. SLAY! I see the movie in less than an hour and I can’t wait to report back with my review! Glad to see you enjoyed it :)
  8. lets hope cause..... RT 63(-1) w/133 Reviews (1+) edit: MC User Score giving Universal Acclaim at 8.3 !!!!!!!!
  9. 65 (-1) 129 (+2) reviews Audience Score = 90 Edit: the thread title is killing me, was that you @little legend?
  10. RT Score 65 (-2) w/119 Reviews added two top critics reviews just gave it a 12% so score plummeted lol
  11. Oh no some random dude making a video doesn’t like the accent, whatever will lady Gaga do …Who cares what random youtubers say when f-ing Al Pacino is calling her performance a “revelation”. you’re putting way too much stock into people who don’t matter. Also yesterday you were in here b*ching that Gaga got nominated and going on and on how she didn’t deserve any of it and now you’re ragging on the accent, do you ever come here to post anything actually constructive or just come here to b*ch and moan about Gaga?
  12. her post is beautiful. I’m so happy for the both of them. They truly deserve this moment. Congrats Gaga and congrats Tony I know I can say I was always rooting for this album and I’m so happy to see it being rewarded edit: I’m actually crying, what a beautiful f-ing statement of love and admiration for Tony
  13. Going to the movies tomorrow with my fiance, brother, Dad and Stepmom to see HOG! Hope you enjoy!
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