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Ms Arid Lost

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Everything posted by Ms Arid Lost

  1. You better stream it hoes! One of her best songs and I adored the mv. It's simple but screams A E S T H E T I C. And she looks so happy! I love ha! What did you think about the video?
  2. True. Zayn went from having a HIT with PILLOWTALK to not even being able to have a decent performing solo song or album...
  3. It’s so interesting to see how Harry has become so successful, yet the other members from One Direction have not come even close to Harry’s success.
  4. Probably it was me But Idk, to me this doesn’t seem like a team problem. Idk why, and I may be wrong, but I think this is caused by Interscope. They probably don’t want to waste money on Chromatica without knowing if they will obtain something in return... but Idk, this situation is just so weird... nothing is happening, like at all
  5. It’s truly insulting at this point that they are not promoting a single at least on radio WW. Even if it was 911 I wouldn’t mind, but at least send something new to radio what the hell. The UK radio has eaten SL and ROM, why not try to send another song I- Giving me “This is fine” tease
  6. Uuufff the INVESTMENT, the COLLAPSE whew, we love Interscope again
  7. Yeah since the beginning this track has been doing more than ok considering the fact that she couldn’t get a hit since Malibu. Since I saw the 24h mv views on YT + Spotify (which were decent, a little bit more than I expected) I knew people were getting on board with the song + it has been giving longevity so good for her, she deserves it since Mother’s Daughter was paid dust by everyone. Hope her new album has a lot of success too :)
  8. Monthly listeners: 42.971.394 (-40k) Ok decrease of monthly listeners.
  9. I know, but I think you have to pay and I'm kind of a broke b*ch so, I'm not investing on that like Spotify would invest on Dua
  10. Better playlisting for the overall album maybe? or just Spotify investing on Ariana starting from Monday. Good for ha
  11. Me when I have faith in Gaga and her team Me when I realize we are talking about Gaga and her team
  12. Miss Gags has crossed 14.3M followers on Spotify. She also currently has +43M monthly listeners and she's the 16th most listened artist on the platform.
  13. Gaga make Jewels N’ Drugs a single since you are not promoting Chromatica anyways :) If it was shorter I could see it be a moderate hit in the US lowkey
  14. This belongs in the dms of Trumpsters or under a tweet from a biggot! Did too much satanism confuse you sis ? You good?
  15. noooooooo.... I swear this b*ch will do the Chromatica Ball and won't even sing 1 song from Chromatica! I hate ha
  16. umm... at least Gaga didn't have to release 23432525 different versions of the same album with a different album cover... Like, stop already.
  17. Gaga literally could have exposed the Trump administration because of the little care that they have for the ecosystem, but she chose to respond THAT instead... yeah, a very poor decision imo, just like creating a meat dress just for a 2 minute video...
  18. ROM becomes Gaga's 14th most watched mv surpassing MR mv (242,28M views). Next one is ARUTW with 255M views (ROM has higher views per day than ARUTW, it can surpass it).
  19. Monthly listeners: 43.010.640 (+100k) Halloween impact!
  20. 911 currently has 15,5k videos (as a sound). The fact that a big account used it and the video itself has a lot of likes is good, but it doesn’t mean it is viral, therefore we’ll see a jump in streams. For TikTok’s average, 1,4M likes is not that impressive. From 4M - 5M likes, we could say that a video is viral. So no, 911 is not viral on TikTok... yet
  21. Of course, because it’s the sound from the account. Anyways, people love to jump to conclusions too quickly. Something becomes viral on TikTok when the sound has at least 1M videos... just so y’all know for the next time.
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