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Ms Arid Lost

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Everything posted by Ms Arid Lost

  1. You are the one that says "Lil Nas X is using cheap gimmicks"... "Satan Shoes"... You've been saying this since the song came out, and honestly you seem salty. Like, calm down and relax. Btw, if you criticize an artist, don't get salty when Taylor/Justin get attacked. For the record, I don't care what Taylor has done/is doing/will continue doing promotion wise.
  2. How is it a cheap gimmick? It's a form of promotion to generate controversy and I can tell you it's definitely not cheap (1000$ each shoe damn ). It's fun, iconic and entertaining. You can have fun with: Taylor's cat hair (poor @Miaou he must be bald by now) or with her 657657 different album covers or with the 90s hot witch re-remix: the special remix of her smash hit Dildow or the "I thought you were cumming to my girls-only birthday party, so I came without you instead" chapter EP A great compilation of songs that you could have listened through a normal playlist that you created.
  3. 3. The fact that she's "flopping" doesn't mean she doesn't have an opportunity to win a GRAMMY (I mean H.E.R. has won very important fields yet she doesn't have mainstream success). 4. "Cheap gimmicks" The nº 4 is Lil Nas not Taylor sweety
  4. Don't know if AP but: GaGa's YT Channel: 20,1M subscribers (+100.000) She achieved this in 20 days
  5. No way It’ll probably do around 4M or around 5,5M maximum more or less, and that is being optimistic methinks
  6. Me when the Chromatica Remix drops and I realize that the era is dead fr https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdRsS8ua/
  7. Exactly. A lot of people are criticizing the features because "nobody knows them", but I think the features that were chosen are all heading to one target (young people). And it makes sense because Cheek To Cheek 2 has its own target (generally an older demographic), her fanbase (mostly millenials) and now she's targeting a young audience to have relevancy among the younger generation. Not kidding, I think this is pretty smart coming from her team and it has good intentions methinks
  8. The good thing about her is that she's pretty popular amongst teenagers that use TikTok! Imagine if the remix gets viral
  9. I saw one with Olivia Rodrigo that said: “If Olivia didn’t get her drivers license” 😭😭
  10. iTunes US: #113 Chromatica (-5) AM US: #84 Chromatica (-4) She’s over blah blah blah, we hate her again blah blah blah…
  11. Another hit incoming? Yup methinks! AND WE LOVE TO SEE IT!
  12. We should take this chance and make Chroma chart in the US!!! Then another week when the vinyl drops!!! C'mon (I'M A FREE WOMAN!!!!)!! Don't be lazy!!
  13. Proposals The CCRP (Chromatica Citizens Reliabilty Proposal): All of us politicians (including @Nightwing) will be handed a document. These document will ensure our compromise with the Chromatica citizens. We have to fight against this insecurity that our citizens have (totally understand them, we all know what happens when people are provided with power). All of us will be needed to sign this document. If someone is proven to take money from public resources or uses their power to benefit themselves, they will be demanded to automatically leave their position, will be charged with a big penalty fee, will be obliged to do community services and will never have the possibility to be in a public charge ever again. The "No Food Waste" Law: all official establishments (restaurants/food shops/supermarkets) will be required to send the food that wasn't used that will expire to an organization. The establishments will pay 500€ of taxes when doing their economic activity and if they take part in this program, they will be given the 500€ that they paid previously. This organization then will make sure that the food is in good condition for consumption and will offer it at the people who were previously admitted to participate in this program (the people admitted consist of those who are homeless/in danger of extreme poverty/jobless people or workers with low income). The meals will be distributed equally according to the number of family members. The "Free Electricity" Law: this law protects unemployed citizens/low income citizens who are in charge of a family (the only member of the family who has a salary). This law consists of the free installation of solar panels of the previous group of people mentioned (they need to be in this condition for 3 months minimum) in their houses to help them have less expenses (they won't have to pay the electric bill anymore). Once they are in a better position, they'll start paying gradually for the 10% (minimum) of the total expenses of the installation + solar panel in a gradual way. This means that depending on how much better their situation has become, they'll pay a higher percentage or a lower one (10% being the lowest for the families who are still struggling, they also have the capacity to pay lower amounts of money for more time without any interests). This is also helpful because we con use the geothermal energy to other stuff, taking Chromatica closer to its 100% renewable energy usage. I propose demanding the electrical businesses that still exist on Chromatica to have at least the 50% of their energy provided with renewable energy. This needs to translate into lowered prices of energy overall. It consists of citizens that offer themselves to clean the rubbish and potentially endangering objects such as mirrors that could cause a fire in our beautiful forests. The people that will be allowed to enter in this program will have to be jobless people. The higher the probability of extreme poverty, the higher possibilities they have to enter. They will be paid according to the amount of rubbish they collect (always ensuring a minimum wage). If somebody is proven that they don't work, they won't have the chance to enter to any other benefits offered by the government. Of course, their worker rights will be taken into consideration. The people that are working will be changed every 3 months to ensure equality. The people that worked during the one period can't apply for the program until 3 periods next (every 6 months). The "Cruelty Free Food" Law: This law is quite easy. All the establishments that treat with animals for their later consumption will be demanded a document that explicitly states they will follow this law. If they don't follow this, they will have to pay a penalty fee and their commercial activity must cease indeterminately. This law obligues them to put cameras to make sure there is no violence used against these animals.
  14. And she'll do it... Quite literally because she'll sample the whole album and call It a day
  15. Wow... The way this thread is going slower today than a new KP song trying to get to 100M streams on Spoti
  16. True. I think there was a “Musicians on Popa911” thread that was made back in September but I can’t find it. If somebody knows more musicians here please tag them.
  17. I’ve always wondered… why Måneskin got THAT amount of playlisting. I know they won Eurovision, but still I thought it was a little extreme compared to the playlisting of the rest. I just found out they are signed to Sony/RCA… Meanwhile Go_A is signed to a small record label… It all makes sense now. What money and power can’t make… I’m happy for Go_A they had good stability without being in any playlist. That’s talent. Good for Måneskin, they deserve the WW success.
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