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Ms Arid Lost

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Everything posted by Ms Arid Lost

  1. Sure puppy Spotify: 18M AM: Almost 2 months after release (being sent as a single in Europe, I suppose, at least in Spain it is... Doesn't look that good when you compare it to, for example, K&Q
  2. GaGa's curse on her own self + Alice keeps falling down down so down down... and so does Chromatica
  3. These bops are the tunes of the week. Oldies but goodies + This dark bop that was released just a few days ago.
  4. Oh and Fashion! I used to bop to this when I was a child and I always thought it was included in The Fame.
  5. The fact that Shallow is doing more points today on the All-Time iTunes WW chart than the entire top 30. Whew a blessing, truly a blessing (it's currently at #15 doing +5000 points )
  6. I liked it, it's not boring (like I expected since the other song she released was boring imo), and I find the hook catchy. A good song, but nothing compared to BTD/Ultraviolence/Honeymoon (my favorite albums from her). Tho I find this song a folklore 2.0 (same producer, so it's understandable). Since we are in the chart thread, regarding my expectations of its commercial performance... let's just say she's indie now
  7. This issa bop and a half too! I actually prefer this song to Glitter And Grease, but it's good too!
  8. When I'm feeling a very strong feeling, don't know if that makes sense : when I'm very sad, homesick, very angered, when I feel empowered... When I'm having strong feelings. But sometimes the inspiration comes to me randomly, whenever I don't expect it.
  9. So, guys, I have a question. Is this thread a good place to farm points? I ran out of payola but I didn’t run out of jealousy so I want to have lots of points. Is this a good place to be a farmer?
  10. Well, it is exciting for my sleeping habits, thanks to her I'll finally be able to sleep at least 8 hours a day and not look like this when I wake up Everybody say thanks Miss Olives
  11. I feared that. Poor Papa (Don't Preach) -Papa (Don't Preach) -Paparazzi
  12. Everybody posting my pfp and the GIFs that I steal from the internet... I'm starting to feel like Madonna... y'all are reductive!
  13. The kii of Shallow being in the top 10 (#9) on AM's WW songs chart on kworb. She really said I'm going to slay on you whores 10 years into my career and you're going to enjoy it, you peasants!
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