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Ms Arid Lost

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Everything posted by Ms Arid Lost

  1. I have found a few sounds that add up to 955 videos in total. Only one or two of those have recent videos. I don't think this had any impact but I'll keep an eye on it for some time.
  2. I stole it from Twitter, It was from a t-shirt design for TCB. I feel like I need to give her credit so I'll put their name somewhere . They are very talented!
  3. I haven't seen anything apart from a famous person, Bryce Hall, obsessively using a Just Dance audio on various TikTok videos It might be delusional, but I think that TCB is responsible for people "rediscovering" JD since it used to have disappointing streams for the amount of success It had back in the day unlike BR or PF.
  4. Do we know if there has been an impact on streaming? I'm on vacation and there isn't WiFi here so I haven't tuned up a lot in here and I won't be able to track it.
  5. When it turns out to be a HoG chanteuse and ends up being a panned film. REMEMBER WE HAVE TO BE HUMBLE SO IT’S THE MOVIE OF THE MILLENIUM!
  6. I don't think so, I've been searching for any viral video or sound but i haven't found a lot, just a video with a sped up version of the song with 300k+ likes that was released months ago... Perhaps there was a change in the algorithm of Spotify and now the song is suggested more? Idk, the playlist reach is stable tho, so it must be something related to that. Or Drag Race impact as @Replay has suggested...
  7. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNq6Nhnw/?k=1 I've been laughing so hard at this Shakira meme
  8. Not the Germany vs France battle again . This thread never changes.
  9. I saw TCBT yesterday and I'm impressed. I saw a Gaga with a lot of energy and excited to perform. Her vocals were magnificent. Even if there were a few things that I would have changed (related to the stage and the pre-show) I think it's safe to say this is one of the best Gaga concerts. The stage presence, the interludes and the looks were all flawless. There were some theatrical parts too, keeping that important aspect of "Gaga" in the show. She engaged a lot with the fans (at least on my date) and had some fun moments like the "strike a pose" lyric in Babylon . And It had a storyline (another "Gaga" element, tho I didn't quite catch it because of paying too much attention to the show) And last but not least, I'd like to thank @HoldMyOreos for making my stay at London very fun! I had a great time hanging out with both of you! Oh, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in the city!
  10. It should be prohibited tbh for the sake of people's safety and well-being tbh... Let's hope there isn't a lot of this happening for our date
  11. WHAT? THERE'S PEOPLE ALREADY WAITING? WTH!? @HoldMyOreos The concert is tomorrow, right?
  12. @HoldMyOreos. There is new merch too but... WELL Pricey and not that impressive in their design tbh
  13. He got angry at us for dragging Justin so now he drags Gaga
  14. Not today, Lechonkie. Y’all need to wait until the 2nd London date!
  15. Or maybe they'll be on a different line but will still enter before us? OMG I-
  16. LoveGame TikTok update (3 days): 459.821 videos (+99.465) The trend is doing around 33k videos a day, good amount of videos and, since LoveGame has been reaching new peaks as of lately, the increases should be still happening next week. Let's see!
  17. Right? I’m THE local queen. And evrybodi nos it *PATRIZIA GUCCI MODE ACTIVATED*
  18. LoveGame TikTok update: 360.356 videos *NEW SOUNDS ADDED* Since I didn't track it for a while, I'm gonna give an update tomorrow to know how much the trend is doing within 24 hours, to have a better idea of the growth, tho I think it's starting to decrease a little bit.
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