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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Y’all. Why are people trying to ruin my birthday? Seriously, the amount of reports and attacks are insane. There are users who report the people they dislike when clearly not appropriate. There are people who can’t help but find every way to try and subtlety drag the artists they don’t like. The team is trying to be as kind to everyone as possible and give people benefit of the doubt and I think they’ve done an incredible job. That said, I think we’ve gone past a reasonable level of acceptance here. I’m sick of people dragging Taylor Swift because they don’t like her. Keep it to yourself and do not post. I really mean it. I’m sick of people reporting clearly humorous references of fadga or traumatica. We all love Gaga here, and yes sometimes people go too far, but we’re not monsters and we’re not without ability to differentiate an actual drag or attack. This is a community that requires interacting with people that have opinions you may not like. You can always ignore them (even on mobile) and you can let it go or give them a shot. Do report when appropriate, but if people keep make erroneous reports, we’re going to have a talk with you. Stop relentlessly dragging people. Don’t you dare make flippant posts about race or gender ever. That is entirely unacceptable, I don’t care what your joke might be. Stop reporting people because you don’t like them. We’ve hit a thousand pages so I think maybe it’s time to start a new official thread for the Oreo era. You can do that in an hour. To me @Miaou is owed the start, but if y’all have discussed and picked someone else, that’s fine. I’m going to be personally watching the new thread closely and I’m going to ask my wonderful mods to hold off on making decisions immediately so I can come in and review as well. @Twitter / @Bakugo / @SLAG / @Dirkje. They’re honestly nicer than I am and a very select number of people in this thread need a bit more tough love. Thanks all, see you in the new charts home. Be kinder.
  2. You are all SO SWEET! I appreciate you all so much and this made me smile endlessly. I’ve had a shockingly busy day and am so exhausted. Catch up tomorrow, except you with @BenG😋. Never let me eat dessert again
  3. Off topic: But every time you post this gif I fall a bit more in love with that man (or you? Who knows). OT: I think Evermore will launch US first week with 690,000 units.
  4. Couldn't agree with all of this more. In particular number 3. The blame and hate that's passed at Gaga and her team is so unfair. We all want more, but we don't know the story and honestly, we act far too entitled in general in Stan culture. I'm so happy we got such an incredible album this year, some great performances, two great music videos, an amazing voting era, Oreos and that she raised over 125 million dollars to fight the pandemic. And we know she's filming or about to film some movies. There's a lot to love and appreciate.
  5. Yeah, the hype for this album never really materialized. I'm a pretty big Mendes fan and liked the song Wonder, but in this wild year, he just didn't stand out for me either. I only listened to the album once so far, I'll give it another shot in the new year. Well, it's a super old song she's featured on. This has nothing to do with her, lol. Not to mention she just put out a great (to me and many others) album everyone is focused on. I don't see how she couldn't do this. Seems like a forgone conclusion. Well, first of all, Taylor is both super popular and talented. She makes amazing music and she writes it herself. You don't have to love her music, but don't drag her talents just because they don't align with your tastes. She and Beyonce get noms they have earned. I honestly could see Taylor winning AOTY, she probably won't, but I think she's competitive in everything she's up for except probably Cardigan - although I do think Dua should/will win Pop album.
  6. Oh wow, did you see that, for at least some videos, she's replaced the preview image with an ad for the upcoming album. This was the video for Cornelia Street I posted last night:
  7. I am honestly SHOOK. Can't wait, Folklore is so incredible. I just can't imagine being Taylor Swift, lol. Neither as a person nor as a fan, what a world. lol. I hope no one else was releasing tomorrow.
  8. Imma keep away from watching and trailers or even looking up which queens are involved cause I love watching the first episode and knowing nothing at all. So I'll be back to discuss RP13 in the new year!
  9. I love this album, and this song is a true highlight. I spent last summer in London and this song was basically my anthem once it was released. My fave song of the album tho:
  10. You're a treasure, so happy you're here with us
  11. I have great tickets to Boston and NJ (mostly Boston) and I REFUSE to not go. It CANNOT be canceled. I will punch every Trumper in America who refuses to get a damn vaccine.
  12. I'm going to love all three of these performances so much.
  13. Wait, didn't she just put out an album? Or was that delayed and this is that album?
  14. Nope, that's not the logic. But I think it's fair to say that discussion will happen with every movie she plays a major roll in. Don't forget, part of the appeal of Gaga is that she is this musical titan and now she has Shallow forever. Every studio will likely WANT Gaga to be involved with the soundtrack, if not to create a song knowing it could be massive (which helps the movie, Gaga and the label). Don't forget Gaga's creativity is always partially rooted in music as well and the idea that she would want to create music to dive into her character or the movie itself is very sensible. I'm not saying it will happen, but it's neither pathetic nor foolish. The only foolish action would be to not consider it because she wants to be taken seriously as an actress. She's already passed that test.
  15. @MiKEY - Still waiting on the other eras
  16. I think discussing issues like race and racist rhetoric/behavior which is pronounced in online communities is important and something that should be at the forefront of everyone's minds and intentions. That said, I'm not sure posting threads like this from that site is very useful. I don't want to attack other sites or bring drama from them into the forum here. One thing we're committed to here is not letting the unnecessary toxicity or drama from places like twitter or that site infect this one too. Simply, we strive to be better.
  17. It's so real tho. Me putting my money into this site
  18. I know many people think she will focus just on her acting, I disagree. I think that is the focus and obviously the main goal, but I still think she'll do at least one song for the soundtrack, if not more/produce it. You might have done this actually.
  19. Love this. The camera work / soundtrack are also excellent. I won't go through my whole house, but I will post a pic of the top part of my desk, which describes pretty accurately, ha.
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