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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. The thread on GGD about all of this is WILD
  2. I certain cat might've taught me
  3. I think I might be traumatized by this Nicki performance, what is even happening? Katy sounds nice singing BTW tho.
  4. @ViviLittleM est en train de faire caca.
  5. It's hard to get anyone to respond out of the charts thread, haha. It'll take more members I think.
  6. Oops, I sent you to flop, lol. Edit: the only flop is my post.
  7. I know people think the era is over, but it's def not. More is coming, there's zero question. We'll get at least one more MV too, but I think two or three.
  8. I think any chats about that can be in the https://www.popa911.com/forums/forum/14-open-chat/ forum. Just a reminder to not drag people personally.
  9. Thanks for this post. I think it's very kind and I'm happy to have you here. I think it's so easy for people to get emotional on these forums and to read posts differently from how they were intended. We have a new start here and I think everyone should take full advantage of that. Welcome,
  10. No, in the end I think it should pass both Joanne and ARTPOP.
  11. Weekly streams update. Not too bad really. I hope we can get back to a 6-7% fall in the next week.
  12. Think ROM can stay on top through the year or do we have an Xmas
  13. Just on this. I know some people have thoughts and opinions, but we're open to all here. Remember to be kind, and I mean it. Also, as @DeanClownchestermentioned, I've had wonderful interactions with Doot in the past and buffy was my first gaga-level of stanning. Welcomeeeee Yasssss So, I think I'll start a Megarate specific forum, does that work @Andreu/ @Anveeroy. Also, I want to build the ability to handle the entire system from within the site itself. So you'd be able to select megarate as you do a poll and people would be able to fill everything out within the forums. It'll take me a few months, but would love any suggestions/ideas on what you'd like to see!
  14. Peak Gaga will be a moment my gay-stan heart will never forget
  15. I'm not sure we can really let SC count in this type of list So far you're right, haha. Preach. Click the amazon search bar and type something new!
  16. I wish we could track the White House this way, but nothing can be trusted coming out of there, sadly. This fall is going to be a messsssss
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