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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. I love Miley and this slays. Wonder what Liam thinks.
  2. When I'm out for a while I just skip and go back like 5-10 pages. If it's just a few days or maybe a week I'll read through. I often have to read through for reports anyway, cause y'all be problematic sometimes
  3. Congrats! I'm a quarter Filipino and WISH I spoke Tagalog. But my grandpa had zero interest in teaching his kids or us, haha. Sounds really great.
  4. This ended me I also think this is almost for sure. I think we'll get an album in the fall and a tour either spring/summer 2024 OR a focus on Vegas and a tour in 2025 after Joker. This is SO CUTE. Oops, dead again
  5. Thank you @corvus albus for being so on top of things, I look forward to you becoming a mod soon. Everyone, please be nice. I don't care if you dislike a certain artist or even a user. Just get over it. Don't be a jerk, don't bring up serious health issues artists or users deal with. Don't inflame for reactions. This is basic stuff and many of you can do better. The site was fine with less people, we can ban more.
  6. I don't think there's any point in doing much of anything before Xmas. Let's see what happens after. Either way, this has been so random and great.
  7. Gaga reading this forum rn while taking notes with a stylus on the trackpad. Classic Gaga
  8. As hard as I Stan Buffy and SMG, I couldn't bring myself to try and watch a single episode of this show. Honestly, now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've seen her in ANYTHING since Buffy. Mess
  9. Those were the days tbh Yeah, I think we can slowly get back to doing this. If there's anything to pin post xmas
  10. None of this @Swallow and @Instant Take it to DM, or better yet, don't waste your efforts.
  11. Welcome folks. Can't wait til y'all post so much this site falls apart too And ofc, post anywhere. Unlike some sites, we don't block people because they post elsewhere too. Live your life, just be kind and stream Bloody Mary.
  12. Ok base: When we getting LG7? My guess is lead single Sept 2023 and album last week or first week of Nov. Tour Spring / Summer 2024 before Joker.
  13. I spit up at this It was a different platform and they were dark days. With two members mostly just talking back and forth together, lol. Man of the people. I think Barbie will actually do pretty well if the movie is actually good, which, based on the creative team, I think it will be. Avatar will not flop. It won't smash like the first, but it's going to be massive all the same.
  14. Let me know if you hit any blockers tho, I can always take a look
  15. React restrictions are temporarily removed, but typically it's 100 reactions a day for a new member and 150 for "The Popster." Otherwise, differences are mild as you progress through the Gaga groups. Enjoy each era!
  16. The way I've submitted the opposite
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