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The Fame Popster
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About nattuggla89

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  1. Spins yesterday! Z100: 8 KIIS: 12 B96: 4 KBIG-FM: 6
  2. We need the HOG route.... with initial reviews it started as ROTTEN way below 60% and increased afterwards to stay above 60% as FRESH.
  3. Tbh I think the stalling right now is pretty normal for every radio song. It probably rolls from a bigger update plus it is still a pretty new song. According to kworb it only spended 20 days so far on the daily radio charts. Songs like Birds Of The Feather and Good Luck Babe are also still gaining and they are already at 74 and 85 days respectively. Radio is just super slow in general.
  4. I wonder if there is a list of when/which Interscope Artists hit #1 on eg Pop/HAC to compare it to artists of other labels.
  5. What were the initial Callout Scores for Shallow on this List?
  6. Tbh I have the feeling that Phoenix and Todd changed and disimproved a lot about the (original) script. Some people said that a bunch of Harley's scene got cut out. Maybe they were afraid that the musical aspects and too much focus on Harley would take away the attention from Joker and this would rub the fans of the 1st movie in the wrong way.... Hence why a lot of the critics pointed out that the movie feels like a rehash of the first movie?!
  7. I am usually a very optimistic and non-dramatic person but even I have to admit that JFAD probably won't do anything during award season. I am utterly shocked, suprised and disappointed about its initial poor reception because on the paper this movie had so much more potential and advantage in comparison to ASIB and HOG and everybody thought this will be Gaga's biggest and most important role yet. But now it looks like Gaga coming from winning a lot of awards and being nominated for ASIB to winning a lot of awards but missing out on an Oscar nomination for HOG to probably not even being nominated for any big awards for JFAD as this time her role is reduced and under-used to a level that she cannot carry the movie by herself unlike in HOG. They had a lot of time to film and even more time for the post-production. And they didn't do any re-shoots which usually is a good sign for a movie. Also the praise it got from several people in the industry beforehand and even that it could premiere at Venice were all highly misleading clues that it would fare much better with critics. The biggest worry was how the musical-elements would be incorporated but it seems like the flaws are probably not about it being musical-influenced but more about the script itself. Todd really shot himself in the foot if he did not take advantage of the potential of the dynamics between Joker x Harley and Harley character development story without re-doing Jokers character development of the first movie. Of course I will watch it to see if ppls reception and the critics are on par with my opinion but yeah, it really irks me that we waited 2/3 years to realize that Gaga's role isn't that big as how it was marketed.
  8. I wonder if the secret project she was talking about could be a collab album with many different artists, established and new ones.
  9. Austrian Single Charts #34 (+11) Die With A Smile Gaga releasing LG7 single around my birthday in October?! Yes, everything is going the right way!!
  10. And when a label was unwilling to pay? A text from Zap warned the radio station not to take directions from the record company. “Please don’t let Interscope dictate anything to you,” he wrote. “They don’t pay me sh!t.” https://www.rollingstone.com/pro/features/pay-for-play-radio-texts-1067691/
  11. Radio update better be good!! Spins about yesterday: Z100: 5 KIIS: 6 B96: 4 KBIG-FM: 9
  12. Radio is always sooo laggy with new songs in the DACH region. Hopefully next week we will have more radio support here.
  13. Next stop: 4th of September - Venice 12th of September - VMAs
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