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Status Updates posted by MANiCURE1295

  1. Not like I was incredibly active anyway but I figured I would say that I’m gonna be taking a step back from the online life during the slow Gaga periods...I’m just moving on in terms of my life and I’m getting older and really wanna focus on taking next steps in life, like getting married with my boyfriend and hopefully buying a house soon and my job. 

    I’ll still be active in my politics thread and I’ll make my updates in the charts thread and I’ll still be active in the sports discussions but I’ll just be on a less and generally a lot less active posting wise. I really appreciate all of you and the fun I’ve had over not only the last decade+ of discussing Gaga topics with you since my days on GGD but especially the laughs I’ve had with so many of you in the last couple of months here on popa911. 

    Thank you all so much and I’ll definitely be active when Gaga releases movies and music but I need to give myself some space to explore other aspects of my life and hobbies. 

    :prideheart: - MANiCURE1295

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    2. MANiCURE1295


      Aww @danwasd I’ll still be semi active, like I said, not like I was posting all the time anyway. I just didn’t want to like disappear and have people be like “yo where you been”

      I’ll still be around just a lot less, if you tag me in something I’ll definitely see it and I’ll still be trying to post my daily updates in the charts thread and other things like my politics thread that I adore. I’ll definitely miss lots of laughs with you all but there will be more in the future :love:

    3. nynj nights

      nynj nights

      It's been a pleasure interacting with you and reading your politics posts!  But of course do what you need to do, and sounds like you have a lot of exciting goals ahead of you :love:Best of luck :kiss: 

      Glad you'll still be active in sports discussions. I'll make sure to tag you in September when NFC East action returns :ohyes:

    4. MANiCURE1295


      @nynj nights omg yes! I will still be here and posting in the politics thread and sports thread it’s more just about me telling myself that I need to be on this site like max an hour a day and not sitting here worrying about arguing with people LOL

      ill make sure to tag you in any interesting politics stuff going forward dont worry :) we’ll definitely still be talking! Looking back I made it sound like it was goodbye for good but I will still be around just taking more “offline vacations” :love:

  2. Profile pic change but it’s still the same old me :billie:

    1. danwasd


      Masked up hotness :love:

    2. MANiCURE1295


      :flirtga: thank you friend!!!!

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