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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. I also debated this, here's a question for everyone: Do you prefer a sticky header on just mobile or on desktop and mobile?
  2. Haha, this has been suggested quite a bit. I will look into it, I plan on giving monthly updates on the site, so I'll have an update on this for next month. It will likely come down to a mix of technology, price and moderation.
  3. Hey all! First, thank you @Joannesrats for making this thread. As he said, I think it is very important people use the proper pronouns when referring to other users when they are listed. Please do your best to take the time to check before using another user's pronouns. I also want to thank everyone for being so supportive and kind. It is just me handling everything right now and the site blew up a bit quicker than anticipated, but I'm super grateful for it. Couple quick notes: I am going to be revising the Guidelines to be much more specific about what's unacceptable behavior and how the warning point system works. I'll make a stacked thread for it as well. People make mistakes, of course, but using the wrong pronouns will give points starting with the second offense. The warning policy overall will give everyone one point-free warning for any specific offense if it seems the transgression was not intentional. Right now, the hover info on a user does not include pronouns, but I will be editing that this week so it does, so it's easier to check one's pronouns if they've listed them. After some of this is sorted out, I will begin the process of recruiting a few mods. In the meantime, please bare with me as I do have a rather hectic job too, so I can't be online as often as I likely should. That said, I have the most faith in this community. Anyone who would like to make suggestions/requests/bug reports for popa911 can create a thread in the technology forum with the 'popa911' or 'suggestion' tags, depending on what they need. I think having one centralized thread right now is a great idea @Nino, so I've made one here: Thanks all, stay kind!
  4. Hey all, I saw a request from @Ninoand a few others to have thread for suggestions and feedback on the website. I think that's a great idea so please use this space to make suggestions or requests. The site got very big, very fast, so do please bare with me as I work through a growing list of tasks to complete with the site. Thank you to everyone for staying so kind and positive as well. Edit: Mentioned this below, but I'm going to do monthly updates starting in November that's a bit like this list below. Updates on what's happening with the site and what features are upcoming. Also, maybe polls to see what changes people want. A couple notes on some things coming over the next week in loose order: A revised homepage that primarily sorts items by forum category (Lady Gaga, Pop Music and Community). Two new forums under Community: Kindness and News & Politics. Revised guidelines which much more specifically outline what is unacceptable behavior and how it will be handled. Some extra visibility into a user's pronouns when hovering a user's highlighted name. Some new emojis Apps to bring in some mods. There's a lot going on with just me watching over everything, so I will need some help. The main objective here is to find people who are passionate about our community and equally passionate about instilling kindness and inclusivity with sound judgement. As we all know, being a mod is not an easy job and it's easy to make mistakes. Mistakes are ok, but failing the community and leaving anyone feeling unprotected, unwelcome or discriminated against is not. Thanks all, happy to you have you here.
  5. I love video and board games. I play most Nintendo titles, but really I spent like 90% of my time playing Hearthstone cause I love it.
  6. admin

    New forums

    I'm going to add a few more options for posting, but they will likely be restricted for 'New Popsters' - so that should open up once you've spent a little time on the site.
  7. admin

    New forums

    I don't think that's currently possible, but I'll look into it.
  8. The best thing posted today. Chartsters, don’t disappoint me. Fun Tonight IS THAT SONG from Chromatica. We should pray Interscope forces Gaga to release it.
  9. Keep suggesting emojis - both emotions/people/animals and specific gigs/pics. Just please don't be offended if yours doesn't make it, it's a tricky process .
  10. admin

    New forums

    Hmm. Do you think we should have one 'Science and News' Section to cover science, politics, and such? I'm open to suggestions :D
  11. Hmm, excellent question. Seems likely.
  12. Perfect Illusion was created to separate Gaga fans with taste and those without. Edit: Taste = Loving Perfect Illusion.
  13. Been waiting for someone to make this thread. Bey is unparalleled and we're lucky to be alive to experience her (never mind her and my supreme, Gaga). PS. I think Black Parade is ICONIC and should've smashed this year.
  14. I've oddly never looked in the booklet on any of my copies, but I'm going to go ahead and say probably not, lol.
  15. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    Should be fixed PS. I'll play too
  16. Omg that's amazing, who is it (if you want to say). I was canvassing for AOC this past week and it felt so good (even if I registered a Republican first time voter, oops). OT: I studied comp sci and theatre and now work in comp sci. Def study what you love, even if that's not the only thing you focus on.
  17. omg, I think about this almost daily, lol He's an actual dream. Stream Wonder
  18. I REALLY love Venus and Gypsy
  19. I think it's almost impossible it's Richy. So pls don't drag him. Also, who knows if this account is accurate.
  20. I'm not going to lie, I didn't really know Kylie until last year when I saw her at Brighton Pride and was like WOW, what an ICON. Wish I grew up listening to her. So much respect
  21. Of course, you're an angel.
  22. I had the same struggle. I made this site because a bunch of us from the old Charts thread had an outside space to stay connected. I really, really loved GGD (and still love a lot of it). But things change and now that we have a new site, we can do better and foster the same community with more kindness and awareness. And games, of course.
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