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Ms Arid Lost

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Everything posted by Ms Arid Lost

  1. It deserves to flop, I didn’t like DaBaby at all in the track and honestly I’m quite tired of these mvs and quick little singles. I don’t even know what are promo singles and what are official ones anymore
  2. For the album but: SFA - iTunes: #15 Italy (+17) 911 - iTunes: #24 Italy (+5)
  3. Chromatica - iTunes: #2 Italy (+7) Italy is STANNING yaaaasasasassss!
  4. The views are not really suspicious since YT is not like it used to be (look at the views for BL or DSN, they are embarrassing compared to their Spotify streams). What really makes me really suspicious is the fact that this song still has 89M audience when not even an Ariana collab could help Gaga achieve that number, not even at the peak of ROM.
  5. Better than the tragic taste someone in this thread who I will never mention has proudly shown us? I say yes.
  6. Well, let's leave the tragedies behind and focus on happier things Chromatica - iTunes: #4 Italy (+5) #9 Canada (+4) #10 Australia (-1) #16 United States (+13) - Still rising on iTunes US, yaaasss! #19 Germany (-2) #21 France (-7) #36 United Kingdom (+5) #480 Mexico (+14)
  7. Who said Eurovision-like songs are bad If Alice is repetitive... you should do a tour around Gaga's discography or just pop music in general Can we BAN this delusional individual
  8. I mean, I can accept Fun Tonight, BUT the "My name isn't God" chanteuse and God From Above WON'T be disrespected in my presence That together with Godplay and Godylon.
  9. Whew, taste was literally buried with this poor statement
  10. SFA - Apple Music: #462 Brazil (-61) Ok, the HIT is cancelledT!
  11. I don't know about others, but I'm pretty sure Gaga couldn't give more of a fuck about sales sis
  12. Ok, the Taylor Swift hate NEEDS to stop. Never forget that Taylor has praised Gaga multiple times, you may not like her music, but she is a nice person and she doesn't deserve this hate. Let people enjoy their things. Plus she is a very talented songwriter. She's successful and she deserves it, PERIODT. We, as little monsters should know better after the constant lashings Gaga was receiving during the ARTPOP promotion.
  13. There’s a version of the ad in Spanish @Andreu Mi voz, mi fuerTa La nueva fraganTia The kiiiii I love it!!
  14. I never understood this strategy tbh. It’s good for stats and for charts, but it puts your artistry in jeopardy. I guess record labels are THAT hungry
  15. No, she says it in english. Too bad, I’d love to hear her say it in Spanish.
  16. They’re airing the ad on Spanish TV too! I’ve seen it twice today on one of the most watched channels from Spain. I was so excited when it showed up
  17. Yeah, but I’m saying that Dua is really appealing to radio and the GP in general, that’s why I see some similarities between her and Katy. The way Dua’s carreer is turning out to be reminds me of Katy Perry’s.
  18. Yeah, Billie has the acclaim and quite a big devoted fanbase, same goes to Ariana plus the recognition of having amazing vocals. Idk why, but I see Dua as the “Katy Perry” of the new generation of pop girls. An artist who is really appealing to the GP who has a few stans here and there but she finds success mainly in the GP and is loved by radios too, just like Katy at her peak.
  19. Of course, I think that this silence again with ROM being pulled from TTH and not having a WW single being played on the radio currently is stupid (luv) to say the least and they are making the album fall on the charts. But I think I’m stating facts when I say that Gaga, from a streaming perspective, has less power than Dua. I think that, from a streaming perspective, Gaga is starting to grow NOW whereas Dua is already a big force. But yeah, they are being slow with 911, but I think it’s because they are unsure about its success, and I think this is the main problem of the whole era in general, they are unsure. Let’s be honest, I don’t think Gaga will achieve a solo hit from Chromatica, and they don’t want to jump on the SC train either because it’s another collaboration, which may hurt her public image and make her an artist that needs others to have a hit AS OF NOW. From my humble opinion, they should jump on a solo song and promo it on full force everywhere, sending it to radio without fear of it failing and then have SC to save the day, but this is just my opinion tho.
  20. Ok, all I said was not to bash you or to insult you, so if you felt like that, I apologize. I never said it was bad to wonder what is Gaga going to do now, I never said the album being below 4M streams a day was good and I never said that she doesn’t deserve to be playlisted (SL had “good” reach and ROM too), what I was trying to say is that we literally don’t know how things work bts. But I am trying to be realistic, do you think Interscope would let an incompetent marketing team handle one of the few artists that brings a lot of cash? Interscope is a company and their goal is to maximize their benefits. The people who take care of these things maybe don’t even know Gaga personally.
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