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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. The album didn't flop. It did OK. It wasn't a re-peak, sure. And I know you just don't mean charts, but I really love the album and videos (so far) and that's not a flop to me. We'll have more too. Yes to @paradox - the year flopped.
  2. FM for me. But it's basically both. It was the bridge and transcends any era.
  3. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    I submitted before Tuesday and ma v happy I did so.
  4. Hi all, today is the final day of voting in the US. Discuss anything election related. This process may stretch on for many days as votes are tabulated. I’m working the polls in Queens all day, literally for 17 hours , so I won’t be on today. Pray for a Biden win . Nytimes info here: https://www.nytimes.com/news-event/2020-election
  5. They’re this Sunday? I sorta doubt it, but lettuce pray.
  6. She's trying to help save the country. People need to chile. Love Yoü and I, should be one of her most famous songs. Sounded so good. I did feel personally attacked when she cut Shallow short though, lol
  7. I wonder if we missed Gaga's speech with the delay...
  8. I'm trying to avoid the rumors - but I expect a MacBook, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. Go all out.
  9. I love our girl, but I hope Trump loses because he is DESTROYING AMERICA AND THE WORLD.
  10. I can't imagine there being any reason to push something like this during the Vote eta. Maybe in a week or two. This sounds incredible. Is it real? Cause wow.
  11. Pretty good, happy for her. We're also in the middle of the most contentious election of the modern era while Covid continues to explode throughout the US. These numbers, without bundles, are amazing.
  12. I've said it before and I'll repeat again. This song made me fall for Gaga at a Christmas in July drag show in 2009. I wasn't a fan of Just Dance, but saw two v cute drag queens perform this and was blown away. Plus, later on, I hooked up with one of those very cute drag queens (out of drag) - so this song had QUITE the impact on me :D. Also, it's great and haters can burn
  13. Hi popsters! Mod applications are up and can be found here: https://forms.gle/hHjTja8csP4DfH5p9. It requires a Google account to complete. Side note, we now have an official Discord! Please follow the same rules you do on this site if you use it. https://discord.gg/N4SGjFF7Sa Everyone is welcome to apply if you're interested. Only a few people will be brought in right now since we're so small, so please don't take offense if you apply and don't get accepted during this first round. There are three roles we'll be onboarding: Mod - Professional and rational voice for the entire community. Manage topics, moderate posts, help users and keep POPa911 a kind/inclusive place for all. Community leader - Kindness and creativity leader. Pin, feature and merge threads; report problems and help define our community. Gaming leader - A gaming guru who wants to help manage and run our megarates, create a label and any other type of community game! Applications will close on Thursday, Nov 5th. If you have any questions feel fee to DM me!
  14. GOOD. Wonder if she'll do any Chromatica tbh. Maybe Free Woman?
  15. Happy Halloween Popsters :jack-grin:  

    Hope y’all had amazing days and spooky nights. 

  16. Truly stunning. Don't forget, for album 6 & year 12, we're doing amazing. Cheers Chartsters
  17. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    @DeanClownchester- Do what's right.
  18. Oh wow. I guess you can’t. I’ll edit that next week. Looks like it has to be via desktop rn :(
  19. Weekly reminder to stay kind and hit the ignore button on people who annoy you. If I have to close this thread one more time, I-
  20. The double attack, lol. The album is growing on me quickly. Tomorrow I'll post a list like this.
  21. Welcome, we discuss lots of charts and play a lot of games
  22. I JUST finished and I really liked the second half a lot more than the first half. Going to listen again as I fall asleep. Positions is also really growing on me within the whole album.
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