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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. No sadly. One day. Usually they're non-stary themes, this was the first scary, ha.
  2. Haha, I'm a little crazy. I form a committee each year to do it with me (aka like 2-3 friends/roommates), pick a theme at the latest, about 6 months out. Plan for 4 and then build and prepare for 2. My invitations are also entirely different each year and little puzzles to the theme for the year. Each year about 1-4 people guess the theme in advance. They're not easy and super misleading, ha.
  3. I almost feel lame picking Bad Romance, but facts are facts America
  4. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    @SLAG- Whatcha doing? You can go to your inbox and see messages to Doot? Can you see if he has read or unread them and the time and date (this is for you to check @Doot, more than me).
  5. Pretty close. My list for Angel: 4 3 5 2 1
  6. My last Halloween party was Us. More pics and details in the spoiler.
  7. Ok fave seasons now, ha: Season 3 Season 5 Season 2 Season 4 Season 7 Season 1 Season 6 (I love a lot of things in the season, but overall, it is a MESS).
  8. Also, the account she posted about the pizza is really cute and clever. I wonder if she donated a bunch of money to them.
  9. Chromatica could never, obsessed. Are these on tiktok too?
  10. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    Same, but I almost picked mine cause it was so good, had to double check it was mine, ha.
  11. I’m so excited. I would guess this is the single or album. Sounds sorta like an album title to me (maybe both). Not as exciting as Gaga murdering a pumpkin to tease Stupid Love tho.
  12. @blue- you nailed it on the head, but I also think that’s a fair point you make @Timmers. This does vary compared to some other forums in that warning points last a lot longer because I think more serious offenses should have a more serious consequence without quickly getting someone banned. I think I can separate those and lower the consequence a bit. I’ll make that change in the coming week. If it’s an issue, I’ll change it again later. Thank you both!
  13. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    Don't worry [skeleton] king
  14. So many things I’m sure. I’ve def bought several pieces of clothing I’ve yet to touch. Also some games I’ve played essentially once: Paper Mario, Crusader Kings III, probably others.
  15. He’s pretty cute, but don’t think his style vibes with my tastes. He can def take me on a date tho.
  16. AHS, I agree with the others at her acting filmography, I wouldn't include the sopranos, but would include the Simpsons.
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :shine:

    1. calmar


      Thank you! :romance:

  18. What movies y'all watching this month? I'm trying to watch all new movies. Here's my ordered list so far: Creep 2 (Netflix) Host (Shudder) What Keeps you Alive (Netflix) Creep (Netflix - realized I had actually seen it before, so sorta skimmed through) A Tale of Two Sisters The House of the Devil 1BR (Netflix) Vivarium
  19. They should remake this movie only with Gaga songs honestly.
  20. A really great question. We should refrain from posting explicit nudity that Gaga posts, but otherwise that is all fine. We know Gaga loves showing her butt.
  21. They’d only get a nom cause of the transition hype, so makes sense to choose this. I do think it’s my favorite, but unsure if that’s solely because of the transition or not.
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