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Ms Arid Lost

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Everything posted by Ms Arid Lost

  1. Can we also appreciate HMH's stability? Let's hope it gives MR realness and ends up with cute numbers.
  2. OMG the radio. Please Spotify, don't be so mean today
  3. Link? Baaawbyyy hungry for another hit? Or is it another liddo?
  4. Bloody Mary has 88% (-3). Corruptify hates her
  5. The difference between Gaga and Dua was around 0,1M yesterday and now it's 0,4M What the HELL happened? FadGa striking again after Bloody Mary's slayage? She couldn't stand winning mefears... How good is this number in comparison to a few weeks (without NYE impact if it had any of course)?
  6. Both Applause and HMH have 77% popularity on Spotify. Applause might get to #7 soon...
  7. I think they made changes to the algorithm... Yet AGAIN. Can Spotify stop with this? It's getting annoying.
  8. Lady Gaga on YouTube: 22,7M subscribers (+100K)
  9. Not me getting tricked I- I thought it was AI for real.
  10. Guys, it's AI generated, Rihanna never sang this live anywhere
  11. Gaga having a viral Tweet for being a Kindness Punk ohh I know some of y'all are a little mad.
  12. There has been a pattern these past few weeks in which the song got a cute increase on Wednesdays and Fridays (this one was obvious). Last week for example, on Wednesday, the song got a +3 increase in positions and a +90K in streams from the Tuesday of that week. The rest of the days it either has very little gains or loses (except for Sunday).
  13. Well, at least radio updates seem to be a bit better now That's something
  14. Yeah, just edited hahaha. To be fair, the songs consumption is so strange... I mean as far as we know, tomorrow's update could be very big (like these past weeks) or a complete flop . I guess that's what happens when a song doesn't rely so much on playlists? Let's hope tomorrow's update makes up for all of this .
  15. Spotify WW #47 (-2) - 2.014.957 (-9K WoW, same position) USA: #106 (-11) - 353K (+14K WoW, same position) UK: #93 (-3) - 81K (-600 WoW, -1 position)
  16. Oh, I'm not referring to you specifically. It's just that we've had this conversation way too many times and the overall conclusion always seems to be "her team is trash or they should "support" (aka payola) Gaga", and I think that is not correct. The fact that HMH wasn't added the week was released is absolute bullshit, it should have been there, I agree with that. Perhaps it would have been added if it wasn't released on a damn Tuesday ( ) and had that abysmal debut (understandably so, no playlists had it because they weren't updated). That way her team could have played with the "hype" card (like The Weeknd), but since the song had so little support, the curator was probably like... "BIG NOPE".
  17. Not the damn stale argument about playlist and TTH, it's getting annoying y'all. Eminem & The Weeknd, bigger artists than Gaga on Spotify (better relationship with curators too) don't have TTH with bigger hits, Kate Bush had to wait an entire month when her song was at #1 on Spotify WW. Bloody Mary will NEVER get added on TTH unless something extraordinary happens. PERIOD. The song is doing good on its own and we will be happy about it.
  18. I don't know right now, I thought they were included but now I'm not sure. Well, it doesn't really matter, my point still stands, BM has more time to rack up streams for the year, therefore more possibilities of appearing in more Wrapped playlists.
  19. Few moments that might give Bloody Mary a boost this year. Anything related to the second season of Wednesday (trailers, promos, announcements...). The entire month of October I'm also expecting a good resurgence on streaming thanks to Halloween. The day of Halloween. Spotify Wrapped 2023: let's not forget that Bloody Mary started becoming viral AFTER Spotify Wrapped was released, all the plays that it got will contribute to a better position / appearance on many people's playlists, even the ones who just played it at the beginning only. New Year's Eve. I still believe the song will benefit again from this. It could be considered a hit of 2023, therefore playlisted in some playlists/played at NYE parties.
  20. Bloody Mary - Spotify US +22K streams vs. last Friday +3 positions vs. last Friday (#93) +76K streams vs. 2 Fridays ago +48 positions vs. 2 Fridays ago These past 2 weeks, Bloody Mary has been growing slowly but surely. We are already off to a good start with this Friday update. Let's hope this next week we see a similar trend!
  21. I wanna cry I swear to God. Imagine this with GodGa. Where is the CBT footage? We need the damn footage! Where is the CBT footage? Release the damn footage!
  22. Because she had the time to go to a flying aluminium imaginary objects convention but not to a set to make a music video for Miss Bloody p**sy. Enough is enough Ms Germanotta.
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