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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Oo. Ok. Do one more reminder tomorrow pls ps. Working on something to give things like this a more permanent visible location :)
  2. I didn’t love the transitions in the video, but I’ll watch again after I listen to the song a few more times and can understand what she’s saying, haha.
  3. I disagree. Biden was never anywhere near my choice, but both in his speeches and now in the debate he does cut through with his ideals and his objectives as president. I think he’s doing a great job, relatively.
  4. Omg Final Presidential Election
  5. Ok, who else is watching, @Timmers? I'm so nervous, I might eat multiple pints of ice cream during. I hope that Biden gets to speak, is confident and sounds like the man he is. I hope Trump doesn't have a weird about-face where he sounds strong and normal - but I don't want him to ruin it again either. UGH.
  6. Ideally early next week. I wanted to do it this week, but got too caught up with real life things.
  7. I'm legit shook Garth only puts music on Amazon Music. Like how much are they paying him for that. Someone ping our 3k sales of SL friend and get some stats.
  8. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    Wanted to apologize for the messaging errors, I am going to file a bug report to Invision. I see @HeavyMetalLover sent a message at 4:29pm on Tuesday oct 20 that wasn't delivered. If anyone else could give met the timestamps in which they sent a message that never arrived, that would be great! Also, @Doot - is it possible you're out of messaging space? Cause that's something I think I can fix if so. Lastly, my picks are almost surely going to get me eliminated, but know that I put in excellent choices, thank you
  9. I'm very excited, she's going to SERVE.
  10. Dec 11 PS. You should add birthdays into your profile and the site will list them when they come up! Also, I am adding new fields there every few weeks or so, do check back. Features will be added there as well!
  11. Another reminder. The topic of women having chart success over 50 is both and interesting and deserving of discussion. But don't drag artists or other people. When you have the urge to fight, don't. Stay kind and move on (and maybe ignore a user, if you'd like).
  12. I always thought this sounded insane, but it was a cute idea. Made more sense as a YouTube project or something rather than a standalone $5 a month service though. Too bad.
  13. Happy International Pronouns Day. What're everyone's pronouns, even if you've listed them on your profile? I'm he/him/his and have very fortunately never had to deal with any issues with that. Some useful graphics some of my friends shared today in the spoiler
  14. Hmm, I am going to be adding in the next few weeks the ability to make the top header persistent, would that sorta achieve the same thing? or would you rather go back to, say, the top post of a topic page?
  15. I wonder if they'll give half of the Nov event to Mac and half to TV+ cause they haven't really given it any time this year, never mind this half of the year.
  16. Listening now, truly never in my life heard it before. It's crazy how local all of our lives are sometimes. Anyway, -life
  17. What're we expecting day one? ROM opened with 10,193,167; I think this will do about 12-13.
  18. I mean, two things. One, is they pushed two songs, neither of which took off like they hoped. At the end of the day, you cannot force a hit. People blame payola and endless promotion, but truly, a hit becomes a hit because people like it. Sometimes, you need lots of promo/radio/tik tok for a song to get noticed and become a hit - but a real hit becomes one because people really like it. Stupid love had really good streams at the start, just like Chromatica. Gaga could've done more and it would've helped, but I don't think it would've made a massive difference. Also, ROM is a hit, to be clear. Lastly, this entire year is f'd and I don't think we should constantly blame Gaga for not having the ideal rollout she/her team/we would have wanted. Could she have done more, sure. But I'm not very into blaming anyone for their actions during this year (except people in power).
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