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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. The way I've submitted the opposite
  2. Don't make me bring the flop react back
  3. I also forgot about the noise and had my headphones in and turned up when I popped one and I YELPED Anywho, I still can't handle Judas out streaming Bad Romance - it's wild.
  4. Let's be hesitant to drag others, esp based on their sexuality (whatever it is). And let's not devolve into an artist drag fest. Let's focus on Gaga and her holiday winnings.
  5. That one moment really did me in.
  6. Yeah, I had just forgotten. I have a very terrible memory. Random fact: I have aphantasia - so I often need to be visually reminded or things. Iโ€™ll need to go back and check out the ending to remember how I felt about it. Most discussed, wow. Iโ€™ve become a diehard Jordan Peele fan over the past decade.
  7. NVM, I have seen it, ahahaha. It was good, I don't think I loved the ending tho.
  8. Wait how has everyone seen and loved Malignant but me. I will watch this Xmas period. My fave horror of the year has been Barbarian. I really liked Pearl and to a lesser extend X as well.
  9. This thread found dead in a ditch: All hail our little legend leader. I will not tag you with whatever that new name is
  10. I see your point, but the vibe of the site is what it is. Charts encompasses essentially everything because that's where people go. We'll see what changes in the future, but we will not be forcing charts-only chats at this time.
  11. I love this song. I play it whenever I have people over, but not one ever comments, lol. You have to be the change you desire. We are a forum built on chart folk and that's where most of the convo lives. Won't be changing the name of this main thread tho unless there are lots of people posting in other threads, maybe like @little legend's I can't believe you had to ask this . Thank you @BenG
  12. I donโ€™t pay enough attention to her numbers, but thatโ€™s interesting and unfortunate. I think itโ€™s less the fraudulence and now just that it was exclusive. Adele also suffered by keeping 25 of for so long. Itโ€™ll be interesting to see what happens with R, I love it and I think itโ€™ll hold better than her last albums due to its release and quality (even tho I prefer Bey and Lemonade).
  13. Rihanna can sing, Iโ€™ve seen her live and she was great. She has written some songs, but regardless - there is a taste level to her selection of songs and her performances. Donโ€™t take away all of someone like Rihannaโ€™s achievements just cause sheโ€™s not as good as some others. This is absurd. Lol. Bey is a FORCE. Almost everyone has influences, thereโ€™s no shame in that. Midnights deserves. Hmm. Bey was and is huge. Her songs may not be for you, but she has an unbelievable catalog that many, many of us appreciate and stream. Honestly, I hear about her last three albums much more than Gagaโ€™s among the GP. Letโ€™s see if Bloody Mary can help fix that along with ASIB. *takes notes* Lemme being back the flop emote. Send me me in a DM what you want and Iโ€™ll add it tomorrow.
  14. It's not his fault, but a hard reset makes the most sense - totally agree. He'll still be got and rich and I think there are plenty of interesting people who can wear the cape. I'd love someone not white. We have enough white Supermans.
  15. I think I might actually remove color options, but I thought alignment was already in there, oops! I primarily use dark mode and people often post things that are black and I think it would be a bit simpler to just keep all text the same color. Open to various thoughts tho. And yes, please bump!
  16. I've been playing since forever, but I've only put in a few hours into the new game so far. I've been feeling Poke-fatigue for the past few gens and it's only been increasing. I was hoping the two games this year would've made me fall in love again, but so far, it has not. Wait, let's do OG starter:
  17. Some people here have heard this, but Christmas Tree was the song that made me like Gaga I've taken away the restriction for now for new members. React away. But yes, normally there are restrictions for newer members that slowly go away as you become a larger part of the community.
  18. I feel Edge of Glory deserves another orbit around the sun tbh. Non single my vote would go to Babylon, Replay or Diamond Heart.
  19. Where's the video campaign? I need a video campaign me thinks.
  20. I agree and know we need a serious retcon of the whole site tbh. Will start considering new mods next week and I've reserved the week around Xmas to spend a lot of time on the site. Will post later, but not until I'm sure I have the time and things ready. I can't keep posting empty promises Happy to see some new folks, welcome!
  21. This is all true, but there is really no way HMH is winning the Oscar or GG. Just cast that out of your mind to avoid disappointment. She'll win this Oscar again in the future, but this year isn't it.
  22. My sorta busted Apple Music pics. I'll update it again when the year actually ends tho.
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