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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Ok, I am NOT sold by this. I mean, I hope it's good, buttttt
  2. Dunno how this never occurred to me, but I suppose it's pretty obvious, ha.
  3. admin

    The Fame Monster +/-

    I knew I'd come in here and be depressed... anyway Alejandro: 28 Monster: 32 Speechless: 34 (+) Dance in the Dark: 102 So Happy I Could Die: 34 (-)
  4. I'm a bit busy at work today, but am reading some of the M1 Mac reviews and they are INSANE. The performance and battery life is unreal. I am BLOWN away. I might buy one in two years with the M3X and a brand new design. One quote: "Basically, the $5000 iMac Pro I bought three years ago has been humbled by a $999 MacBook Air and a $699 Mac mini. This is real life. This is where we are now." https://sixcolors.com/post/2020/11/m1-macs-review/
  5. I SCREAMED. Also, I was gone for the past like 5 days, how did Kylie do both UK and elsewhere. But mostly UK.
  6. If King @Gypsy Life is this into the game, I'm in too.
  7. PS I did just buy this and am VERY excited https://www.casetify.com/product/DqoEU_pikachu---sleepy-stripe/apple-watch/saffiano-leather-watchband-v4#/943401
  8. I can't wait to see the real-world use of the Air and Pro. The fan honestly should make a pretty big difference in SOME instances, and all those are pretty pro (aside from gaming). So I'm interested. MORE interested in the other pros and iMac. The reporting so far on performance have been SUPER promising. On Big Sur, I REALLY love it. I've been waiting for a universal version of Messages, and it really delivers. As for the design, I think it's beautiful and fits in perfectly with iOS (which makes sense considering how influential it has been). Overall, good times. Anyone buy the mini? I feel once I use it, I'm really going to want one. My next Apple purchase, however, will probably be the new iPad Pro with the mini-LED screen in the spring/summer.
  9. My blanket and MTV shirt arrived and it's great for cuddling in post-surgery, haha.
  10. Hello popsters! It’s taken me a while to finalize our team and I am sorry! Considering the smaller size of our community right now, I was shook to see so many people submit applications. It’s so exciting and promising that so many of you want to be involved and join the team here as we start looking to the future. There’s a lot to do and the future is bright; all the people I’m about to name are going to help us bring this community to the next level. I really do want to thank everyone who applied who did not make it onto the team at this moment. The applications were all wonderful and I strongly encourage everyone to apply again next time. Mods The mod role is intended to keep our community full of kindness and to protect every single person on the forum. Not just the people who vocalize their concerns with a report, but to spot situations where people are being unkind, attacking others or otherwise degrading the experience of being here. They’re here to protect the diversity of our community without hesitation. You have all, hopefully, seen the guidelines, and the mod team will be using that as their guide. Together, the mods and and I will work on improving these guidelines and getting them into top shape - so do expect changes to come there. These mods have shown an overwhelming ability to be kind and professional. We cannot have an inclusive, kindness-first community without mods who are honest, capable and earnest. Online communication is really tricky, what one person finds funny or unimportant can break another’s spirit. It’s a really tough job to be a mod and a very human one. So don’t forget that. We’re all in this together. I could easily go on, but let me instead present our mod team: @corvus albus @Dirkje @SLAG Community leaders The community leaders are here to help figure out where and how we move this community forward. They will be helping with managing threads, featuring and pinning topics and helping me figure out what to promote on the site once I redo the the promotional banner and add our new Discover page. However, the bigger goal, and the reason this group is a bit larger than the rest, is that these leaders are going to help me figure out what the site needs. This will come from listening to you all, and how you use the site, as well as from personal messages you might have with them. They’ll also work with me on broader directions and projects to work on. A sample of the current projects that are in the pipeline for the rest of this year: Enhancements to recognize mods, community leaders and gaming leaders within the forums. More, more emojis A new ‘Team’ page that permanently highlights all our team members. Some expansions of profiles and hover pop ups Pinning the header bar (if you want to) A new promotional banner A ‘Discover’ page that highlights key featured content throughout he site (items featured from our great teams) The next items on this list will likely come from our community leaders and from you. Some of the team will also help me handle some of the social media and Discord management I don’t have the time to dedicate. All in all, these folk are going to be improving the community and leading us boldly into the future. Do not hesitate to reach out to them if ever have any questions, concerns or ideas. Our wonderful community leaders: @Joannesrats @kaelergrey @Modern Ecstasy2 Gaming leaders Our gaming leaders will not only help host their own wonderful community games, but also assist any one else running games. Moving forward, likely in the new year, we’ll create a calendar for people to sign up for certain times and reserve certain projects for megarates. Likewise, they will help keep games with proper tags open and closed in order to keep the ‘Discover’ page up-to-date when it launches. Like the rest of our team members, our gaming leaders are here to help you and to look to the future on how we can create a better gaming community with even more features. If you ever have any gaming questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to any of these wonderful people: @Breathin @KatieJudasGaga4 @Lorde Von Kok @PETTY That is our team and I couldn’t be more excited or grateful to have you all here. Please congratulate and celebrate all the wonderful people contributing to popa911! We are still a pretty tiny community, which shall grow, but there’s lots to do and lots to figure out and I’m happy to not do it all alone. It’s a pretty tough year between covid, politics and our personal lives - so everything takes time and we’re not in a rush to a quick finish. This is a long term endeavor and I hope you all stay with us on the journey. - admin
  11. Coming back and seeing this thread made me lol. But there are a lot of really smart and kind answers in here. That said, I've tried very hard to be better at washing my sheets and stuff once a month. people say every two weeks, but I can only do so much. Otherwise, I think I shower, wash my hands, etc. too often tbh.
  12. This better happen. Doesn't have to be right now, but I want it. Someone call Kendrick too - they need to collab and actually release a song.
  13. I'd put these responses in spoilers :D
  14. Mostly scripts and plays. But the past year, off and on, I've been working on a queer horror anthology podcast/short story thing. Haha. We'll see if I ever finish it.
  15. Just a heads up popsters. I am having low-key surgery in the morning, so I'll be out of commission at least the whole day/some of the weekend. I'll be fine, it's not a big deal, but just try not to blow the place up while I'm away :kiss:.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lavenderblondee


      Hoping for a fast recovery and feeling better than you did before! :kiss:

      I will try NOT burn the place down, but I can't make any promises...


    3. admin


      I'm back and I'm doing ok! Thank you all so much. My mother has stopped panicking, haha.

    4. Gone


      Fantastic to hear you are thriving!

  16. admin

    PopA911's Movie Trio

    OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE I WON. I won't watch most of these movies, lol
  17. PS I'm a bit swamped this week, so it'll likely have to be this weekend for community leaders and mods, sorry friends! Especially to @BadGurlMadgewho waits patiently, ha.
  18. I used to write a lot, now I write occasionally. Ha.
  19. Wow, shook that ARTPOP came out on top, but honestly, that song is unreal. I don't get it at all, but I love it. Congrats on another excellent megarate @Anveeroy
  20. Honestly, a Kylie and Gaga collaboration is what the world deserves after this terrible year. That and Gadelle. Make it happen. I still get sad sometimes thinking about when Kelly Clarkson said she wanted to work with Gaga, but never got anything from it.
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