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Everything posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Critic Score - 🍅 60 (-2) w/ 273 (+10) reviews Audience Score - 🍿 83% (=) Note: 4 reviews added 12/05 - 0/4 FRESH 🤢 4 reviews added 12/06 - 2/4 FRESH 🤢 2 reviews dated 12/07 - 0/2 FRESH 🤢 6 reviews added 12/08 - 3/6 FRESH 🤢 1 review added 12/09 - 0/1 FRESH 🤢 Total - 5/17 FRESH reviews this week thank you @Dean of Clownmatica we have now freefallen since you decided you weren’t happy with a 62-63…. y’all better hope we get some positives in soon and climb back up cause once we hit 59 we go ROTTEN
  2. Curious where you got this list!?!?! Ive been trying to find something like this so I could keep track....also do you happen to know where they will be announcing the LVFCS nominations? I assume on twitter so I just followed their account but I figured you might know
  3. HOG debuted with like a 66 on Metacritic so quite differently actually. And with over 20 reviews already in it better have a lot of positives if it hopes to rise, and yes the RT score is the same right now but might not end up that way so we gotta wait and see edit: and yes like @xo_hours said BTR won’t end up being the highest grossing adult drama of the year…
  4. Critic Score - 🍅 62(+1) w/ 263 (+3) reviews Audience Score - 🍿 83% (=) Note: 4 reviews added 12/05 - 0/4 FRESH 🍅 3 reviews added 12/06 - 2/3 FRESH 🍅 Total - 2/7 FRESH reviews this week
  5. Could get a vote on the Build Back Better around Christmas time but could and most likely will slip to 2022 based on Manchin’s concerns… .
  6. Critic Score - 🍅 61 (-2) w/ 256 (+6) reviews Audience Score - 🍿 83% (=) Last 6 reviews to come in….1/5 FRESH 🍅 thank you @Dean of Clownmatica no longer shifting between 62 and 63 hope you’re happy
  7. WTF, it’s basically already made back it’s production budget 🍿 47th Highest Grossing movie internally 🍿
  8. Popa911 twitter still hasn’t tweeted about any of Gaga’s critics nominations OR her NYFCC win…..maybe if the site had more social media presence and wasn’t completely absent when some of Gaga’s biggest moments were happening the site would be more active just my two cents…but sure blame Gaga when she’s starring in one of the biggest movies of the year edit: but no actually what’s going on with the Twitter account, that thing is dead af that should be more active if we want more people to join the site and actually interact, lemme me go give a follow!!!
  9. Critic Score - 🍅 63 (+1) w/ 256 (+1) reviews Audience Score - 🍿 83% (=) Notes: 15 Reviews dated 11/28 - 10/15 FRESH 🍅 7 Reviews dated 11/29 - 5/7 FRESH 🍅 4 Reviews dated 11/30 - 3/4 FRESH 🍅 11 Reviews dated 12/01 - 8/11 FRESH 🍅 16 Reviews dated 12/02 - 10/16 FRESH 🍅 9 Reviews dated 12/03 - 6/9 FRESH 🍅 5 Reviews dated 12/04 - 3/5 FRESH 🍅 Total = 45/67 FRESH reviews in the last 6 days
  10. Critic Score - 🍅 62 (-1) w/ 255 (+6) reviews Audience Score - 🍿 83% (=) Notes: 15 Reviews dated 11/28 - 10/15 FRESH 🍅 7 Reviews dated 11/29 - 5/7 FRESH 🍅 4 Reviews dated 11/30 - 3/4 FRESH 🍅 11 Reviews dated 12/01 - 8/11 FRESH 🍅 16 Reviews dated 12/02 - 10/16 FRESH 🍅 9 Reviews dated 12/03 - 6/9 FRESH 🍅 4 Reviews dated 12/04 - 2/4 FRESH 🍅 Total = 44/66 FRESH reviews in the last 6 days
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