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Ms Arid Lost

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Everything posted by Ms Arid Lost

  1. Ikr. Tho I have to say Season 5, although I haven't watched it I know what happens, is very sad and frustrating for me. Like, everything ends very badly... When I knew the fait of all the characters, I cried (and I almost never cry with series and films). The impact that QAF had on me in such a short period of time is very impressive. I guess it's because their bond is very strong and I wish I had that.
  2. Hey! You stole the meme that I stole for I&A!!! Ugh the struggles of being a trend setter I guess
  3. Bad Romance on YT: Expected to hit 1,500,000,000 on: 2021/12/27 Ok, this is new I think! Ms Bad Romance slaying YT!
  4. Watch out girl (WDYTYAG? Payola Version), Payola Lipa is after you, she is the moment apparently
  5. The way Miss Judas has stabilized in views at an average of +120k a day when it initially had like 60k-70k a day. A little slay in my book ngl
  6. This gurl, you know, the driver license gurl is getting a hit out of nowhere like... what? How did than happen? I&A? Dula Peeps type of investment? What's going awn?
  7. Oh, I was interested in watching it... I'll probably see it now, thanks for the recommendation!
  8. Hello fellow poppers () Have you watched any LGBTQ+ series recently? If so, which was it? I'm OBSESSED with "Queer As Folk". It has 5 seasons (I still have to watch the last one, although I already know most of the things that happen) and I've been watching on loop lots of the most important scenes + I love Brian and Justin's relationship (and they are very cute ). It may seem like it is full of stereotypes, but the intention of the series is not to be an "accurate representation" of the gay community (it's mainly focused on gay characters, although there is a lesbian couple too), but of its problems (HIV stigma, Marriage between couples of the same sex, hate crimes, sex, drug use, discrimination and a large etcetera). I recommend it. I believe it's on YT I wish there was a little more diversity tho... My favorite couple (Justin + Brian): And others, but that would be pretty much a spoiler! Recommend me any other series that you like!
  9. Chile She's really funny imo. I approve Doja p**sy PERIODT! Queen! Give us EVERYTHING!
  10. Ready for Lana Del Rey’s COCC :billie:
    mean girl laughing GIF

  11. Maybe I’ll enjoy this project from Miss Lana del Rey. After all, I’m a COCCy Boy
  12. This album is probably Marilyn Manson’s best since The Golden Age of Grotesque. I love the production and the lyrical content, definitely very surprised. With THEOL and BV, MM’s albums decreased in quality, but since TPE, there has been a lot of improvement imo.
  13. Frederic: “I didn’t mean to say the Chromatica era was over” Chromatica era:
  14. It’s snowing in Localica today. Remember, in this country no local is greater than another.

    ~ A message from Localica ⚔️❤️

  15. b*ch, you have +5000 points already! Gurl... the payola... too much...
  16. I’ve decided that I will stop being Ms TikTok Updates for a while and I’ll be chilling in Localica, my home country! I’ll keep reading and replying from time to time tho!
  17. Just Dance Trend update (24 hour update) Viral Sound: 98k (+11,8k)
  18. Judas TikTok 36 hours () update Viral Sound 1: 483,1k (+11,3k) Viral Sound 3: 339,7k (+21,7k) Official upload: 119,9k (+6,6k) TOTAL: 1247,2k (+39,6k) No comments, just a GIF
  19. Miss Fenty's Pour It Up TikTok Trend 24 hours update Viral Sound 1: 100,2k (+18,2k) Not bad, more or less it has the same relevance as Just Dance's trend currently!
  20. I've said this multiple times but I'll say it again. REPLAY
  21. This gif is one of the best things I've ever seen in my entire life
  22. Just Dance Trend update (24 hour update) Viral Sound: 86,2k (+14,8k)
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