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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Yasssss, if I could, I'd bake a cake
  2. Friends sent me this last night and I SCREAMED. She's such an icon, wish she was running for one of those Senate seats.
  3. I still think we're going to get more performances and videos, just much slower. I would be surprised if we got nothing before the holidays, but I think she'll give us more towards the spring as they ramp up for the tour (if it happens). They care way more now about ticket sales than 8k units a week.
  4. admin

    PopA911 Feud

    Hmm, ok, I'll try to do this later this week. Update the deadline on the first post :D
  5. Very impressed. I usually skip previews but am jealous.
  6. PS. I've never seen Polar Express - cause the graphics were creepy, should I watch?
  7. It deserves tbh. Truly tho, pov feels instantly classic to me. Truly love it. She really put out a great record.
  8. If 1000 doves was released as the next single I would FINALLY agree with all the folks who constantly attack Gaga and Interscope's team. Typically, I think we just don't really know too much and should Chile. But that? That would be ABSURD.
  9. The first song was fine, but the second song was stunning after 3 seconds so I turned it off and I'll wait to hear it on stage, haha. Lol to them thinking it'll open in April tho.
  10. Yeah, it's older than that. I'll ask my cousin, maybe she remembers. It was semi-scarring as a young child, haha. That said, I'm sure it was TERRIBLE.
  11. Wow, I haven't seen any movies so far mentioned. For me, I thought Creep 2 was pretty good. There was some horror movie, that is likely terrible, that I watched as a kid where two kids get stuck inside a video game and something in the game is trying to kill them. I have tried googling it, but just can't find it. Anyone know? Sound familiar? Must've come out in the 90s.
  12. My fave Xmas movie is one like three people have seen, The Ref: Followed by: Nightmare Before Christmas Grinch (original) Carol Jingle All the Way Muppet Christmas Carol Santa Clause
  13. Hmm, so far I have gotten: Signed CD (plus a similarly 'signed' replacement) jock briefs 'Shipped' 6 days ago, but FedEx claims they haven't even gotten it yet: Free Woman blanket VMA shirt Haven't heard a thing: Sweatpants (I think I regret this purchase, lol) Signed poster
  14. I’ll clarify this in the main post too. Anyone is open to start a game or megarate. However, we will likely start a schedule in the future for megarates just so people don’t overlap or fight over a new album or anything. Outside of that, if people need any help with anything, they can reach out to a gaming leader.
  15. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    When I saw everyone picked the joker I was sure I was out. 😅 omg. I’m literally not sure I’ve seen any “stoner” films.
  16. It won’t be intensive, don’t worry. The schedule will just help with people not overlapping on times or subject. Also not an issue we have at all at the moment. Ha
  17. 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿 Time for 60 more, get to work popsters.
  18. Wow. I am shocked. I assumed she wouldn’t win anything. I forgot this was happening tbh. She’s just so legendary.
  19. I think so! Might just dm a leader if you need anything. I think it’s likely we might set up a schedule too in the future, but probably no rush on that.
  20. Hello all! I would like to introduce you all to our first Gaming Leaders on Popa911. @Breathin @KatieJudasGaga4 @Lorde Von Kok @PETTY Congrats on these very excellent folk who will be helping drive our gaming forward! You likely know them all for various games they have already hosted, but if not, get excited for new and exciting games on their way. Community games are something I plan to invest quite some time in so they have been moved into their own section: Games. It has the following sections, for now: Megarates - for all megarates and ceremonies Games - for all other games including +/-, vs., etc. Create a Label - starting soon One note for all, please try to use the correct tag with games and to also change a topic's tags when a game or ceremony is finished. All tags have a 'finished' version to be used when a megarate is closed for replies, when a ceremony is over, when a game is finished or if a game hasn't had replies in over a week. Our Leaders will also keep an eye on that to re-tag as needed. There is a new section to the site coming at the end of the month named 'Discover.' This section will be highlighting featured content from around the website, in particular games! Keeping games up-to-date on this page will require proper tagging (and featuring by our Gaming Leader crew). Ideally, this will be a place to shine a focus on exciting and fresh content along with evergreen and official threads. Much more to come in the future, including info on Community Leaders in the next few days and then Mods by the end of the week! Thanks!
  21. Yeah, I know people really want more emojis. They’re the next item post mods!
  22. Variants on designs will definitely come, but likely not any time too soon. That's more a 6 month plan. That said, dark mode is something I'd like to get up and running by the end of the year!
  23. Truly iconic. Still absolutely love this song. Deserves all its success.
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